Maps of Power

Schreiner 1975-1979


Peter Schreiner, Die byzantinischen Kleinchroniken (Chronica Byzantina breviora) I-III (Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae 12/1-3, Series Vindobonensis, Wien 1975-1979).


Actors (7)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Chreles Stephanos Person According to the later tradition and forged documents he came out from the noble family of Ohmućević. He appears for the first time in the history of John Kantakuzenos. In December 1327 he commanded a Serbian auxiliary contingent of twelwe cohorts laying between Drama and Philippoi in support of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II. against his grandson Andronikos III. (τοῦ δὲ ἐκ τῶν Τριβαλῶν συμμαχικοῦ, δυοκαίδεκα ταγμάτων ὄντων, ὁ Χρέλης ἐστρατήγει, τῶν τε παρὰ Τριβαλοῖς εὐπατριδῶν καὶ ἀνδρίας καὶ ἐμπειρίας στρατηγικῆς τὰ πρῶτα φέρων παρ’ αὐτοῖς). In 1334–1335, Hrelja reconstructed the church of the Rila Monastery and built the so-called Hrelja's Tower, the monastery's defensive tower and its oldest structure surviving today. The inscription on the tower testifies that by the time of its construction Hrelja still acknowledged Serbian suzerainty bearing the tile of protosevast ((Pri državě gospodina prěvysokago Stepana Dušana kraal sьzyda sьn pirgь gospodinь protosevastь Hrelь sь trudomь velikomь i eksodomь svetomu ōtcu Iōanu Rylskomu i materi božii naricaeměi Ōsěnovica vь lěto 6843 indiktiōnь 5). Sometimes between 1336 and the june 1341 Hrelja deserted from the Serbian king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan. In early 1342 he made contact with Kantakuzenos. It is not clear when he first met Hrelja, though he does refer to Hrelja as being a friend for the most part and that it was through his own initiative that Hrelja came to know Andronikos III. (ὁμοίως δὲ καὶ Χρέλης, ὃς ἦν πρότερον πρὸς Ἀνδρόνικον τὸν βασιλέα ηὐτομοληκὼς ἐκ Τριβαλῶν, στρατιώτας τε ἔχων χιλίους καὶ πόλεις τρεῖς παραδεδωκὼς, ἃς Ῥωμαίων οὔσας ὑπηκόους κατὰ τὸν πρὸς ἀλλήλους τῶν Ἀνδρονίκων βασιλέων πόλεμον κατέσχον οἱ Τριβαλοὶ, τῶν κατεχόντων Ῥωμαίων παραδόντων· οὗτος δὴ οὖν ὁ Χρέλης χρήμασί τε ἐῤῥωμένος καὶ στρατιὰν ἔχων ἀξιόλογον ὑφ’ ἑαυτῷ καὶ πρότερον βασιλεῖ τῷ Καντακουζηνῷ ἐς τὰ μάλιστα φίλος ὢν, (δι’ αὐτοῦ γὰρ καὶ Ἀνδρονίκῳ προσῆλθε τῷ βασιλεῖ,) πέμψας καὶ αὐτὸς, ὅτι τε αἱροῖτο ἐδήλου τὰ ἐκείνου, καὶ παρῄνει καὶ αὐτὸς πρὸς τὴν ἑσπέραν μᾶλλον τρέπεσθαι, ὡς οὐ φαύλης τινὸς αὐτόθεν ἐσομένης ὠφελείας). The Kantakuzenos' statement and the fact that he handed over one thousand soldiers and three cities gives a picture of Hrelja's wealthiness, which is confirmed also by the forged charters concerning the Hrelja's donation of the Church of St. Archangel Michael in Štip to the Monastery of Hilandar.
Dragases Konstantinos Person Β: Herrscher (serb.) im NO von Makedonien, 1371 od. früher - 1395 D: † 1395-05-17 (in der Schlacht von Rovine). V: S. d. [Zάρκος] (Dejan, Despot) u. d. Evdokija, Carica. B. (jüngerer) d. Δραγάσης ᾽Ιωάννης. V. d. Παλαιολογίνα ῾Ελένη, Kaiserin. SchwV. d. Παλαιολόγος Μανουήλ ΙΙ. seit 1392. Verheir. mit Εὐδοκία, δέσποινα. L: Stifter d. Kutlumus-Kl. auf d. Athos. Regierte zunächst mit seinem Bruder und wurde ebenfalls nach der Schlacht an der Marica (1371) türkischer Vasall.
