Maps of Power

Pop-Atanasov/Velev/Jakimovska-Tošiḱ 1997


ID 111392
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Book
Case Study Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 , Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355)


Ǵorgi Pop-Atanasov/Ilija Velev/Maja Jakimovska-Tošiḱ, Skriptorski centri vo srednovekovna Makedonija (Skopje 1997).


Actors (27)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Arsenije Person Mentioned in the sources from 1343 to 1353. He was the Abbot (igumen) of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo. He was the petitioner, who asked the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan and Uroš, the Young King, to issue the chrysobull charter for the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo (Si hrusovulь uspomenutijemь grěš’nago črnoriz’ca Arsenija, igumena htětovьskaago napisa gospodinь kralь Stepanь sь synom’ si Urošemь). It is obvious that Arsenije was Abbot of the monastery at the time, when the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan, together with his son, granted the chrysobull for the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo. He is probably identical with the Bishop of Zletovo, Arsenij, who is mentioned in the Lesnovo manuscript of Ephrem the Syrianʼs paraenesis from 1353 (poneže ne běh pisьcъ, nja povelěnïemь gospodina mi episkopa Arsenïa načrьtoh sih knigь). Arsenij was portrayed on the painting in the narthex of the Monastery of Archangel Michael in Lesnovo.
Athanasij Person He was active probably in the first half of the 14th century. He was a monk and apparently scribe in the Monastery of the Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo.He is mentioned two times in the priest’s service book (služebnik) from the middle of the 14th century, which is now in the Old and Rare Book Collection (Ćorović 7) of the University Library in Belgrade (60v: Bь da prosti monaha Athanasija; 84v: Athanasija i Neōfita).
Bisariōnь Person Attested in the marginal note of the prologue, which was written by the scribe Stanislav Lesnovski in 1330. He was a Kelar (κελλάρης) of the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo. The scribe Stanislavь finished his prologue in the time, when Germanь was responsible for the supplies of the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo (i pri kelari Bisariōně).
Danilь (2) Person Attested in the marginal note of the prologue, which was written by the scribe Stanislav Lesnovski in 1330. He was a Monk of the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo. The scribe Stanislavь finished his prologue in the time, when Danilь was in the monastic community (i pri mnisě Danilě).
Dobre (3) Person Mentioned in the colophone (170b) of the festal Menaion, which has been preserved in the Chludov collection of the manuscripts at the State Historical Museum in Moscow under the signature 164. The manuscript was written between the years 1371 and 1394. He worked as dijak (scribe). His father was Rado from the village Margaritь. His brother was the priest Stanko. He came from the village Margaritь. He wrote the festal Menaion at Kalugerьcь in the region of Porěčie for the priest Todorь during the reign of King Markos (Marko Mrnjavčević) (Pysa se sija knyga u Porěči, u selě zovom Kalugerecь vь dьni blagověrnago kralja Mar’ka, jegda ōdade Thodoru Grьgurovu ženu Hlapenu, a uze ženu svoju prьvověn’čan’nu Jelenu, Hlapenovu dьštere. Vь to vřeme se pisa popu Todoru na Kalugerci rada tod sa zetu, azь mnogogrěšni i nedostōini i vsěhь poslědny nedostojenь narešti se rabь Hristu Dobre dijak Radovь synь ōt Margarita, pōpa Stankovь bratь).
Dragoslavь (6) Person Attested in the marginal note of the prologue, which was written by the scribe Stanislav in 1330. He was the Župan of the administrive unit of Zletovo. The scribe Stanislavь finished his prologue in the time, when Dragoslavь ruled over the land of Zletovo as župan (ōbdrьžjaštu horoja Zljatovьskoja županu Dra’goslavu). The inscription with the text "Dragoslavь župan" on the epitaph, which was excavated in the Monastery of Saint Demetrius in Veles after 1858, might refer to the same person.
Germanь (1) Person Attested in the marginal note of the prologue, which was written by the scribe Stanislav Lesnovski in 1330. He was the Ikonom (οἰκονόμος) of the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo. The scribe Stanislavь finished his prologue in the time, when Germanь was responsible for the income and expenditure of Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo (i pri ikonomě Germaně).
Grьgurь Person The identification with Grьgurь Branković and kaisar Grьgurь (Gurguras) is doubtful. Mentioned in the colophone of the Apostol manuscript from 1365–1371, which has been preserved in the Titov collection (Nr. 3365) of the National library of Russia. He administrated the region of Polog at the time when the Priestmonk Mihailo wrote the Apostol manuscript (Azь ōbrěmeneni i ōkajanьni pisahь vь dьni Vlьkašina kralja, kьdi drьžaše Grьgurь Pologь, a pisavši beše iz Lešnice, nierei mnih’).
