Maps of Power

Church of the Bogorodica

Begin 01.01.1346
End 15.08.1381


ID 19191
System Class Place
Place Existing Church
Case Study Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16
Historical place Kingdom of Serbia , Serbian Empire
Administrative unit Eastern Region / Источен регион
10 km
5 mi
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Tiles style by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team hosted by OpenStreetMap France


Emperor Stefan Dušan donated the Church of the Bogorodica to the Monastery of Lesnovo (ѹ пиянци на Брѣгальници црьковь богородицѹ). In the year 1381, the Serbian noblemen Konstantin Dragaš donated Church of the Bogorodica to the Monastery of Chilandar (црьквь Богородица).


Events (2)
Sources (2)