Lazaros Person Β: Fürst d. Serben u. d. Donauländer, 1371 - 1389-06-15; Stavilac (ἐπὶ τῆς τραπέζης od. Domestikos τῆς τραπέζης) d. Οὔρεσις Στέφανος (Stefan IV. Dušan), vor 1355; Gefolgsmann d. Οὔρεσις Στέφανος (Uroš V.), 1355 - 1371; Despot (serb.), zw. 1363 - 1371 - 1389-06-15; Stifter d. Klöster Ravanica/NSerbien u. Lazarevica u. Gornjak/N-Serbien u. Drenča, zw. 1376 - 1382 D: * um 1329 in Priljepac bei Novo Brdo/Kosovo . † 1389-06-15 (gefangengenommen und hingerichtet) in der Schlacht auf d. Kosovo polje. V: S. d. Pribac Hrebeljanović, Logothetes d. Οὔρεσις Στέφανος (Stefan IV. Dusan). B. d. Dragana. Schw. d. Musa, Celnik. Heir. Εὐγενία (Milica, Fürstin) ca. 1353. SchwS. d. Vratko, Fürst. V. d. Στέφανος (Stefan Lazarević, Despot) u. d. Vuk u. d. Μάρω (Mara) u. d. Jelena u. d. Μαρία (Μύρων). Hatte noch mindestens zwei weitere Töchter. SchwV. d. Bοῦλκος (Vuk Branković) u. d. Djuradj II. Stracimirović Balsić u. d. Σούσμανος (Ivan II. Sisman) u. d. Nikola Gorjanski (Mikloś II. Garai, Banus d. Mačva) u. d. Παϊαζίτης (Bāyezīd I., Sultan). GV. (u. a.) d. Bοῦλκος Γεώργιος (Djuradj Branković, Despot). UrGV. (u. a.) d. Λάζαρος (Lazar, Teilherrscher, Despot) u. d. Στέφανος (Stefan, Despot) u. d. Γούργουρας (Grgur) u. d. Μάρω (Mara, Sultanin). I: Wurde von der serbischen Kirche bald nach seinem Tode als Heiliger kanonisiert. Sein Namensfest ist der 15. Juni. L: Begann seine politische Karriere am Hofe d. Οὔρεσις Στέφανος (Stefan IV. Dušan), unter Οὔρεσις Στέφανος (Uros V.) bereits einer der mächtigsten Gefolgsleute. Nach dessen Tod verfügte L. als selbständiger Fürst über die reichen Bergbaugebiete von Novo Brdo/Kosovo und Rudnik/Serbien und baute seine Herrschaft zielstrebig aus. Besiegte 1373 zusammen mit Tvrtko, Ban von Bosnien, den serbischen Granden Nikola Altomanović, župan und 1378/79 Radič Branković und erweiterte so sein Herrschaftsgebiet. Durch geschickte Heiratspolitik schloß er mittels seiner Töchter auch die übrigen freien serbischen Teilfürstentümer zu einer Art Verband zusammen. Sein Ziel war offensichtlich die Restauration des nemanjidischen Kaiserreichs. Dabei genoß er die Unterstützung der serbischen orthodoxen Kirche, für die er 1375 in Kpl die neuerliche Anerkennung der Autokephalie erreichte. L. richtete sich in den Beziehungen zu Ungarn nach den politischen Notwendigkeiten und unterwarf sich 1371 - 1382, dann wieder 1389-02 dem ungarischen König als Vasall. Erkannte den Ernst der Türkengefahr und bereitete sich trotz des Sieges über die Türken bei Pločnik (1386) auf neuerliche Kämpfe vor, indem er die serbischen Teilherrscher und den bosnischen König zu einer gemeinsamen Front gegen die Türken vereinigte. Am 15. Juni 1389 kam es zur Schlacht auf d. Kosovo polje (Amselfeld), der nach wechselhaftem Verlauf zunächst sein Gegner Mουράτης (Murad I., Sultan) fiel, L. selbst dann aber mit seinem Gefolge gefangengenommen und an der Bahre des sterbenden Sultans hingerichtet wurde. Durch den Sieg der Türken auf d. Kosovo polje wurden alle serbischen Teilherrscher zu türkischen Vasallen. L.s historische Bedeutung wurde von der bald einsetzenden Legendenbildung überflügelt, die sich um seinen "Märtyrertod" und um die Schlacht auf d. Kosovo polje rankte. Dadurch wirkte L. wie außer ihm nur Stefan IV. Dusan auf das serbische historische Nationalbewußtsein und wurde zu einer der Hauptgestalten der serbischen Volksliteratur. Zunächst in Pristina beigesetzt, wurden seine Gebeine 1391 in das Kl. Ravanica/N-Serbien und 1697 ins Kl. Vrdnik in d. Fruska gora/Srem überführt, von dort z. T. als Reliquien zerstreut und 1942 gesammelt und nach Belgrad gebracht. Obwohl L. offensichtlich von der serbischen Kirche als Rechtsnachfolger der Nemanjiden anerkannt wurde, überließ er den serbischen Königstitel dem bosnischen Ban Tvrtko, der 1377 in Milesevo/W-Serbien zum serbischen König gekrönt wurde. L. bezeichnet sich in den Unterschriften der serbisch überlieferten Urkunden als "Stefan knez Lazar", die Bezeichnungen "samdržac", "samodržavni gospodin", einmal auch "veliki knez" kommen nur in den Intitulationen derselben Urkunden vor. A: NicCent 301 nennt jene T. L.s, die mit Παγιαζήτ (Bāyezīd I., Sultan) verheiratet wurde, Olivera, bei Duk 39 heißt sie Μαρία und in SchreinChron I 112 Μύρων.