Jelena (3) Person Mentioned in the colophone (170b) of the festal Menaion, which has been preserved in the Chludov collection of the manuscripts at the State Historical Museum in Moscow under the signature 164. The manuscript was written between the years 1371 and 1394. She was the daughter of Radoslabos Chlapenos and Eirene Prelumpissa. She was married to King Markos. The marriage to Đurađ I Balšić is preserved in the later work of Mauro Orbini. Markos divorced her and then lived with Thodora, who was the daughter or wife of a certain Grьgurь, probably Grьgurь Branković. After the romance with Thodora ended, Markos gave Thodora to Radoslabos Chlapenos and remarried Jelena according to dijak Dobre, who wrote about it in a note in the festal Menaion (Pysa se sija knyga u Porěči, u selě zovom Kalugerecь vь dьni blagověrnago kralja Mar’ka, jegda ōdade Thodoru Grьgurovu ženu Hlapenu, a uze ženu svoju prьvověn’čan’nu Jelenu, Hlapenovu dьštere). Markos divorced her again because of her bad behaviour according to Mauro Orbini. She then resided in town of Kastoria. Đurađ I Balšić, who wanted to seize Kastoria, persuaded Jelena into marriage. After Đurađ I Balšić divorced his first wife, Jelena ceded the town of Kastoria to him and became his wife.
Kalinikь (2) Person He lived in the second quarter of the 14th century. He worked as a Scribe in the Monastery of the Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo. He wrote the manuscript of Gospel preserved in the collection of Antun Mihanović (HAZU IV d 12, III b 22). The manuscript is now located in the Archives of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb (popisa Kalinikь).
Markos Person The fragmentary preserved inscription above the entrance on the south wall of the Church of the Holy Mother of God in Drenovo, which is dated to 1356 or later, refers to a painter Dimitr’, who worked on the decoration of the church Drenovo after the death of the Serbian Emperor Stefan (probably Uroš IV Dušan) at the same time as the dominion was controlled by Nikola (Nikola Stanjevikь?) and Marko (Markos, the King?) (sьzda se hram’ si v’ lě.. ѕ i ō.....i azь Dimitr’ zugraf priloh’ vь hramь sei...lě..z i d i pisah’ pri drž’avě Nikole i Markě po smrьti svetorodnago cara Stefana). The hypothesis about the identity of Marko from the inscription and Markos was refuted by Evgenij P. Naumov. He died on 17th May 1395. He appears in the sources as mladi kralj. He was the co–ruler of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V, 27.9.1371–2. (4.) 12. 1371, since 2. (4). 12. 1371 formal king of the Serbian Empire. He was the son of the Serbian King Demetrios Blukasinos and Lena. His siblings were Andrěašь, Dmitьrь, Ivanišь and Olivera. He was married to Jelena, the daughter of Radoslabos Chlapenos. He divorced her and lived then with Thodora, who was the daughter of a certain Grьgurь, probably Grьgurь Branković. After the romance with Thodora ended, Markos gave Thodora to Radoslabos Chlapenos and remarried Jelena according to dijak Dobre, who wrote about it in a note in the festal Menaion (Pysa se sija knyga u Porěči, u selě zovom Kalugerecь vь dьni blagověrnago kralja Mar’ka, jegda ōdade Thodoru Grьgurovu ženu Hlapenu, a uze ženu svoju prьvověn’čan’nu Jelenu, Hlapenovu dьštere). Markos divorced her again because of her bad behaviour according to Mauro Orbini. The later Greek chronicler Makarios Melissenos relates that Andronikos IV Palaiologos, the son of the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V Palaiologos, together with his father-in-law Markos, who ruled over the Bulgarian land, sought help at the court of the Ottoman Sultan (καὶ τοῦ πενθεροῦ αὐτοῦ Μάρκου τοῦ τῆς Βουλγαρίας ἔτι μέρος δεσπόζοντος). In July 1361 he was in Dubrovnik as an emissary. The Ragusans gave him back his silver deposit under the condition that he will not trade with it and with the 25 pounds of silver, which belonged to Lena, his mother (Prima pars est de restituendo Marco ambaxiatori argentum suum cum hac conditione, quod non possit emere mercationes cum ipso nisi de libris XXV argenti uxoris Volcassini). Demetrios Blukasinos intended to marry Markos to the daughter of the Croatian nobleman Gregor Pavlović Šubić. Demetrios Blukasinos contacted therefore the Bosnian King Tvrtko at whose court the woman lived as a protégé. The plan of Demetrios Blukasinos failed because of the opposition of Pope Urban V, who did not allow to marry the catholic princess to schismatic Markos. Pope Urban V expressed his point of view to Tvrtko in a letter from April 1370 (quodque tu eandem puellam tradere nuptui filio mangnifici