ID | 120967 |
System Class | Person |
Case Study | Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |
Sex | Male |

Mentioned in the Charter of Danilь, the Bishop of Vodoča and Strumica, and Grigorije, the Bishop of Banьska from 1375/1376. He was the lord of the village Něžičino (Boroslavь gospodar Nežičʼki). Boroslavь was in conflict with the Hilandar Monastery because of the boundary between the villages Boruevo, apparently a property of the Hilandar Monastery, and Něžičino, where he resided. A commision, consisting of Čelnik Terijan, Stanko, the Pristav of the governor (kefalija) of Strumica and four Elders, was summoned before 1375/1376 by the Serbian Despot Konstantin Dragaš and determinated the boundary between both possessions (da ukažu zemli meždu Boruevom i meždu Něžičinom, i o čim' se svagja Hilandarь i Boroslavь gospodar Nežič'ki).