Markos Person The fragmentary preserved inscription above the entrance on the south wall of the Church of the Holy Mother of God in Drenovo, which is dated to 1356 or later, refers to a painter Dimitr’, who worked on the decoration of the church Drenovo after the death of the Serbian Emperor Stefan (probably Uroš IV Dušan) at the same time as the dominion was controlled by Nikola (Nikola Stanjevikь?) and Marko (Markos, the King?) (sьzda se hram’ si v’ lě.. ѕ i ō.....i azь Dimitr’ zugraf priloh’ vь hramь sei...lě..z i d i pisah’ pri drž’avě Nikole i Markě po smrьti svetorodnago cara Stefana). The hypothesis about the identity of Marko from the inscription and Markos was refuted by Evgenij P. Naumov. He died on 17th May 1395. He appears in the sources as mladi kralj. He was the co–ruler of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V, 27.9.1371–2. (4.) 12. 1371, since 2. (4). 12. 1371 formal king of the Serbian Empire. He was the son of the Serbian King Demetrios Blukasinos and Lena. His siblings were Andrěašь, Dmitьrь, Ivanišь and Olivera. He was married to Jelena, the daughter of Radoslabos Chlapenos. He divorced her and lived then with Thodora, who was the daughter of a certain Grьgurь, probably Grьgurь Branković. After the romance with Thodora ended, Markos gave Thodora to Radoslabos Chlapenos and remarried Jelena according to dijak Dobre, who wrote about it in a note in the festal Menaion (Pysa se sija knyga u Porěči, u selě zovom Kalugerecь vь dьni blagověrnago kralja Mar’ka, jegda ōdade Thodoru Grьgurovu ženu Hlapenu, a uze ženu svoju prьvověn’čan’nu Jelenu, Hlapenovu dьštere). Markos divorced her again because of her bad behaviour according to Mauro Orbini. The later Greek chronicler Makarios Melissenos relates that Andronikos IV Palaiologos, the son of the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V Palaiologos, together with his father-in-law Markos, who ruled over the Bulgarian land, sought help at the court of the Ottoman Sultan (καὶ τοῦ πενθεροῦ αὐτοῦ Μάρκου τοῦ τῆς Βουλγαρίας ἔτι μέρος δεσπόζοντος). In July 1361 he was in Dubrovnik as an emissary. The Ragusans gave him back his silver deposit under the condition that he will not trade with it and with the 25 pounds of silver, which belonged to Lena, his mother (Prima pars est de restituendo Marco ambaxiatori argentum suum cum hac conditione, quod non possit emere mercationes cum ipso nisi de libris XXV argenti uxoris Volcassini). Demetrios Blukasinos intended to marry Markos to the daughter of the Croatian nobleman Gregor Pavlović Šubić. Demetrios Blukasinos contacted therefore the Bosnian King Tvrtko at whose court the woman lived as a protégé. The plan of Demetrios Blukasinos failed because of the opposition of Pope Urban V, who did not allow to marry the catholic princess to schismatic Markos. Pope Urban V expressed his point of view to Tvrtko in a letter from April 1370 (quodque tu eandem puellam tradere nuptui filio mangnifici viri Regis Rascie scismatico absque dictorum parentum voluntate procuras, in anime ipsius puelle periculum, eorundem parentum iniuriam et offensam fidei christiane). Markos is attested along with his mother Lena and his brother Andrěašь in the charter of the Serbian King Demetrios Blukasinos for the Ragusan Republic, which was issued on 5th April 1370 (i po vʼse dni veselešti mi se vь zemʼli kraljevstva mi sь prěvьzljubljenʼnomь kraljestva mi kralicomь kyra Lěnom i sь prěvьzʼljubʼljenʼnimi synovi kraljevstva mi Markomь i Anьdrějašemь). The Church of Saint Sunday (Sveta Nedela) in Prizren was renovated under the patronage of Markos in 1370/1371. He is attested as a young king in the ktirorial inscription (izvōljenjemь ōtca i vьplьštenijemь sina i blagodětiju svetago duha. sii svety i božьstvny hramь prěčьstïe vladičice naše bogordice. vьhoda ne sьzda se ï popisa. Pōvělěnïemь ï sь ōtkupōmь gospodina mladago krala marka lěto ·ѕ·ō·o·th· indiktiōn th). Ioannes Unklesis mentioned Markos in the charter for the Monastery Lavra on the Holy Mount Athos from April 1371 as his anepsei. Markos and Demetrios Blukasinos planned a campaign against Nikola Altomanović in the spring 1371. They camped near Skutari, on the territory of their ally Đurađ I Balšić, in July 1371 and were ready to attack Onogošt in the land of Altomanović (Li çintili homini et lo comun di Ragusa reçevi una littera, la qual lor mandasti tu