viri Regis Rascie scismatico absque dictorum parentum voluntate procuras, in anime ipsius puelle periculum, eorundem parentum iniuriam et offensam fidei christiane). Markos is attested along with his mother Lena and his brother Andrěašь in the charter of the Serbian King Demetrios Blukasinos for the Ragusan Republic, which was issued on 5th April 1370 (i po vʼse dni veselešti mi se vь zemʼli kraljevstva mi sь prěvьzljubljenʼnomь kraljestva mi kralicomь kyra Lěnom i sь prěvьzʼljubʼljenʼnimi synovi kraljevstva mi Markomь i Anьdrějašemь). The Church of Saint Sunday (Sveta Nedela) in Prizren was renovated under the patronage of Markos in 1370/1371. He is attested as a young king in the ktirorial inscription (izvōljenjemь ōtca i vьplьštenijemь sina i blagodětiju svetago duha. sii svety i božьstvny hramь prěčьstïe vladičice naše bogordice. vьhoda ne sьzda se ï popisa. Pōvělěnïemь ï sь ōtkupōmь gospodina mladago krala marka lěto ·ѕ·ō·o·th· indiktiōn th). Ioannes Unklesis mentioned Markos in the charter for the Monastery Lavra on the Holy Mount Athos from April 1371 as his anepsei. Markos and Demetrios Blukasinos planned a campaign against Nikola Altomanović in the spring 1371. They camped near Skutari, on the territory of their ally Đurađ I Balšić, in July 1371 and were ready to attack Onogošt in the land of Altomanović (Li çintili homini et lo comun di Ragusa reçevi una littera, la qual lor mandasti tu Andrea Pastrovich, dando lor a savere, ca Jura cum misser lo re Volchassin et cum Marco suo fio, cum lor hoste son suta Scutari, et va sovra çuppan Nicola o in Anagast). The attack never took place, because the Ottomans threatened Ioannes Unklesis. Demetrios Blukasinos rushed to help his brother. After Ioannes Unklesis and Demetrios Blukasinos were killed at the battle of Marica on 26th September 1371, Markos became the co–ruler of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V. When the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V. died on 2th (or 4th) December 1371, Markos became the formal king of the Serbian Empire, but his rule was never accepted by the local Serbian aristocrats. Subsequently, the Serbian local aristocrats took advantage of the militarily weakened position of Markos and gradually seized large parts of his lands. Lazar took very early Priština and Novo Brdo, in 1372 Đurađ I Balšić occupied Prizren, later Kastoria, Bulkos (Vlkь Brankovikь) controlled since 1376/1377 the Skopje area and Konstantinos Dragases with his brother Ioannes expanded also their territory at the expense of Markos. Markos ruled since then over the area of Pelagonia and had his stronghold in Prilep. Markos minted his own coins. Markos renovated also the Church of the Saint Archangels in Prilep around 1372. The main entrance to the church is flanked by the painted portrait of Demetrios Blukasinos and Markos, who is depicted in the white sakkos. The portrait of Markos bears an inscription (Vь hrista boga věrenь kralь Marko). Markos became the vassal of the Ottoman sultan following the meeting at Serres in winter 1393/1394. Markos rebuilt the Saint Demetrius Monastery near the village Sušica (the so-called Marko’s Monastery) between 1376/1377 and 1381 (Izvōlenïemь ōtca i voplьšenïem sina i sьšestviemь svetago duha ōbnovi se i popisa si svety i božestavni hramь svetago velikōmučenika Hristova pobědōnosca i myrotočьca Dimitrija sь usrьdïemь i potštanïemь blagověrnago kralja Vlkašina sь blagověrniei kralice Eleny i sь prěvazljublenym eju i prьvorodnimь sinomь blagověrnimь kraljemь Markomь i Andreašemь i Ivanïšemь i Dimïtrom vь lěto ·ѕ·ō·p·e· si že monastirь nače se zdati lěto ·ѕ·ō·n·g· vь dni blagověrnago cara Stefana i hristoljubivago kralja Vlьkašina a sьvrši se vь dьni blagověrnago i hristoljubivago kralja Marka). The lunette of the south door of the monastery church is decorated with his portrait. Markos is shown holding a horn in his right hand and a scroll with the inscription Azь vь Hrista Boga blagověrьni kralь Markos sьzdahь i popisahь sy božestvni hramь. He together with his brother Markos marched in 1389 with the troops of the Ottoman Sultan Murad I against the army of the Serbian Prince Lazaros (Lazar Hrebeljanović) and Bulkos (Vuk Branković) according to the Tronoški rodoslov from the 18th century (Amuratь že ōbrativь voinstvō skoe na deržavu lazarevu, predvodimь markomь i andreemь). He together with Konstantinos Dragases as Ottoman vassals marched on the side of the Sultan Bayazid I. against the Wallachian army led by Mircea the Elder. He perished in the battle of Rovine on 17th May 1395. Markos is the hero of the Serbian epic poetry.
