Maps of Power

Dragoslavь (9)



During the conservation works on the frescoes in the Church of the Holy Transfiguration of Christ (Sveti Spas) in Zrze an inscription was discovered in the lowest zone of the north wall in the narthex. At the end of the inscription there is a fragmentary preserved name of a person. Vojislav J. Đurić suggested the reading Δέησις τού δούλου τού Θεού σου Δη... and interpreted the name as Demetrios. Zagorka Rasolkoska-Nikolovska proposed the reading ΜΝΗΣΤΙΤΗ ΚΥΡΙΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΣΥΧΗΝ ΤΟΥ ΔΟΥΛΟΥ ΙΟΥ Δ...and considered that the name of the painter was Dragoslav, who was identical with the Dragoslav attested in the Greek and Church Slavonic inscription on the niche of the prothesis in her opinion. Mentioned in the bilingual Greek and Church Slavonic inscription on the niche of the prothesis in the Cave Church of the Monastery of the Holy Transfiguration of Christ (Sveti Spas) in Zrze, which is dated in the year 1368/1369. Probably the painter of the church. The devotional inscription does not clearly indicate the role of Dragoslavь in connection with the church. He could be the painter of the painted decoration of the church, but also a person, who commisioned or sponsored the frescoes (ΔΕΗΣΗΣ ΤΟΝ ΔΟΥΛΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΘΥ ΔΡΑΓΟΣΛΑΒΟΥ ΚΕ ΔΟΠΡΟΣΛΑΒΟΥ and PROSTI BOŽE DRAGOSLAVA I DOBROSLAVA).