Andrea Pastrovich, dando lor a savere, ca Jura cum misser lo re Volchassin et cum Marco suo fio, cum lor hoste son suta Scutari, et va sovra çuppan Nicola o in Anagast). The attack never took place, because the Ottomans threatened Ioannes Unklesis. Demetrios Blukasinos rushed to help his brother. After Ioannes Unklesis and Demetrios Blukasinos were killed at the battle of Marica on 26th September 1371, Markos became the co–ruler of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V. When the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V. died on 2th (or 4th) December 1371, Markos became the formal king of the Serbian Empire, but his rule was never accepted by the local Serbian aristocrats. Subsequently, the Serbian local aristocrats took advantage of the militarily weakened position of Markos and gradually seized large parts of his lands. Lazar took very early Priština and Novo Brdo, in 1372 Đurađ I Balšić occupied Prizren, later Kastoria, Bulkos (Vlkь Brankovikь) controlled since 1376/1377 the Skopje area and Konstantinos Dragases with his brother Ioannes expanded also their territory at the expense of Markos. Markos ruled since then over the area of Pelagonia and had his stronghold in Prilep. Markos minted his own coins. Markos renovated also the Church of the Saint Archangels in Prilep around 1372. The main entrance to the church is flanked by the painted portrait of Demetrios Blukasinos and Markos, who is depicted in the white sakkos. The portrait of Markos bears an inscription (Vь hrista boga věrenь kralь Marko). Markos became the vassal of the Ottoman sultan following the meeting at Serres in winter 1393/1394. Markos rebuilt the Saint Demetrius Monastery near the village Sušica (the so-called Marko’s Monastery) between 1376/1377 and 1381 (Izvōlenïemь ōtca i voplьšenïem sina i sьšestviemь svetago duha ōbnovi se i popisa si svety i božestavni hramь svetago velikōmučenika Hristova pobědōnosca i myrotočьca Dimitrija sь usrьdïemь i potštanïemь blagověrnago kralja Vlkašina sь blagověrniei kralice Eleny i sь prěvazljublenym eju i prьvorodnimь sinomь blagověrnimь kraljemь Markomь i Andreašemь i Ivanïšemь i Dimïtrom vь lěto ·ѕ·ō·p·e· si že monastirь nače se zdati lěto ·ѕ·ō·n·g· vь dni blagověrnago cara Stefana i hristoljubivago kralja Vlьkašina a sьvrši se vь dьni blagověrnago i hristoljubivago kralja Marka). The lunette of the south door of the monastery church is decorated with his portrait. Markos is shown holding a horn in his right hand and a scroll with the inscription Azь vь Hrista Boga blagověrьni kralь Markos sьzdahь i popisahь sy božestvni hramь. He together with his brother Markos marched in 1389 with the troops of the Ottoman Sultan Murad I against the army of the Serbian Prince Lazaros (Lazar Hrebeljanović) and Bulkos (Vuk Branković) according to the Tronoški rodoslov from the 18th century (Amuratь že ōbrativь voinstvō skoe na deržavu lazarevu, predvodimь markomь i andreemь). He together with Konstantinos Dragases as Ottoman vassals marched on the side of the Sultan Bayazid I. against the Wallachian army led by Mircea the Elder. He perished in the battle of Rovine on 17th May 1395. Markos is the hero of the Serbian epic poetry.
Synadenos, Theodoros Dukas Palaiologos Komnenos Person B: Protobestiarios, 1342 - 1343; Statthalter von Prilep, bis 1320; Domestikos τῆς τραπέζης, 1321; Protostrator, 1321 (?) - 1342; Statthalter von Thrakien, 1327 - 1328; Statthalter von Kpl, 1328 - 1330; Statthalter von Mesembria, 1331 - 1332; Statthalter in Epirus, 1338 - 1339; Statthalter von Thes/nike, 1341 - 1342; Großgrundbesitzer in Thrakien bei Serrhai, bis ca. 1343, Heerführer D: * ca. 1280. † ca. 1345 (vor 1346-04). V: S. d. Συναδηνός, ᾽Ιωάννης Κομνηνὸς Δούκας ῎Αγγελος u. d. Παλαιολογίνα (?), Θεοδώρα Κομνηνή (?). Heir. Συναδηνή, Εὐδοκία Δούκαινα Κομνηνὴ Παλαιολογίνα vor 1320. V. d. Παλαιολογίνα, Θεοδώρα Κομνηνὴ Δούκαινα ῾Ραούλαινα u. d. ᾽Ασανίνα, ῎Αννα Κομνηνὴ Δούκαινα Παλαιολογίνα. L: Anhänger d. Παλαιολόγος ᾽Ανδρόνικος III. im Βürgerkrieg gegen Παλαιολόγος ᾽Ανδρόνικος II. E. 1321 in Adrianopel. 1339 in Arta gefangengehalten. Floh 1342 beim Aufstand der Zeloten aus Thes/nike nach Gynaikokastron im NW von Thes/nike. Fiel von Καντακουζηνὸς ᾽Ιωάννης VI. ab und ging zu ᾽Απόκαυκος ᾽Αλέξιος über, der ihn zum Protobestiarios erhob, bald darauf aber unter Hausarrest stellte. Er starb verarmt und ohne Würden.
