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Mentioned in the ktitorial inscription of Jovan Oliver for the Monastery of Saint Archangels in Lesnovo from 1341 and in the chrysobull charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan concerning the foundation of the bishopric of Zletovo from 1346/1347. He was a priest (pop Sifievь). The grand duke Jovan Oliver donated the Church of Saint Nicholas in Štip with the priest Sifievь (u štipě svety nikola pop sifievь). The Serbian Emperor confirmed the endowment of Jovan Oliver and enlarged it for the bishopric of Zletovo. It consisted of the Church of Saint Nicholas in Štip, the priest Sifievь with all patrimonial estate, land, field, vineyard and 20 čьbьrь (I šte priloži svetoje carьstvo mi episkopïi crьkvi Arhaggelu u Zletovoi, u gradu Štipu crьkvь svetago Nikoly pop Sifievu sь vsomь baštinomь i sь zemlomь i s niviemь i s vinogradi, i k. čьbьrь, i sь vsěmь ōtьtesomь crьkve te).


Sources (2)