End between 01.01.1348 and 30.04.1348
ID | 20367 |
System Class | Place |
Place | Abandoned Church palaioekklesia crkvište |
Case Study | Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |
Administrative unit | Region of Polog / Полошки регион , North Macedonia |
Historical place | Kingdom of Serbia , Serbian Empire , Polog , Polog |

The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated together with his son, the Young King (mlad kralь) Uroš, the church of St. Nikola near Jadvarce with the priest Draj, his family, place, boundaries and all rights to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo (U Jadvar᾿cěhь crьkovь Svety Nikolaje, što priloži kraljevьstvo mi Svetoi Bogorodici Htětovskoi, popa Draju sь rodomь i sь městomь, sь megami i sь vsěmi pravinami). The Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the church of St. Nikola near Jadvarce, previously bestowed to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo, to the Monastery of Hilandar (I vь Jadovarcehь crьkovь Svety Nikolaje, što priloži carьstvo mi Bogorodici Htětovskoi popa Draju i sь rodōmь i sь městomь i sь megjami i sь vsěmi pravinami).