Maps of Power

Ferjančić 1974


ID 116964
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Book
Case Study Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16


Božidar Ferjančić,Tesalija u XIII i XIV veku (Vizantološki institut Srpske Akademije nauka i umetnosti, Posebna izdanja, knjiga 15, Beograd 1974).


Actors (3)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Chlapenos Radoslabos Person Identical with Radoslav’ (Povikь?)? It is doubtful, that he is the same person as the župan Hlapen, who governed Konavle and the region of Trebinje. He died before 1385. He was a commandant of the Serbian military troops in Macedonia, 1350. He controlled a large area in Macedonia in the border region, 1357–1362. He was a relative of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan. He married Eirene Prelumpissa in 1358 (ὅθεν καὶ γυναῖκα λαμβάνει τὴν τοῦ Πρελούμπου ἐκείνου γαμετήν). He was the father of Helena. According to a manuscript note she was married to Marko Mrnjavčević (vь dьni blagověrnago kralja Mar’ka, jegda ōdade Thodoru Grьgurovu ženu Hlapenu, a uze ženu svoju prьvověn’čan’nu Jelenu, Hlapenovu dьštere). His second daughter was the wife of Nikolaos Baldubinos Pagases [Νικόλαος Βαλδουβῖνος Παγάσης/Nikola Bagaš] (ἀπὸ τοῦ πενθεροῦ μου Ῥαδοσλάβου τοῦ Χλαπένου). The third daughter called Maria Angelina Radosthlaba married Alexios Angelos Philantropenos. Mauro Orbini, a Ragusan chronicler from 16th century, who used older sources, mentions also a son of him called Stefan-Dukas (I maschi si chiamauno Duca & Stefano). He defected in 1350 along with Tolisthlabos from the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan to the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos (ἧκον δὲ καὶ αὐτόμολοι δύο ἐξ αὐτῶν· ὧν ἅτερος τῶν μάλιστα ἦν ἐπιφανῶν, κατὰ γένος προσήκων Κράλῃ, Χλάπαινος ὠνομασμένος, στρατιάν τε ἔχων ὑφ’ ἑαυτὸν οὐκ εὐκαταφρόνητον καὶ πολλὴν περιουσίαν· ὁ λοιπὸς δὲ οὐ τῶν πάνυ περιδόξων ἦν, πλὴν κἀκεῖνος ἀρχάς τε πόλεων ἐγκεχειρισμένος καὶ στρατοπέδων ἡγεμονίας, ὄνομα Τολίσθλαβος). After a while he switched sides again and joined most likely the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan. He captured Beroia before 1359, probably in 1351 (Οὗτος τοίνυν ὁ Χλάπενος, εἷς ὢν τῶν Σερβικῶν σατραπῶν καὶ τινα φρούρια ἐκ τῶν Ῥωμαï κῶν ὁρίων εἰληφώς, ἀλλὰ δὴ καὶ τὴν μεγαλόδοξον πόλιν Βέῤῥοιαν, μεγάλως ἐπὶ τοὶς κατορθώμασιν ἐσέμνυνεν). He witnessed the apparently falsified charter issued by the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V in 1355 for the inhabitants of the town of Kotor (Radosav Chlapene). He acted as a protector of the inheritance right of his wife and his stepson Toma Preljubović (Θωμᾶς Πρέλουμπος). Therefore he seized the Thessalian town Damasis in 1359/1360 (Τῇ Βλαχίᾳ δὲ φθάσας μετὰ τῶν στρατευμάτων καὶ φρούριον ἓν πολιορκία εἰληφώς, Δάμασιν καλούμενον, εἰς συμβάσεις μετὰ τοῦ βασιλέως Συμεὼν χωροῦσι, καὶ τὸ φρούριον τούτῳ παραχωρεῖ). He gave up the town of Damasis to Simeon Uroš (Συμεὼν Παλαιολόγος) on condition of arranging the marriage between Maria Angelina Komnene Palaiologina, the daughter of Simeon, and Toma Preljubović (Θωμᾶς Πρέλουμπος). He founded the Mesonesiotissa Monastery near Kastoria (καὶ ἂν κατὰ διαδοχὴν καὶ κληρονομίαν ἔλαβον ἀπὸ τοῦ πενθεροῦ μου Ῥαδοσλάβου τοῦ Χλαπένου σεβασμίαν καὶ ἱερὰν μονὴν, τὴν παρ’ ἐκείνου ἀνεγερθεῖσαν ἐκ βάθρων αὐτῶν τῇ ὑπερευλογημένῃ ἡμῶν δεσποίνῃ καὶ θεομήτορι, τὴν οὕτω πως καλουμένην Μεσονησιώτισσαν). Apparently his ring was found on a medieval necropolis of the Vodoča Monastery near Strumica. It bears an invocation (Izvolite raba Božija Hlapena).
