Maps of Power


3000 km
2000 mi
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Mentioned in the inventory of property of the Holy Virgin Monastery in Htětovo from 1342/1343. He bought secretly the property on the hill Pleš near Htětovo, which belonged to the church, from two brothers for three buckets of wine. After that he sowed this land with barley. The Archimandrite of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo, the later bishop of Vlachs (Vlaho), commanded in turn to gather all the cattle from the village in order to destroy his crop on the property of church. The land was subject of a dispute even later and only the testimonies of local noblemen and elders proved that Progonь fraudulently took the possession of it (Měseca nojembra 4 dьnь sьbraše se vlastele i hora kь materi božijei u Htetovu, sevastь Pasarelь, kyrь Kalinykь, Makarije, Kalojanь, Parʼdo i bratʼ mu Theōdorь i Theodorь ōdь Lěskovljanь i Geōrgi Sulima, i kyrь Aleksa, brat Vlaho jepiskopovь, i ini proči boljare i hora. I zakle ih jepiskopь prizrěnьski Geōrgii Markušь vse starce i vlastele, i idoše na Plěšь na brьdo, da iznaidutь po svědočʼbě čija je Plěšь, ili jestь crьkevna ili Progonova. I zakle jepiskopь i kyrь Kalinikь: kto znaje što pravo ta ne hke rešte, da jestь prokletь. I reče starcь Pribislavь, Markuševь člověk, i Bratina i Stanʼko: crьkovna jestь Plěšь ōtь věka, i drьžali su crьkovnu stasь 4 bratija, i ukradosta se dva brata i prodadoše Progonu polovinu Plěša za 3 vědra vina. I reče kyr Aleksa: kьda běse moi bratь Vlaho jepiskopь u Htětově arhimudritь, toga běhь ja u manastiri dětetemь i dobrě znamь jere ne metehaše Progonь sь Plěšiōm, pače bě posějalь Progon ječmenь, i reče bratь mi Vlaho jepiskopь i sьbrahu gobeda vsego sela i popasoše ga.). His willow was in the vicinity of the field of Kalimanь (Niva što dade Kalimanь za Trošanovь grobь u Progonově vrьbi, ōd Gbelonini nive i do Sopotnikove).


Sources (1)