Syrgiannes Palaiologos Philanthropenos Komnenos Person
Unklesis Ioannes Person He died on 29th June 1371 during the battle against the Ottomans at Černomen/Marica. The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V bestowed on 9th August 1365 the title of Despot upon him. Ioannes Unklesis enlarged the Simonos Petra-Monydrion and made from it the Simonos Petra-Monastery on the Mount Athos out of gratitude for being awarded with the title. He endowed it with many lands. Ioannes Unklesis issued between 9th August 1365 and October 1368 a chrysobull charter regarding his ktitorial activity in the Simonos Petra-Monastery on Mount Athos, which has been preserved only in the transcription of Kyrillos Lukaris, the Patriarch of Constantinople, from 1622/1623. He designates himself as δεσπότης καὶ αὐτοκράτωρ πάσης Σερβίας καὶ Ῥωμανίας in this charter. He signed the charter in favour of the Zographu-Monastery on the Mount Athos in February 1369 as Ἰωάννης ἐν Χριστῶ τῷ Θεῷ πιστὸς δεσπότης καὶ αὐτοκράτωρ, ὁ Οὔγκλεσης. He designated his reign since March 1368 as βασιλεία. He retained this self-designation till 1371. This self-designation appears in the Slavic documents in the form „carstvo“. He was the groom (ἱπποκόμος) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan. Ioannes Unklesis, who held the position of grand duke, confirmed in 1358 an endowment of his mother-in-law, the wife of Boichnas, for the Kutlumus Monastery (ὅπερ ἐπροσίλοσεν ἡ ἁγία μου κυρία ἡ Κεσάρισα πρὸς αὐτὴν τὴν μονὴν ἐν τι τοποθεσία τὴ ἐπικεκλημένι ἡ Προυνέα χάριν ψυχηκὴς δωρεὰς αὐτῆς ζευγαρίων τεσσάρον... ἐγὼ Οὔγλεσις μέγας βοεβόδας ἀπὸ τὴς αὐτοῦ ἐλεημοσίνης τοὺ αὐθέντου ἡμῶν τοὺ πανευτυχεστάτου δεσπότου καὶ τοὺ ἀδελφοὺ αὐτοὺ τοὺ [...τ...]ου μου στέργο καὶ βεβεῶ τὰ τιαύτα χωράφια εἰς τὴν Προυνέαν γὴν ζευγαρίων τεσάρον ὅπος νέμωσην οἱ τιαύτοι μοναχοὶ τὴς θείας βασιλεικῆς μονῆς τοὺ Κουτλουμούσι ἀκολείτος). He signed the document as velik vōevoda. His father was Margnaua (Orbini)/ Margna (Luccari), who was a poor nobleman from Livno in Hum. Ioannes Unklesis was the cousin (ἀνεψιός) of Helene, the Serbian Empress. His brother was Demetrios Blukasinos and his sister was Helene. The husband of his sister was Nikolaos Radochnas (Νικόλαος ῾Ραδόχνας, Nikola Radonja). He was married to Euphemia. Ioannes Unklesis was the son-in-law of Boichnas (Voihna). He was the father of Uglješa, who died as a child. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan took his father and the whole family to the court. The senate of the Ragusan republic (Consilium rogatorum) granted the payment of 50 ducats to Ioannes Unklesis on 22th July 1346 (In consilio rogatorum, in quo interfuerunt 34 consiliarii, captum fuit per omnes, nemine discortante, quod Ugiesse barono huius contrate noviter misso a domino imperatore, pro confirmanda et captanda benivolentia cum ipso ei ut habeat causam bene vivendi cum terra, de avere comunis detur et donetur eidem usque florenos seu ducatos L, prout videbitur d. comiti et suo minori consilio). Ioannes Unklesis governed independently in the are of Serres, Christupolis (Kavala), Philippoi, Drama and Zichnai. He had a good connection to the monks in Mount Athos and acknowledged Sabas, the Protos at the Mount Athos, in 1369 as his spiritual father. The Batopedi Monastery on the Mount Athos obtained at the beginning of the year 1365 from Ioannes Unklesis the Monastery of Theotokos Spelaiotissa in the vicinity of the town Melnik with vineyards and gardens, the village Tzukarades, land near the gate of the Lower Town of Melnik, twelwe subjects within the fortress of Melnik, the village Katunitza, the monydrion Hagios Georgios Aliseres, the village Hagia Kyriake, the village Dempreane, the village Mpusdobos, four mills within the fortress of Melnik, two mills in Katunitza, and other lands in the vicinity of the town Melnik. The Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V Palaiologos issued in September 1365 a chrysobull charter at the request of the Despot Ioannes Unklesis, in which he donated estates in the vicinity of Serres and Kalamaria to the Hilandar Monastery (Ἐπεὶ ὁ περιπόθητος ἀνεψιὸς τῆς ὑψηλοτάτης δεσποίνης Σερβίας καὶ περιποθήτου ἀδελφῆς τῆς βασιλείας μου, εὐτυχέστατος δεσπότης τῆς Σερβίας κῦρ Ἰωάννης ὁ Οὔγκλεσις, ἐζήτησε καὶ παρεκάλεσε τὴν βασιλείαν μου ἵνα γένηται χρυσόβουλλον τοῖς μοναχοῖς τῆς κατὰ τὸ ἅγιον ὄρος τοῦ Ἄθω διακειμένης σεβασμίας μονῆς, τῆς εἰς ὄνομα τιμωμένης τῆς πανυπεράγνου δεσποίνης καὶ θεομήτορος καὶ ἐπικεκλημένης τοῦ Χελανταρίου, καὶ κατέχωσι καὶ εἰς τοεξῆς τὸ περὶ τὰς Σέρρας χωρίον, τὸ καλούμενον τοῦ Ποθολινοῦ, ἔτι τε τὸ ἐν τῇ Καλαμαρίᾳ ἕτερον χωρίον τὸ καλούμενον Λιγνὸν μετὰ τῆς σκάλλας αὐτοῦ). In January 1366 ugodni vlastelin Novakь Mrasorovikь addressed the request to the Serbian Despot Ioannes Unklesis