Βαρδαλῆς, Μάρκος ῎Αγγελος
ID | 116585 |
System Class | Person |
Case Study | Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |
Sex | Male |

Probably identical with the poet Markos Angelos, who wrote the poem on Eros and other verses on the emperor. He was active in the middle of the 14th century. Mentioned in the chrysobull charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Batopedi Monastery from April 1348 and in the act of the Ecumenical Patriarch Kallistos and the patriarchal synod from September 1350. He appears as κῦρ and οἰκεῖος of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan and οἰκεῖος of the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI. Kantakuzenos. The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed in April 1348 the endowment of Markos Angelos to the Batopedi Monastery. It consisted of chapells, houses, fields and vineyards from his patrimonial property in the area of Zichna (ὁ οἰκεῖος τῆ βασιλεία μου κῦρ Μάρκος ὁ Ἄγγελος εὐκτήρια, ὀσπήτια, χωράφια καὶ ἀμπέλια ἐκ γονικῆς αὐτῶν ὑποστάσεως ὅσα καὶ οἷα εἰσίν). He was among noble witnesses in the case of hieromonk Niphon before the patriarchal synod in September 1350.