Mihailo Person Mentioned in the colophone of the Apostol manuscript from 1365–1371, which has been preserved in the Titov collection (Nr. 3365) of the National library of Russia. His written entry is attested in the Menaion for January from 1390, which has been preserved in the collection of manuscripts kept in the National library of Serbia (Nr. 75/ Sv. M. 1233). He was a priestmonk. He wrote the Apostol manuscript at Lešnica in the region of Polog for the priest Miho in Debreše (Pisase sija kniga mnogogrěšnogo rukoju ieromonaha Mihaila popu Mihě iz Debreše Nikolinu synu…Azь ōbrěmeneni i ōkajanьni pisahь vь dьni Vlьkašina kralja, kьdi drьžaše Grьgurь Pologь, a pisavši beše iz Lešnice, nierei mnih’). He recorded his fear of the Ottomans in the Menaion manuscript from 1390 (i sьvrьši se vь lěto ѕōsn grěšni Mihailь napisa. i bogь da izvěsti što patih ōt straha turčьskoga ōvamo...).
Miho (4) Person Mentioned in the colophone of the Apostol manuscript from 1365–1371, which has been preserved in the Titov collection (Nr. 3365) of the National library of Russia. He was a priest. He was the son of Nikola. He lived in Debreše. The priestmonk Mihailo wrote the Apostol manuscript at Lešnica in the region of Polog for him (Pisase sija kniga mnogogrěšnogo rukoju ieromonaha Mihaila popu Mihě iz Debreše Nikolinu synu…Azь ōbrěmeneni i ōkajanьni pisahь vь dьni Vlьkašina kralja, kьdi drьžaše Grьgurь Pologь, a pisavši beše iz Lešnice, nierei mnih’).
Neōfitь (2) Person He was active probably in the first half of the 14th century. He was a monk and apparently illuminator in the Monastery of the Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo. He is mentioned in the priest’s service book (služebnik) from the middle of the 14th century, which is now in the Old and Rare Book Collection (Ćorović 7) of the University Library in Belgrade (84v: Athanasija i Neōfita).
Nikola (9) Person Mentioned in the colophone of the Apostol manuscript from 1365–1371, which has been preserved in the Titov collection (Nr. 3365) of the National library of Russia. He was the father of the Priest Miho. The Priestmonk Mihailo wrote the Apostol manuscript at Lešnica in the region of Polog for the Priest Miho, the son of Nikola (Pisase sija kniga mnogogrěšnogo rukoju ieromonaha Mihaila popu Mihě iz Debreše Nikolinu synu…Azь ōbrěmeneni i ōkajanьni pisahь vь dьni Vlьkašina kralja, kьdi drьžaše Grьgurь Pologь, a pisavši beše iz Lešnice, nierei mnih’).
Oliverь (2) Person He is probaly identical with Oliverъ from Prilep, who was the scribe of the Menaion for July and August, which has been preserved in the collection of manuscripts at the Dečani Monastery (Nr. 32). Mentioned in the fragmentary written entry. The record appears in the Festal Menaion for the Months September-December (Nr. 913), which is kept in the National library of Serbia. He was probably the Kefalija in the region of Pelagonia during the reign of Markos (Marko Kraljević). This hypothesis is based on two other fragmentary preserved written records in the same manuscript (ōt kefalie ōlivera gnь /snь/…mitropolitu pelagoniskamu [ōt] … gospodinu mi kralju Marku).
Pafnutij Person He was active around 1340/1360. He worked as scribe apparently in the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo. His written record is preserved in the Miscellany for Virgin Mary (Bogorodičnik) with the praise for Saint Simeon and Sava from Teodosij, , which is now in the Old and Rare Book Collection (Ćorović 19) of the University Library in Belgrade (i spasi me grěšnago Pafnutija).
Partenije Person Attested in the the prologue, which was written by the scribe Stanislav Lesnovski in 1330. He worked as a scribe in the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo. His written record is preserved in the prologue, which was written by the scribe Stanislav Lesnovski (Bogь da prosti Partenija ča mi popisa).