and also to the Serbian King Demetrios Blukasinos to approve his donation of the village Koprivljane to the Monastery Hagios Panteleemon on the Holy Mount Athos. Both of them confirmed the endowment of Novakь Mrasorovikь to the Monastery Hagios Panteleemon on the Holy Mount Athos in a separate chrysobull charter (Sьdrьžeštu mi sia vsa blagověrьnōmu i Bogomь postavlěnnōmu despotu Iōanu Ugleši despotьstvujuštu; blagōvěrьnyi despotь Iōannь Uglešь). The Despot Ioannes Unklesis sponsored the hospital at the Batopedi Monastery and the Esphigmenu Monastery as well. He erected the monydrion of Saint Nicholas at Karyes. He was the ktitor of the small church of Saint Anargyroi at the Batopedi Monastery, where he is portrayed as a patron. The Serbian Despot Ioannes Unklesis confirmed the donation of Kaisar Boichnas (Voihna) for the monk and spiritual father Daniil. He approved all privileges concerning the Church of the Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel above Gabrovo for him (Kako pride kь carьstvu mi čьstni starьcь duhovьnikь kyrь Daniil…Mihaila i Gabrila više Gabrova, i prinese mi zapisanie gospodina….roditelě mi kesara, i viděhь pročtohь čto jestь zapisalь i….kesarь Voihna, i ini hristoljubivi crьkvi onoizi ljud…..zemle: bystь hotěnije carьstvu mi kudě godě mu se što nahodi……hru….ljud…..vinogradь, perivolja, ili i mlinь, ima hotěnije carьstvo mi kako da je……vь věkomь, i da jestь pace svobodna, nikiimь nepotьknovlenno….). Ioannes Unklesis donated in April 1369 the village Neōhorь on the plain of Mavrovo with all boundaries and rights to the Monastery of Kutlumus. The monastery obtained all estates, which were in possession of Theōdorь Ōduevikь. The community of monks on the Mount Athos received also pronoia helders with people, land parcels and fruit trees, which were in some way dependent upon Kalabaris (Kalavar) (selo u poli Mavrovьskom imenem Neōhorь sь vsemi megami i s pravinami sela togai, sь vsemь što e drьžalь Theōdorь Ōduevikь pri carstvě mi, i pri Kalavari proniari što su drьžali ili ljudi ili vokie sь vsem periorom sela). At the instance of the monk Theodosios and his confreres from the Monastery Batopedi Ioannes Unklesis pledged to grant in November 1369 120 hyperpyra per annum, extracted from the revenues of the lake of Porou, to the monastery. The Serbian Despot Ioannes Unklesis gave between 1369 and 1371 the selište located between the village Akroterion (Akrotirion) and the river Plumiska as a tax-free property to the Monastery of Batopedi with all rights. The selište was a possession of Lanzo (probably Lantzaretos), who lived at the time as Kalabaris or was bonded by a certain contract with Kalabaris (i darova crtvo mi ōbitěli prstie Bce Vatopedu selište megju Akrotiro, i megju Plumsko šte e drьžalь Lanzo pri Kalavari sь vsemi megjami i pravinami sela toga). The Protaton on Mount Athos gathered in December 1370 at the behest of the Serbian Despot Ioannes Unklesis ruled the dispute over the village of Mpresnitza in favour of the Hilandar Monastery. He endowed in 1370/1371 the Hilandar Monastery with the village Akroterion (Akrotirion) and the katun of Vlachs Zarvince. He gave also pastures and hunting grounds in the vicinity of the village Akroterion and the katun of Vlachs Zarvince to the monastery (I priložihь na jezěre, u prěděle rědinьskōmь, selo Akrotirь i s pašišti i sь lovišti i sь v’sěmi megjami i pravinami sela toga. I selo katunь vlahь imenemь Zar’vin’ce sь v’sěmi pašišti i megjami i pravinami sela togo). Ioannes Unklesis donated in or before 1371 a vineyard and a farmland in the place called Koremistes to the monastery complex Theotokos Kataphygion near Melnik (ἕτερον ἀμπέλιον καὶ ζευγηλατεῖον, εὑρισκόμενα περὶ τὸν τόπον τῆς Κορεμίστης, ἅπερ ἔδωκεν ὁ εὐτυχέστατος δεσπότης Σερβίας ὁ Οὔγκλεσης). In January 1371 Sabas, the Protos at the Mount Athos, granted the small monastery of Makrou to Ioannes Unklesis. In April 1371 Ioannes Unklesis donated the fishpond of Saint Theodore in the lake of Porou with all its possessions and rights, including the fishing privileges in the lagoon, to the Batopedi Monastery. Ioannes Unklesis established the contact with Constantinople in 1367/1368 in order to reconcile with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and to overcome the schism. He therefore received Theophanes, the Metropolitan of Nikaia and at the same time emissary of the patriarch of Constantiople, at his residence. He send im March 1368 a letter to the Patriarchate of Constantinople, which has been preserved in the Register of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Ioannes Unklesis proposed in the letter that the metropolises in the territory of his realm, among them the Metropolises of Drama, Christupolis, Serres and Zichna should respect the authority