Maps of Power

Makrotheodoros Manuel

Μακρωθεόδωρος Μανουὴ̣λ

2 km
1 mi
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Tiles style by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team hosted by OpenStreetMap France


Mentioned in the deed of gift of Georgios Kontostephanos Kalameas and his wife Eirene Kontostephanina Kapantritissa for the Monastery of Iberon from December 1309. He was priest and skeuophylax of the Metropolis of Melnik. He signed and approved the deed of gift of Georgios Kontostephanos Kalameas and his wife Eirene Kontostephanina Kapantritissa for the Monastery of Iberon from December 1309.


Sources (1)