Rado (2) Person Mentioned in the colophone (170b) of the festal Menaion, which has been preserved in the Chludov collection of the manuscripts at the State Historical Museum in Moscow under the signature 164. The manuscript was written between the years 1371 and 1394. His sons were the dijak (scribe) Dobre and the priest Stanko. He lived in the village Margaritь. His son Dobre wrote the festal Menaion at Kalugerьcь in the region of Porěčie for the priest Todorь during the reign of Marko Mrnjavčević (Pysa se sija knyga u Porěči, u selě zovom Kalugerecь vь dьni blagověrnago kralja Mar’ka, jegda ōdade Thodoru Grьgurovu ženu Hlapenu, a uze ženu svoju prьvověn’čan’nu Jelenu, Hlapenovu dьštere. Vь to vřeme se pisa popu Todoru na Kalugerci rada tod sa zetu, azь mnogogrěšni i nedostōini i vsěhь poslědny nedostojenь narešti se rabь Hristu Dobre dijak Radovь synь ōt Margarita, pōpa Stankovь bratь).
Sava Person Attested in the marginal note of the prologue, which was written by the scribe Stanislav Lesnovski in 1330. He was the Hieromonk of the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo. The scribe Stanislavь finished his prologue in the time, when Sava conducted the services in the monastic church (i pri jeromonasě Savě).
Stanislavь (3) Person He was active between 1330 and 1342 in the Monastery of the Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo. He was a scribe. He came from Štip according to the inscription on a fresco of Jesus Christ in the Church of Saint George in Gorni Kozjak (azь stanislavь gramatikь ōt štipa). His marginal note is preserved in the prologue (Belgrade, SANU 53) with the short biography of the Saint Gabriel of Lesnovo from 1330 (rǫkoję mnogogrěšnaago raba božija Stanislava). Stanislavь copied a Menaion at the request of Jovan Oliver in 1342 according to the colophon of the manuscript (rukoju mnogogrěšnago Stanislava). Ilija Velev supposes that Stanislavь worked in the Marko’s Monastery near Skopje in 1353, since he left a marginal note in the manuscript of the Prologue for the Months September-November (ōt zde počehь Stanislavь dïakь).
Stanjevikь Nikola Person Identical with the nobleman Nikola, who is mentioned in the inscription above the southern entrance of the Church of the Holy Virgin in Drenovo? He was the petitioner of the charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V concerning the donation of the Church of Saint Stephen in Konče with all its possessions to the Hilandar Monastery on Mount Athos from the 9th May 1366. He appears as "mnogovьzljublenni vlastelinь i brat carьstva mi" in the charter. He was the grand duke (veliki vojevoda). He became a land near the village Konče probably after 1346 from the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan. He erected the Church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče (priloži i da mu potpiše carьstvo mi materi Bōžijei hilandarьskōi crьkьvь u Kon’či Svetago Stěfana što si jestь sьzidalь svoimь trudōm i ōtkupumь u svojei baštině zapisanoi, što mu jestь zapisalь i utvrьdilь roditelь carьstva mi, u baštinu do věki, svetopočivьši carь). The marble tomb slab, which was kept in the narthex of the Church of Saint Stephen in Konče, bore an inscription mentioning him as the grand duke and founder of the church († Nikola Stanevikь veliki voevoda ktitor). He donated people, vine stocks, fields and fruit trees (dade gospodinь vojevoda podь svetoga Stefana svetogorcemь: ljudi, lozija, nivija, vokija) to the Church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče. On 9th May 1366 the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V carried out the desire of the grand duke Nikola Stanjević and donated the Church of Saint Stephen in Konče, several villages in the surrounding of the village Konče and other possessions to the Hilandar Monastery (I tuzi crьkьvь prilaga i potpisuje carьstvo mi materi Božijei halandarskōi, vь pomenь brata carьstva mi vojevode Nikole i vsěmi seli crьkve Svetago Stěfana...i sela ina koja se nahode u meteseh kōnčkihь, mala, golěma kude jestь posadilь vojevoda ōtroke svoje. I sijazi sela više pisanna Svetago Stefana da si ima i drži božьstvnnaja crьkьvi mati Božija Hilandarska s ljudmi, s vinogradi, s planinami, s vodeničijem, sь je livadijemь i prosto rekše sь vsěmi megjami i pravinami i sь vsěmь periōrōm selь tehь). His possessions near the village Konče, Lubnica and Trěskavec are mentioned in the land-inventory of the church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče, which was created after the church became a possession of the Hilandar Monastery. He owned two so-called stlps (vojevodinь stlьpь podь Vodeni Dolь; i podь Ōhrьčevemi kukami stlьpь vojevodinь koi Ōhrьčь drьži i Luka podь vojevodinu vodenicu i stlьpь koi drži Ōhrьčь i Dragina livade), a field (niva vojevodina na brode Prьševьskomь), a mill (trěbežь ōtroka Novakova konь mlina vojevodina), a watermill (vojevodina vodenica) and a vineyard (niva Dodejeva nadь lozijemь vojevodinemь). He donated an illuminated gospel manuscript (Hilandar Nr. 14) written by the monk Theōktistь to the Hilandar Monastery (Azь rabь Hristovь Stanjevikь velikyi voevoda Nikola priložihь sii světii i božьstvьnii tetravan’gelь prěčistoi Bogorodici hilan’darьskoi i molju jegože izvoli Bogь igumena i vsu bratiju vь domu svetije Bogorodice hilan’darьskyje ili gos’podьstvujušta srьbskoju zem’ljeju sije směreno trudoljubije ne ōtneti ōt domu Bogorodice hilan’darьskyje).