of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Philotheos Kokkinos, the Patriarch of Constantinople, and the Ecumenil synod issued a charter in May 1371, where they officialy proclaimed the Union with the eparchies under the control of Ioannes Unklesis. Philotheos Kokkinos describes him as ὁ εὐτυχέστατος δεσπότης Σερβίας, κῦρις Ἰωάννης ὁ Οὔγκλεσης, τοῦ πλέον τοῖς ἡμετέροις μέρεσιν ἐγγίζοντος τόπου κύριος καταστὰς, ἄνθρωπος ὑπάρχων φρόνιμος καὶ καλὸς καὶ τρόπου καὶ συνειδήσεως ἀγαθῆς καὶ τὸν τοῦ θεοῦ φόβον κεκτημένος, ἠθέλησεν ἐπανασώσασθαι τὰς ἐκκλησίας ταύτας τῇ ἰδίᾳ μετρὶ καὶ κεφαλῇ τῶν ἐκκλησιῶν. Demetrios Blukasinos and his brother Ioannes Unklesis commanded the Serbian forces, which fought against the Ottoman army commanded by the Beglerbeg Lala Şahin Pasha and Evrenos near the village Černomen on 26th September 1371. His name is attested in the brebion (memorial book), which has been preserved at Protaton in Karyes on Mount Athos (Protaton 340 [113], 1v: Ἔτι δεόμεθα ὑπὲρ μακαρίας μνήμης καὶ ἀφέσεως τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν τῶν ἀειμνήστων δούλων τοῦ Θεοῦ Δημητρίου κράλη καὶ Ἰωάννου δεσπότου καὶ τῶν σὺν αὐτοῖς ἀναιρεθέντων ὀρθοδόξων χριστιανῶν).
Places (2)
Name Class Begin End Description
Sarandaporь Place The Vita of Saint Joakim Osogovski from the 12th century relates that the Saint came to the deserted mountains of Osogovo (vъ strani gōry pustiny Ōsogovskie). At first, he stayed in the vicinity of the village of Grad’cь (въ selě… Grad’cь). Then, he settled in a cave in Babinь Dōlь at the foot of the Osogovo Mountains (pōdkrilïe gory Osogovskïe) near the river Skupica (pri rěcě gljeměi Skupice). Finally, he went to a plot of land called Sarandaporь (vь pōdkrily gory Osogovskye na městě gljemě Sarandaporь). A certain priest called Theodorь came, after the death of Saint Joakim Osogovski (approximately 1105?) and during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Komnenos (reigned 1143-1180), from the village of Osmir Dolě, allegedly in Ovče Pole, to Sarandaporь (Vъ dni tie běše ierei imenemь Theōdorь vь stranah Ovčepolьskyh. Vь vsi zovoměi Osmir dolě). Theōdorь was led by divine inspiration and came with the blessing of the Saint. He became a monk and changed his name to Teofan. He built a church in honor of Saint Joakim Osogovski and kept his relics there. He was also the first abbot of the monastery. A monk called Arsenije from the city of Veles (ōt Velesa grad) experienced his conversion in the monastery's church. The genealogical tables of the Serbain rulers attest that the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin (reigned 1282-1321) founded several monasteries, including that of Saint Joakim (Sarandaporь svetomu otcu Їōakimu). Actually, King Milutin did not found it, but gave order to renew it. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš III Dečanski (reigned 1321-1331) crossed, in the run-up to the battle of Velbužd on 28 July 1330, the region of Slavište. He followed the upper course of the Kriva reka and reached Kriva Palanka, where he prayed with his noblemen at the Monastery of Sarandaporь in front of the relics of Saint Joakim Osogovski (Takožde i kь svetomu otьcu Ioakimu suštemu vь Saranьdaporě molьbu tvore prišьdь kь grobu těla jego). News reached him in Sarandaporь that the Bulgarian Tsar Michael III Šišman (reigned 1323-1330) had arrived at the castle of Zemen and had begun to pillage the surrounding area. The Byzantine short chronicles relate that the Ottoman Sultan Bāyezīd I (reigned 1389-1402) handed over the relics of the Saint Ilariōn of Moglena to the Serbian nobleman Konstantin Dragaš in 1393. According to this written source, Konstantin Dragaš, who resided in Žegligovo (ὁποῦ ἐκάθετον εἰς τὸν Ὀζίγλοβο), brought them to the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael (sic!) in Sarandaporь (τοῦ ἤφερεν εἰς τὸ ἅγιον μοναστήριον τοῦ Ταξιάρχου εἰς τὸ Σαραντάπωρον). The Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II (reigned 1451-1481) stayed in the Monastery of Sarandaporь in 1463 on his campaign to Bosnia (i dohodi u manastirь Sarandaporь na Krivoi rěcě). The Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) decided in 1474 to give a donation of 20 perper to the Monastery of Sarandaporь (elemosinam monasterio Sancti Joachim partium Bulgarie). Arsenij, who was the abbot of the Monastery of Sarandaporь, died in 1488 (prěstavi se igumenь Sarandaporskyi, kyr Arsenїe). 41 Monks lived in the monastery according to the Ottoman Defter from 1519. Sarandaporь is registered as Sveti Otec in Egri Dere (Kriva Palanka; Kriva reka) in the Defter for the Sanjak Köstendil from the years 1570 to 1572. The monastery had three churches and twelve chapels. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 1585 and rebuilt afterwards.
