End 30.04.1348
ID | 11024 |
System Class | Place |
Place | Village |
Case Study | Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |
Administrative unit | Region of Polog / Полошки регион , North Macedonia |
Historical place | Polog , Serbian Empire , Kingdom of Serbia , Polog |

The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated together with his son, the Young King (mlad kralь) Uroš, one fourth of the village of Sedlarevo with all boundaries, mills, meadows, gardens and all rights, an endowment of Isah, to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo (Selo Sedlarevo, što daa Isaha za postrigь i za svojega podružija postrigь, četvrьtu čestь vsego sela sь vsěmi megami i sь mliny i sь livadami, sь ōgradijemь i sь vsěmi pravinami. I tuzi kalugericu Isašinu hrani crьkьvь do smrьti. I sija vʼsa malaa i velikaa ōgledavь kraljevьstvo mi zapisahь vʼsa i utvrьdihь da nepokolěbimo). Isah had given this possession for his and his wife᾿s clerical tonsure (Selo Sedlarevo, što daa Isaha za postrigь i za svojega podružija postrigь, četvrьtu čestь vsego sela sь vsěmi megami i sь mliny i sь livadami, sь ōgradijemь i sь vsěmi pravinami). According to the Land Inventory Brebion Isah donated the village of Sedlarevo with court, meadows, an oak forest, mill, pasture, all boundaries and all rights to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Htetovo. This donation was confirmed by the Kephalos (Head of the Polog district) of Polog Vladoje (I što priloži Isaha u Sedlarevě město, dvorь i s livadami i sь dubravomь. Povelěnijemь i milostiju gospodina kralja izdade Vladoje kefalija pološki sь vsěmi megjami i pravinami, i sь mlinom i s pašištemь, i vse što jestь imalь Isaha). The Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the village Sedlarevo with Izbice to the Monastery of Hilandar (Selo Drěnovьcь, Brodьcь, Sedlarevo i sь Izbicami).