Stanko (3) Person Mentioned in the colophone (170b) of the festal Menaion, which has been preserved in the Chludov collection of the manuscripts at the State Historical Museum in Moscow under the signature 164. The manuscript was written between the years 1371 and 1394. He was a Priest. His father was Rado from the village Margaritь. His brother was the dijak (scribe) Dobre. His brother Dobre wrote the festal Menaion at Kalugerьcь in the region of Porěčie for the priest Todorь during the reign of Marko Mrnjavčević (Pysa se sija knyga u Porěči, u selě zovom Kalugerecь vь dьni blagověrnago kralja Mar’ka, jegda ōdade Thodoru Grьgurovu ženu Hlapenu, a uze ženu svoju prьvověn’čan’nu Jelenu, Hlapenovu dьštere. Vь to vřeme se pisa popu Todoru na Kalugerci rada tod sa zetu, azь mnogogrěšni i nedostōini i vsěhь poslědny nedostojenь narešti se rabь Hristu Dobre dijak Radovь synь ōt Margarita, pōpa Stankovь bratь).
Tahate Person Attested in the manuscript of Ephrem the Syrianʼs paraenesis from 1353. He was a monk and scribe in the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo. The colophone of the manuscript of Ephrem the Syrianʼs paraenesis gives account about the monk Tahate, who was commisioned by Arsenije, the Bishop of Zletovo, to copy the works of the Syrian father (povelěvšomu mi pisati sihь knigь moeǫ hudostiǫ tahate črьnьcь).
Theōdosi Person Attested in the two marginal notes in the manuscripts, which were written by the scribe Stanislav Lesnovski in 1330 and 1342. He was the Hegumen of the Monastery of the Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo. The scribe Stanislavь finished his prologue in the time, when Theōdosi was the Hegumen of the Monastery of the Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo (pri igumeně Theōdosi). Stanislavь copied also a Menaion at the request of Jovan Oliver in 1342. He again mentions Theōdosii as the spiritual leader of the Monastery of the Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lesnovo (Pisa že se kniga sija vь lěto ѕ.ō.n. carьstvujuštu gospodu našemu Ïsu-Hristu, pri igumeně Theōdosi).
Thodora Person Mentioned in the colophone (170b) of the festal Menaion, which has been preserved in the Chludov collection of the manuscripts at the State Historical Museum in Moscow under the signature 164. The manuscript was written between the years 1371 and 1394. She was the daughter or wife of a certain Grьgurь, probably Grьgurь Branković. Her husband was Radoslabos Chlapenos. King Markos had an affair with her. After the romance ended, Markos gave Thodora to Radoslabos Chlapenos and remarried Jelena according to dijak Dobre, who wrote about it in a note in the festal Menaion (Pysa se sija knyga u Porěči, u selě zovom Kalugerecь vь dьni blagověrnago kralja Mar’ka, jegda ōdade Thodoru Grьgurovu ženu Hlapenu, a uze ženu svoju prьvověn’čan’nu Jelenu, Hlapenovu dьštere).
Todorь (4) Person Mentioned in the colophone (170b) of the festal Menaion, which has been preserved in the Chludov collection of the manuscripts at the State Historical Museum in Moscow under the signature 164. The manuscript was written between the years 1371 and 1394. He was a Priest. The dijak (scribe) Dobre wrote the festal Menaion at Kalugerьcь in the region of Porěčie for him during the reign of Marko Mrnjavčević (Pysa se sija knyga u Porěči, u selě zovom Kalugerecь vь dьni blagověrnago kralja Mar’ka, jegda ōdade Thodoru Grьgurovu ženu Hlapenu, a uze ženu svoju prьvověn’čan’nu Jelenu, Hlapenovu dьštere. Vь to vřeme se pisa popu Todoru na Kalugerci rada tod sa zetu, azь mnogogrěšni i nedostōini i vsěhь poslědny nedostojenь narešti se rabь Hristu Dobre dijak Radovь synь ōt Margarita, pōpa Stankovь bratь).