Žegligovo Place According to the Life of Saint Prohor Pčinjski (11th century) Prohor settled in a small cave in the deserted area of Nagoričino in Žegligovo (vь Žegligovskoj straně). The Saint met the later Byzantine Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes (reigned 1068-1071), who was hunting in Žegligovo. Between 1300 and 1318/21 a certain anagnost Radin from Nagoričino in Žegligovo (anagnosta Radina Nagoričanina izь Žegligova) wrote a gospel for the priest Zagoranin in Sušica. According to the Lives of the Serbian Kings and Archbishops, written by Archbishop Danilo II and his successors, the Serbian King Stefan Uroš III Dečanski (reigned 1321-1331) gathered his army in the forefront of the Battle of Velbužd in the first half of 1330 on a field called Dobrič, located in today's South-Eastern Serbia at the confluence of the rivers Južna Morava and Toplica. He intended to confront the Bulgarian Tsar Michael III Šišman (reigned 1323-1330) at this place. As messengers informed him that the Bulgarian Tsar had reached the castle of Zemen in the upper course of the river Strymon (Struma), at that time the border between the Serbian Kingdom and the Second Bulgarian Empire, he set his army in march and first moved to Nagoričino, where he prayed in the Church of Saint George (priide vь monastirь svoi kь svetomu mučeniku Hristovu Georьgiju Nagoričьskomu). After the Serbian victory at the Battle of Velbužd near today's Kjustendil on 28 July 1330, Stefan Dečanski captured Michael Šišman and brought him to Žegligovo (aduxere eum in Segligovo), where he died and was buried in the Church of Saint George in the village of Nagoričino (et sepulchro datus est in Ecclesia sancti Georgii in pago Gorichina). In the year 1349 (u zemli žegligovьskoi) and 1354/55 respectively (u zemli žegligovьskoi) the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (reigned 1331-1355) mentions Žegligovo in his charters for Church of the Presentation of the Holy Mother of God in the village of Arhiljevica. The localisation of Arhilevjica remains unsolved. It might have lain near Preševo (today in Serbia) or in the Skopska Crna Gora in the triangle of the villages of Belanovce, Domanovci and Izvorь. In the Serbian Annals a church in the Skopska Crna Gora above Žegligovo is mentioned (u Črьmьnyje Gory, vyše Žegligova; eius vero mater aedificavit Ecclesiam in Nigro Monte, supra Segligovo). The same source often conflates Žegligovo and Nagoričino in one unit (I u Nagoričinu na Žegligovo crьkov svetago velikomučenika Georgïa; i u Nagoričinu na Žegligovu crkovь svetago velikomučenika Georgïa; i u Nagoričinu na Žegligovu crkovь svetago mučenika Georgïa; i u Nagoričinu na Žegligovo crьkovь svetago velikomučenika Georgïa; i u Nagoričinu na Žegligovu crkovь svetago velikomučenika Georgïa). Žegligovo is mentioned by the Serbian Janissary Konstantin Mihailović (15th century) in his memoirs ("and as he [scilicet the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V] reached the land of Constantine, he pitched his tent in the field of Žegligovo" and "as the Sultan Mehmed [II] arrived near the field called Žegligovo on the border of Rascia"). The term "Land of Constantine" relates to the Serbian Despot Konstantin Dragaš, who ruled over Žegligovo in the second half of the 14th century and was therefore called "Žegligovac". Žegligovo served probably as a deployment area for the Ottoman Sultan Murad I (reigned 1360-1389) before the Battle of Kosovo in June 1389 against the Serbian Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović (reigned 1373-1389). The Byzantine Short Chronicles report that the Ottoman Sultan Bāyezīd I (reigned 1389-1402) handed over the relics of Saint Hilarion of Moglena (11th/12th centuries) to Konstantin Dragaš in 1394, who resided in Žegligovo (ὁποῦ ἐκάθετον εἰς τὸν Ὀζίγλοβο). Thereupon, Konstantin brought the relics to the Monastery of Sarandaporь. In the year 1395 Konstantin Dragaš fell in the Battle of Rovine against the Wallachian Voivode Mircea the Elder (reigned 1386-1418). In the year 1479 the scribe Vladislav Gramatik compiled a liturgical book (Panegyrikon) in the Monastery of Saint Bogorodica Črьnogorska at the foot of the Črьna Gora (Skopska Crna Gora) in the region of Žegligovo (vь prědělě žegligovscěm). The humanist and diplomat Felix Petančić (ca. 1455-after 1517) refers to Žegligovo as "Gegligove". In 1512 Ottoman troops pillaged Žegligovo and Ovče Pole (To lěto plěniše Turci Žegligovo, Ovče Polě). In the summer of 1550 Klementios was appointed Metropolitan of Skopje, Vranje and Žegligovo (μητρόπολιν Σκοπίου, Βράνιας καὶ Ζεγληγόβου). Žegligovo is mentioned in the Vodičnički pomenik from the 16th century. The župa of Žegligovo roughly included the area to the South of Preševo (today in Serbia), to the West of Slavište, to the North of Ovče Pole and the valley of the river Vardar and to the East of the Skopska Crna Gora.