Maps of Power


3000 km
2000 mi
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Tiles style by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team hosted by OpenStreetMap France


He lived before summer 1343, maybe even later. His father was Radoslav Drobnjak. The name of his brother was Hran. He served as a witness in the sale transaction of a field in Nikiforovec, which was sold by Theōdora and her daughter Jelena to the abbots of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo, Theōktist and Ignatije, for 10 perper (Niva u Nikiforovci, uzь crьkvnu nivu što kupi igumьnь Theōktistь u Theōdore i u čtere Jelene za 10 perperь, a dokupi piskopь Ignatije i zapisa. A Tomu svědoci: Kalojanь ōd Lěška, Mihovь šugra, i dva syna Radoslava Drobnjaka, Argirь i Hran. I kto šte sije potvoriti da mu jestь supьrʼnica Mati Božija, i da plati carju 500 perper).


Actors (1)
Sources (1)