Sources (1)
Places (3)
Name Class Begin End Description
Ravne Place The main copyists of the Bologna Psalter Jōsif and Tihotja wrote the manuscript in the village Ravne near Ōhrid during the reign of the Bulgarian Emperor Ivan II. Asen (Poměni gi raba svoja Iōsifa and Tihotja, sъpsavъša knigy sija sъ bija pomoštija i stjaja Bogordicja prisnoděvja Marija. Pisašja že sja vъ Ōhridě gradě vъ selě rekomymъ Ravne, pri cari Asěn blъgarъskymъ). The village Ravne is registerd in the Defters for the Nahija Ohrid between the years 1536 and 1539 and under the year 1583.
Sarandaporь Place The Vita of Saint Joakim Osogovski from the 12th century relates that the Saint came to the deserted mountains of Osogovo (vъ strani gōry pustiny Ōsogovskie). At first, he stayed in the vicinity of the village of Grad’cь (въ selě… Grad’cь). Then, he settled in a cave in Babinь Dōlь at the foot of the Osogovo Mountains (pōdkrilïe gory Osogovskïe) near the river Skupica (pri rěcě gljeměi Skupice). Finally, he went to a plot of land called Sarandaporь (vь pōdkrily gory Osogovskye na městě gljemě Sarandaporь). A certain priest called Theodorь came, after the death of Saint Joakim Osogovski (approximately 1105?) and during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Komnenos (reigned 1143-1180), from the village of Osmir Dolě, allegedly in Ovče Pole, to Sarandaporь (Vъ dni tie běše ierei imenemь Theōdorь vь stranah Ovčepolьskyh. Vь vsi zovoměi Osmir dolě). Theōdorь was led by divine inspiration and came with the blessing of the Saint. He became a monk and changed his name to Teofan. He built a church in honor of Saint Joakim Osogovski and kept his relics there. He was also the first abbot of the monastery. A monk called Arsenije from the city of Veles (ōt Velesa grad) experienced his conversion in the monastery's church. The genealogical tables of the Serbain rulers attest that the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin (reigned 1282-1321) founded several monasteries, including that of Saint Joakim (Sarandaporь svetomu otcu Їōakimu). Actually, King Milutin did not found it, but gave order to renew it. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš III Dečanski (reigned 1321-1331) crossed, in the run-up to the battle of Velbužd on 28 July 1330, the region of Slavište. He followed the upper course of the Kriva reka and reached Kriva Palanka, where he prayed with his noblemen at the Monastery of Sarandaporь in front of the relics of Saint Joakim Osogovski (Takožde i kь svetomu otьcu Ioakimu suštemu vь Saranьdaporě molьbu tvore prišьdь kь grobu těla jego). News reached him in Sarandaporь that the Bulgarian Tsar Michael III Šišman (reigned 1323-1330) had arrived at the castle of Zemen and had begun to pillage the surrounding area. The Byzantine short chronicles relate that the Ottoman Sultan Bāyezīd I (reigned 1389-1402) handed over the relics of the Saint Ilariōn of Moglena to the Serbian nobleman Konstantin Dragaš in 1393. According to this written source, Konstantin Dragaš, who resided in Žegligovo (ὁποῦ ἐκάθετον εἰς τὸν Ὀζίγλοβο), brought them to the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael (sic!) in Sarandaporь (τοῦ ἤφερεν εἰς τὸ ἅγιον μοναστήριον τοῦ Ταξιάρχου εἰς τὸ Σαραντάπωρον). The Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II (reigned 1451-1481) stayed in the Monastery of Sarandaporь in 1463 on his campaign to Bosnia (i dohodi u manastirь Sarandaporь na Krivoi rěcě). The Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) decided in 1474 to give a donation of 20 perper to the Monastery of Sarandaporь (elemosinam monasterio Sancti Joachim partium Bulgarie). Arsenij, who was the abbot of the Monastery of Sarandaporь, died in 1488 (prěstavi se igumenь Sarandaporskyi, kyr Arsenїe). 41 Monks lived in the monastery according to the Ottoman Defter from 1519. Sarandaporь is registered as Sveti Otec in Egri Dere (Kriva Palanka; Kriva reka) in the Defter for the Sanjak Köstendil from the years 1570 to 1572. The monastery had three churches and twelve chapels. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 1585 and rebuilt afterwards.
Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska (Monastery Matejče) Place It is assumed that the church building was erected during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Isaakios I Komnenos (1057-1059). The existence of the Church Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska is beyond doubt attested from the 14th century. The monastery is mentioned in the boundary description of the village of Črěševo, which forms part of a donation by the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin (reigned 1282-1321) to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg near Skopje (ta nad Svetuju Bogorodicu črьnogorьsku do Črьnoga kamene). The Vita of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V (reigned 1355-1371), written by the Serbian Patriarch Pajsije, reports that Stefan Uroš V and his mother Jelena completed the Church Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska after the death of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (reigned 1331-1355) (I togda blagočьstivaa carica sь sinomь svoimь sьvršajutь crьkovь ostavšuju ōt blagočьstivago i prěvisokago cara Stefana vь črьnoi gori ne sьvršena i trudomь i podvigomь i pomoštïju prečistye vladičice naše i bogorodice i svoihь praroditeь pomoštïju i zastupljenïemь sьvrьšajutь crkьvь prěslavnuju vь pohvalu i slavu uspenïe prěčityje i prěblagoslovenïe vladičice naše i bogorodice i prisnoděvy marie i do dьnьsь iměnuetse črьnogorska bogorodica). It is unclear, whether the Church of Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska is identical with the church in the Skopska Crna Gora above Žegligovo built by Jelena, the mother of Stefan Uroš V, which is attested in the Serbian genealogies (rodoslovi) and annals (letopisi) (u Črьmьnyje Gory, vyše Žegligova; eius vero mater aedificavit Ecclesiam in Nigro Monte, supra Segligovo). The Ottoman Sultan Murad I (reigned 1360-1389) might have passed by the Church Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska on his march against the Serbian Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović (reigned 1373-1389) before the battle on the Kosovo field (Kosovo Polje) in 1389. Evdokija Balšić commissioned the monk Gerasim in the Monastery of Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska in 1409 to write the manuscript of the Dialogues (paterik) by Saint Gregory the Great (...sia božestvennaja kniga, glagoljemaa dialogь, ispisa se iže vь ōbitěli prěčityje i prěslaьnyje vladyčice naše bogorodice nerukotvorennyje čjudotvorice črьnogorьskye povelěnïem blagověrnyje i blagočьstivyje i hristoljubivyje gospogje despotice kyr Eudokyje, dьšti blagověrnago i hristoljubivago i velikago gospodina Gjurgja Balšikja...). The scribe Vladislav Gramatik resided in the Monastery of Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska between 1457 and 1497. In 1479 he compiled a liturgical book (panegyrikon) in the Monastery at the foot of the Crna Gora in the region of Žegligovo (monastiri prěsvetyje vladičice naše bogorodice iže vъ podkrilïi Črьnye Gory, vь prědělě Žegligovʼcěm). The scribe Dimitrij Kantakuzin also temporarily resided in the monastery. The scribal notes of both copyists mention the Monastery of Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska in the year 1469 (vь vьsečьstněmь monastiri prěsvetye bogorodice suštee iže v podkrilïi Črьnye Gory), 1473 (vъ vъsečъstněm monastiri prěsvetye vladičice naše bogorodice i prisnoděvy Marïe, suštee iže v podkrilïi Črъnye Gory), 1479 (vь vьsečьstněm monastiri prěsvetyje vladičice naše bogorodice iže vъ podkrilïi Črьnye Gory, vь prědělě Žegligovʼcěm) and 1480/81 (Vladislavu dïaku ōt Črьnogorskye bogorodice). The Monastery of Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska is registered as "Holy Mother of God in Kara Donlu" or "Monastery Karadonlu with the second name Holy Mother of God" in the Defter for the Sanjak Köstendil from the years 1570 to 1572. In the 17th century (between 1647 and 1654) the Serbian Patriarch Gavrilo Rajić payed a visit to the Monastery of Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska (Da se zna kogda pridohь azь arhiepiskopь Gavriilь vъ carьnogorsku bogorodicu). The British traveller Edward Brown saw most probably the Monastery of Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska, when he passed through the city of Kumanovo in 1668/69 (near which [scil. Kumanovo] there is still a Greek Monastery, upon the side of the Hills). The Church has a ground plan of an inscribed-cross with five domes, resembling those of Staro Nagoričine and Church of St. Panteleimon in Nerezi (near Skoplje), narthex and a three-partite apse. The central dome has a twelve-sided drum and is set on four massive pillars. The smaller domes, erected in the shape of octagons, are located in the corners of the building - the eastern ones are situated on the prosthesis and the deaconry, and the western ones above the narthex. The narthex is decorated with a modest architectural sculpture. The Church is vaulted with barrel and cruciform arches, placed on the walls, pillars and pilasters in the interior of the building. The façade is decorated with lesenes. This Church is a true representative of the building traditions of the Palaiologan epoch, such as Churches in Arta, Mistra and Thessaloniki. The Church has been fresco painted between 1348 and 1352, representing the largest painted ensemble on the Macedonian territory in the 14th century and the second largest in the Balkans.