Maps of Power

Scharamankes Konstantinos

Σχαραμάγκης Κωνσταντῖνος


Mentioned in the deed of gift of Georgios Kontostephanos Kalameas and his wife Eirene Kontostephanina Kapantritissa for the Monastery of Iberon from December 1309. He was domestikos, anagnostes and tabularios of the Metropolis of Melnik. He was the scribe of the deed of gift of Georgios Kontostephanos Kalameas and his wife Eirene Kontostephanina Kapantritissa for the Monastery of Iberon from December 1309.


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Deed of gift of Georgios Kontostephanos Kalameas and his wife Eirene Kontostephanina Kapantritissa for the Monastery of Iberon from December 1309 Source Georgios Kontostephanos Kalameas and his wife Eirene Kontostephanina Kapantritissa donated the Monastery of Saint George tu Kalamea with vineyard, fields, courtyard, meadow, mill and with the Church of Saint Panteleemon, which was endowed by Georgios Kontostephanos Kalameas, to the Monastery of Iberon. The deed of this gift was composed in December 1309.