Maps of Power

Polemis 1968


Demetrios I. Polemis, The Doukai. A Contribution to Byzantine Prosopography (London 1968).


Actors (8)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Dukaites Person Probably identical with an adressee (PLP 5670) of a letter, which was written by Theodoros Hyrtakenos. Mentioned in the sermon of the Byzantine writer Theodoros Metochites, who undertook the task to arrange the marriage of the Byzantine princess Simonis with the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin. He accompanied Theodoros Metochites on his diplomatic mission and reported the news to the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II. (ἄλλως τε καὶ πρὸς εἰδότα ἴσως καὶ ἅπαντ’ ἀκριβῶς ἀκηκοότα τοῦ καλοῦ Δουκαίτου· πρότερον ἐπιδεδημηκότος αὐτόθι παρ’ ἡμῶν...κἀγὼ μὲν αὐτίκα τὸν καλὸν Δουκαίτην ἐς βασιλέα· καὶ αὐτὸς δὲ οὕστινας οἶσθα, σὺν αὐτῷ πέμπομεν, Δαμιανόν τινα αὐτὸν οἶμαι ὄνομα μοναχὸν καὶ Τομπράιλον ἐκκλησιάρχην ἐνταῦθα τοῖς ἐγχωρίοις τετιμημένον τοῦ δεσπότου καὶ κατωνομασμένον· περί τε τοῦ παντὸς ἔργου κατεροῦντας ὡς ἤνυσταί τε καὶ πεπέρανται· καὶ καταλιπαρήσοντας ἐξ αὐτοῦ δεσπότου τὲ καὶ Τριβαλλάρχου, καὶ ἤδη παιδὸς φίλου τῷ βασιλεῖ, περὶ οὗ νῦν γε εἴρηται συνθήματος).
Koreses Dukas Person Active in the vicinity of Serres between 1341 and 1375. He was οἰκεῖος and δοῦλος of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan, 1355. He was in the commision, which was entrusted by Iakobos, the Metropolitan of Serres, to delimit the metochion of the Philotheu Monastery in Kremna and Tzainu (ὁ οἰκεῖος τῶ κραταιῶ καὶ ἁγίῳ ᾑμων αὐθέντη καὶ βασιλεῖ Δοῦκας ὁ Κορέσης εἰδέναι ἀκριβὼς τὰ σύνορα καὶ προνόμια τῆς ἁπάσης αὐτῶν γῆς). He signed the document, which was issued by Iakobos in December 1355 (Ὁ δοῦλος τοῦ κραταιοῦ καὶ ἁγίου ἡμῶν αὐθέντου καὶ βασιλέως Δούκας ὁ Κορέσης). He appears in another document of Iakobos, the Metropolitan of Serres, for the Hilandar Monastery from November 1360. Several local nobleman, among them also Duka Koreses, who lived in the vicinity of the metochion Saint Nicholas in Kamenikaia, took in possesion some of its estates. Iakobos returned the unjustly annexed lands to the Hilandar Monastery (καὶ πρῶτον μὲν εὕρομεν ὅτι ἀπὸ τούτων ὑφείλετο ὁ Δούκας ὁ Κορέσης καὶ κατεῖχε, προβαλλόμενος ἐξ ἀγορᾶς τοῦτο κεκτῆσθαι). Dukas Koreses was more than thirty years in dispute with the Alopu Monastery on Mount Athos over a land in Klopotitza. The judicial panel summoned by Theodoros, the Metropolitan of Serres, confirmed in August 1375 the claim of the convent of Alopu on Mount Athos on the land Klopotitza. The decision was realised only after the end of the Serbian rule, since Duka Koreses was courtier and supporter of the Serbian rulers.
Makrodukas Person Mentioned for the year 1350/1351 by the Byzantine historian Ioannes Kantakuzenos. He was the commander of the garrison at Edessa (Vodena), 1350/1351 . The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan released him for the promise to lay down his arms, after the conquest of the town Edessa (Vodena) in 1350/1351 (ἐπεὶ δὲ καὶ ἡ ἄκρα εἴχετο, τὴν μὲν φρουρὰν καὶ Μακροδούκαν τὸν ἄρχοντα ἀπέλυεν ὁ Κράλης κατὰ τοὺς ὅρκους, τὰ ὅπλα μόνον ἀφελόμενος).
Nestongos Dukas Person Mentioned in the sources between 1352 and 1360. He was designated as κὺρ. He appears as οἰκεῖος of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan in the confirmation charter for the Monastery of Saint Anastasia near Zichna. The sources refer to him also as δοῦλος of the Serbian Empress Jelena (Helene). He held the office of Logothetes, since 1352; then of Governor of Serres (Nestegus capitaneus Seren.; Nestegus Zephalia Seren.), 1354 and finally of Megas Papias, 1360. His wife was Eudokia Nestongissa. The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed in the year 1352 that the village Ostrina belonged to the Monastery of Saint Anastasia near