Maps of Power

Register of Nahie Florina 1481


ID 23917
System Class Source
Case Study Ethnonym of the Vlachs
Provenance Ottoman
Source Court Register


Page No. 541 of Defter No. 16 from the year 1481 is part of the Census for Nahie Florina. On this page, all 67 male heads of families, as well as 3 widows from the village Kleisoura are registered.


Actors (70)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Andreya Person Andreya, son of Bogdan, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Andreya Person Andreya, son of Lazar, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Boyo Person Boyo, son of Dano, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Boyo Person Boyo, son of Niko, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Denko Person Denko The poor, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Diko Person Diko, son of Dino, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Dimitri Person Dimitri, son of Monko, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Dimitri Person Dimitri, son of Rale, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Dimitri Person Dimitri, brother of Rale, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Dimitri Person Dimitri, son of Shirmerd, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Dimitri Person Dimitri, son of Miho, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Dimitri Person Dimitri, son of Vlade, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Dimitri Person Dimitri, son of Struma, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Dimo Person Dimo, son of Durisan, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Dimo Person Dimo, son of Pero, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Diyko Person iyko, son of Kaloyan, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Dobre Person Dobre, son of Miho, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Doka Person Doka, son of Dimitri, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Durisan Person Durisan, son of Radoslav, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481
Duyko Person Duyko, son of Petko, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Duyko Person Duyko, son of Manshe, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Filip Person Filip, son of Kaloyan, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Filip Person Filip, son of Hrano, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Grdan Person Grdan, son of Todor, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Gyore Person Gyore, son of Miho, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Gyuro Person Gyro, son of Yovan, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Hasi Person Hasi, son of Yahya, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Isa Person Isa, son of Bayazit, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Koyo Person Koyo, son of Petcu, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Koyo Person Koyo, son of Niko, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Manakorin Person Manakorin, son of Rusin, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Mano Person Mano, son of Rade, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Marin Person Marin, son of Koyo, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Melko Person Melko, son of Stayko, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Miho Person Nicola, son of Nicola, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Miho Person Miho, son of Denko the poor, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Nicola Person Nicola, son of Nicola, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Nicola Person Nikola, son of Drale, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Novak Person Novak, son of Dimitri, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Pano Person Pano, son of Duyan, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Papa Vlayo Person Papa Vlayo, was a priest from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Peio Person Peio, son of Miho, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Peio Person Peio, son of Rale, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Peiu Person Peiu, son of Koyo, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Peiu Person Peiu, son of Theodor, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Pero Person Pero, son of Stanche, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Prodan Person Prodan, son of Papa Vlayo, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Prodan Person Prodan, son of Meksho, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Proyo Person royo, son of Perishan, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Ralche Person Ralche, son of Stane, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Rale Person Rale, son of Peio, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Simon Person Simon, son of Dimitri, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Smile Person Smile, son of Stale, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Stana Person Stana was a widow from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Stanka Person Stanka was a widow from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Stayko Person Stayko, son of Ivanka, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Stefan Person Stefan, son of Petko, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Stoyan Person Stoyan, Son of Petran, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Stoyan Person Stoyan, son of Gyuro, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Stoyko Person Stoyko, son of Stanko, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Stoyko Person Stoyko, son of Dimitri, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Todor Person Todor, son of Stanisha, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Tomo Person Tomo, son of Dimitri, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Tomo Person Tomo, son of Dino, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Vesa Person Vesa was a widow from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Vlachs Group Romanesque speaking people on the Balkans. Maybe descendents of the ancient Latin-speaking population of the Roman provinces on the Balkans.
Vlado Person Vlado, son of Vlaho, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481
Vlaho Person Vlaho, son of Theodor, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Yandro Person Yandro, son of Meksho, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Yano Person Yano, son of Tomo, was a villager from Kleisoura, registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.
Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Kleisoura Place Kleisoura is a mountain village in the municipality Kastoria in Greece. Local traditions relate that it was established at the end of the 15th century by the Vlach inhabitants of 5 small agricultural and pastoral communities lower down and not far away. If that is indeed the case, then the census of nahie Florina from 1481, where 67 male heads of families and 3 widows are registered, is showing us the people who founded the village. Judging by the names of the registered villagers, the inhabitants were of mixed Vlach and Slavic origins, with 3 muslims or islamicised heads of families. Pressure from the Konyar Turks seems to have been the basic reason for this relocation, though the new village seems to have been established with a special permission of the Ottoman authorities, gained with the help of one of the local men, who was apparently in the service of the Sublime Porte. . This suggests that Vlachs may have been living in the area of these two villages since as early as Byzantine times. In late 17th century, the inhabitants of Kleisoura were in all probability Vlachs, which is shown by their connections with the other Vlach villages in West Macedonia, Gramos, Epirus and Albania. In 1900 Vassil Kanchov registers 3400 inhabitants in Kleisoura, all of them Vlachs. Three documents from the Court in Bitola between 1693 and 1695 were sent to the kadis in Kastoria, Florina, Ostrovo, Bitola, Bihlishte and Prespa, who are informed that 80 bandits attacked the home of Aliya in Yasikoy near Komotini in Western Thrace, and they are ordered to catch the bandits. The bandits, around 80, attacked the house of Aliya in Yesikoy, they killed his father Hasan, his brother Hussein and a female slave, robbing 4,000 golden coins, 33 bags full of silver coins and other stuff. The bandits were led by certain Ioan Karakash Papazoglou from Nymphaio. The others in the band came from Kleisoura, Nymphaio and Pisoder. By January 25, 1695, the authorities arrested 5 of these bandits, while the others were hiding in Nikolitsa, Nymphaio, Kleisoura and Gramatikovo.
Events (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
The Register refers to the male citizens of Nahie Florina from the village Kleisoura Activity In the Census of Nahie Florina all 67 male heads of families, as well as 3 widows from the village Kleisoura are registered.