End 30.09.1343
ID | 10984 |
System Class | Place |
Place | Existing Village chorion selo |
Case Study | Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 , Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) |
Administrative unit | Region of Polog / Полошки регион , North Macedonia |
Historical place | Kingdom of Serbia , Polog |

The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated, together with his son the Young King (mlad kralь) Uroš, a field near Hvališe, which was bestowed to the monastery by Varnava for the sake of salvation, and the seventh part of Hvališe, which was a donation of Varnava for the sake of salvation as well, to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo (U Hvališi nivije, zadušnьnina Varnavina, i ōtь Hvališe sedma čestь što dade Varnava za dušju). The Land Inventory of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo contains evidence on the village Hvališe and its seventh part, which Varnava gave to the monastery for the sake of his salvation (287, art. 21: ōtь Hvališe 7 čestь, što dade Varnava za dušu). The canal and the road of Hvališe are then mentioned only with connection to the road called after the village Leška (287, art. 27: Niva pod lěš᾿kimь putem᾿ nizь izvodь hvališ᾿ki prodana ōd Parda i ōd Theōdora šure mu, polovina prodana, a polovina harizana; 289, art. 41: Niva Pardova podь lěškimь putemь kako se staje hvališki putь i lěš᾿ki i do megje hvališ᾿ke, što kupismo i što jestь dano crьkvi za dušu Theōdorovu i Aleksinu).