Maps of Power


3000 km
2000 mi
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Mentioned in the Inventory of property of the Holy Virgin Monastery in Htětovo from 1342/1343. He was the son of Kjura or Jera. He had three brothers.Their names were Romanь, Lei and Vitomirь. He sold, together with his brothers, Kjura 2 and Jera, during starvation, the field called Kraimirovo selište in Carev Studenc to Isaije, the Abbot of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo, for two kbl of rye, a měh of whey and a polutk of bacon. This was attested by Strězo, Vlad, Lěto, Kosta, a certain priest, the son-in-law of Ljuj and Janicь from Velgošt (Niva u Careva Studenca, Kraimirovo selište, što kupi igumьnь Isaije u Kjure, Kraimirove čtjere, i u sestre jei Jere, i u nih dětei, u Vitomira i u Leia i u Milja i u Romana, za 20 kьbьlь žita u gladno vrěme, i priuzesmo měhь sirenija i polutьkь slanine. A tomu svědoci: Strězo, Vlad, Lěto, Kosta, pop Ljujev zetь, Janicь iz Velgoš).


Sources (1)
Actors (3)