Maps of Power

Lebunes Manuel

Λεβούνης Μανουὴλ


Mentioned in the deed of sale from 1344. He was Domestikos, Anagnostes and Nomikos of the Metropolis of Melnik. He drew up the deed of sale between Demetrios Dukas Sulumpertes and the Monastery of the Holy Mother of God Pantanassa in Melnik (χειρὶ ἀναγνώστου καὶ δομεστίκου τῆς ἁγιωτάτης μητροπόλεως Μελενίκου Μανουὴλ τοῦ Λεβούνι γραφέντος... Ὁ δομέστικος καὶ νομικος τῆς ἁγιωτάτης μητροπόλεως Μελενίκου Μανουὴλ μαρτυρῶν γράψας ὑπέγραφεν).


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Deed of sale of Demetrios Dukas Sulumpertes and his wife Source The deed of sale between Demetrios Dukas Sulumpertes and the Monastery of the Holy Mother of God Pantanassa concerning the land at Slataritzos was issued in April 1344.