Thomais Person B: Kaiserin d. Serben u. Griechen, 1356 - 1359 (mindestens); Despotin, 1348/49 - 1356, ßασίλισσα V: T. d. ῎Αγγελος, ᾽Ιωάννης Δούκας Κομνηνός, Herrscher von Epirus u. d. Παλαιολογίνα ῎Αννα. Schw. d. <῎Αγγελος>, Νικηφόρος ΙΙ. Δούκας. Heir. Οὔρεσις, Συμεὼν Παλαιολόγος, Kaiser d. Serben u. Griechen 1348/49 im Epirus. M. d. Οὔρεσις, ᾽Ιωάννης Δούκας Παλαιολόγος u. d. Παλαιολογίνα, Μαρία ᾽Αγγελίνα Δούκαινα u. d. Stefan. L: Bis 1356 im Epirus. Wurde dann von ihrem Bruder nach Kastoria vertrieben, 1359 nach Trikala.
Tzamplakon Arsenios Person Died probably before August 1362. He is mentioned as κῦρ, δοῦλος of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos and Ioannes V. Palaiologos in the sources.He held the position of μέγας παπίας, 1333–1342 and 1352. He is attested as an apographeus (fiscal official) of the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos in 1349 and as archon at Didymoteichon in 1352. He was a monk. Probably the son of μέγας παπίας Alexios Tzamplakon. He was the brother of Asomatianos Tzamplakon, Demetrios Tzamplakon and Tornikina. His sons were Michael Kaballarios Tzamplakon and Alexios Kaballarios Tzamplakon. He was the συμπένθερος of Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos. He accused in the early summer of the year 1333 at Chalkidike Philantropenos Palaiologos Syrgiannes of a high treason before the Emperor Andronikos III. Palaiologos. He came to Constantinople in order to attend the trial with Philantropenos Palaiologos Syrgiannes. He authenticated the deed of sale of the protostrator Theodoros Dukas Palaiologos Komnenos Synadenos in December 1333. He was sent in 1342 together with Konstantinos Palaiologos by Ioannes VI. Kantakuzenos to the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan. He was together with Konstantinos Palaiologos taken into custody by a certain Tzimpanos. Tzimpanos turned Arsenios Tzamplakon in to Alexios Apokaukos in Thessalonike. Arsenios Tzamplakon was insulted by the mob of Thessalonike as the patriarch of Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos. He was arrested and his possession was confiscated. According to the Praktikon issued in January 1342 by Michal Papylas Romanos was Ioannes Margarites the recipient of a confiscated land from Arsenios Tzamplakon located between Serres and Zichna. The possession of Ioannes Margarites at Kato Uska and Rachoba was declared exempt from the 9 nomismata tax and hereditary by the prostagma of the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V. Palaiologos from October 1342. The former estates of Tzako [...], most probably Arsenios Tzamplakos, consisted of arable land and vineyards. The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated in April 1348 the former property of Arsenios Tzamplakon, which was inside the town of Chrysopolis, to the Batopedi Monastery. He drew up before December 1349 the inventory of the property of the Monastery Theotokos Psychosostria in Constantinople, which was used for chrysobull charter of the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos. After 1355 he was residing in the Batopedi Monastery as a monk. He bequeathed in February 1355 his patrimonial estate in Prinarion with als its area and rights, dependent peasants, abandoned land, vineyards, mills, uncultivated land and pasture, a part of land in Vela, winter pasture in Thermopotamos, annual fair of Saint Symeon in Vela and the fortification called Slanesion/Sthlanesion to the Batopedi Monastery. In May 1356 he added houses and the Church of Holy Mother of God Kamariotissa in the Kataphyge quarter at Thessalonike, his part of the patrimonial land in the mouth of the river Galikos including salty soil, some dikaia near the sea till Chenaru and a tower to the endowment, which he donated before to the Batopedi Monastery.