Maps of Power


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Mentioned in the Inventory of property of the Holy Virgin Monastery in Htětovo from 1342/1343. Ikonom (administrator of the monastic property) in the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo. He bought two plots of land from Mišat, who lived in the village of Mel, for 12 perper. One was situated in Broděc and reached the field of pop Vlado and a road. The second was in Nikiforovec and lay on the road heading to Budrig and to Gumništa (I dva komata nive što kupi ikonomь Mathei u Mišata ōd Mela, za 12 perper, jedna na Brodci, i do popa Vlada nive i do puti, a druga u Nikiforovci do Budriga i do puti prěmo Klenu i do Gumništьь).


Sources (1)