Maps of Power


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Mentioned in the Lesnovski pomenik, a compilation of commemorations from the 16th to 18th century based on older sources. The terminus post quem for the entry regarding the family of the Despot Ioannes Liberos (᾿Ιωάννης Λίβερος, Jovan Oliver) is 1353. He was the son of Ioannes Liberos (᾿Ιωάννης Λίβερος, Jovan Oliver) and Maria Liberissa (Μαρία Λιβέρισσα, Ana Marija,). His uncle was Mpogdanos (Μπογδάνος, Bogdan). He was the brother of Kraikos (Κράϊκος, Krajko), Damianos (Δαμιανός, Damjan), Dabiživь, Rusinь, Oliverь and Danica. He is attested in the Lesnovo pomenik along with his family as a ktitor (Poměni, gospodi, blagočьstivyihь ktitorь našihь vь carstvi si: Olivera děspota, i podružie Mariju, i čeda ihь: Dьnicu, Kraika, Damiana, Vidoslava, Dabiživa, Rusina, Olivera).


Actors (10)