Bivol Brodь, Бивол Брод, Биволь Бродь
End 30.04.1348
ID | 11052 |
System Class | Place |
Place | Ford poros brod |
Case Study | Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 , Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) |
Historical place | Serbian Empire , Polog , Polog , Kingdom of Serbia |
Administrative unit | Region of Polog / Полошки регион , North Macedonia |

The locality of Bivol Brod is attested in two sources. In the second charter for the Monastery of Treskavec, where the donation of village Krpeno is described, Bivol Brod is also mentioned. The site lay on the imperial road (basilike hodos) from Polatic (Treskavec 2, 121, art. 59: Selo vь Poloze Krьpeno, metohь Svety Nikola, što priloži svety kralь, sь nivijemь, sь vinogrady...i do careva druma koi ide ōdь Polaticь na Bivol Brodь). In the General Charter for the Monastery of Hilandar the site Bivol Brod is named in connection with the delimitation of the village Mlačice (Opšta hilandarska gramota, 439: (Mlačice sь zemlomь, što je dalь svety kralь; a megja zemli toi ōdь Nikiforca kako grede putь na ōpogorь prězь livadu u Kraljevu Pekь I u Bivolь Brodь).