End 31.12.1300
ID | 17899 |
System Class | Place |
Case Study | Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 , Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) |
Place | Topographical Entity |
Historical place | Kingdom of Serbia |
Administrative unit | Region of Skopje / Скопски регион , North Macedonia |

The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin granted a field of 200 pogon from his own meadows near Lupoglave on the side of the hill called Slatina to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg (I dade kraljev᾿stvo mi crьkvi Svetago Geōrgija, ōd livade kraljevstva mi u Lupoglavehь na Slatině nivija dvěstě pogonь do Svete Trojeručnice, i do Glьnikaše, i do monoputi koi grede ōt Studenьčištь z glave Slatine u krai Lupoglavьskago studenca na blato). He confirmed the donation of a field, which lied in the area between two roads from Lupoglave and Črěševo to Mil᾿ten and Kolěn᾿cь to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg. This field was in possession of the daughter of Ōbeza and her family in the previous time, but she gave it to the monastery (Dade Ōbezova h᾿ki s rodom᾿ si nivu ōd Careva puti koi grede u Lupoglave do puti koi grede isь Slatine u Črěševo, i do Mil᾿tena I do Kolěn᾿ca, i na brьdo do Brane). The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated also a field near Iazvina towards Lupoglave to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg (Druga niva u Jazvine koja ide u Lupoglave, ōd njeje grebenaru Tudičištu tretija čestь, do Radina I do Mavrovštine).