Zichna. He ordered Georgios Dukas Nestongos (οἰκεῖος ὁ αὐτῆ κὺρ Γεώργιος ὁ λογοθέτης) to look after the inviolability of the rights of the monastery. He (Ὀ λογοθέτης Γεώργιος Δούκας ὁ Νεστόγγος) together with his wife (Σίγνον Ευδοκίας Παλαιολογίνης τῆς Νεστογγόνισας) possessed an orchard near Serres, which was partly a dowry and partly acquired by the couple. They donated it in 1353 to Monastery of Saint John Prodromos near Serres, which owned mills in the vicinity of the orchard, for exchange of life annuity payed to them by the monastery. He together with judge Božidar and Damjan from Kotor was sent by the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan in 1354 to the papal court in Avignon. He participated in the decision of the ecclesiastical court, which was summoned by Iakobos, the Metropolitan of Serres, concerning the metochion Saint Nicholas in Kamenikaia. He signed also the document issued by Iakobos in November 1360 (ὁ δοῦλος τῆς κραταιᾶς καὶ ἁγίας ἡμῶν κυρίας καὶ δεσποίνης Δούκας ὁ Νεστόγγος ὁ μέγας παπίας).
Synadenos, Ioannes Komnenos Dukas Angelos Person Perhaps identical with Sinadin Kalojan? Died with all probability before 1290. His sons were at that time infants. He died as monk Ioakeim on 6 February (Ὡσαύτως ποιήσετε μνημόσυνα καθ’ ἑκάστην τοῦ χρόνου περίοδον τὴν ἕκτην τοῦ φευρουαρίου μηνὸς καὶ ὑπὲρ τοῦ μακαρίου κτήτορος ὑμῶν τοῦ μεγάλου στρατοπεδάρχου Ἀγγέλου Δούκα τοῦ Συναδηνοῦ κυροῦ Ἰωάννου, τοῦ διὰ τοῦ θείου καὶ ἀγγελικοῦ σχήματος μετονομασθέντος Ἰωακεὶμ μοναχοῦ). He was a κῦρ. He was toparch of Polog before 1275/1276 (ὁ δέ γε πατὴρ τοῦ πρὸς ἑσπέραν κατὰ τὴν Δαλματίαν λεγομένου Πολόγου τοπάρχης ἦν) and Megas stratopedarches from 1275/1276 to 1283/1284. He married his wife Theodora Komnene Palaiologina approximately in 1280 or 1281. He was the father of Ioannes Komnenos Dukas Palaiologos Synadenos, Theodoros Dukas Palaiologos Komnenos Synadenos, Euphrosyne Komnene Dukaina Palaiologina and a daugher not known by name, who was a candidate bride for the Bulgarian King Teodor Svetoslav Terter. He defected to Michael VIII Palaiologos probably after the battle at Pelagonia in 1259. The Byzantine emperor rewarded him with the title of megas stratopedarches. In 1275/1276 he fought together with Michael Kaballarios against the army of Ioannes Dukas, the ruler of Thessaly. He was defeated and captured at Pharsalos. He was one of the generals, who beat the army of Charles I of Anjou at Berat in April 1281. He joined an unsuccessful naval expedition to Thessaly in 1283/1284. He is honoured as a ktetor of the convent of the Holy Mother of God Bebaia Elpis in Constantinople according to the Typikon of his wife Theodora for the convent of the Holy Mother of God Bebaia Elpis in Constantinople. He possessed a small private library with several manuscripts.
Synadenos, Theodoros Dukas Palaiologos Komnenos Person B: Protobestiarios, 1342 - 1343; Statthalter von Prilep, bis 1320; Domestikos τῆς τραπέζης, 1321; Protostrator, 1321 (?) - 1342; Statthalter von Thrakien, 1327 - 1328; Statthalter von Kpl, 1328 - 1330; Statthalter von Mesembria, 1331 - 1332; Statthalter in Epirus, 1338 - 1339; Statthalter von Thes/nike, 1341 - 1342; Großgrundbesitzer in Thrakien bei Serrhai, bis ca. 1343, Heerführer D: * ca. 1280. † ca. 1345 (vor 1346-04). V: S. d. Συναδηνός, ᾽Ιωάννης Κομνηνὸς Δούκας ῎Αγγελος u. d. Παλαιολογίνα (?), Θεοδώρα Κομνηνή (?). Heir. Συναδηνή, Εὐδοκία Δούκαινα Κομνηνὴ Παλαιολογίνα vor 1320. V. d. Παλαιολογίνα, Θεοδώρα Κομνηνὴ Δούκαινα ῾Ραούλαινα u. d. ᾽Ασανίνα, ῎Αννα Κομνηνὴ Δούκαινα Παλαιολογίνα. L: Anhänger d. Παλαιολόγος ᾽Ανδρόνικος III. im Βürgerkrieg gegen Παλαιολόγος ᾽Ανδρόνικος II. E. 1321 in Adrianopel. 1339 in Arta gefangengehalten. Floh 1342 beim Aufstand der Zeloten aus Thes/nike nach Gynaikokastron im NW von Thes/nike. Fiel von Καντακουζηνὸς ᾽Ιωάννης VI. ab und ging zu ᾽Απόκαυκος ᾽Αλέξιος über, der ihn zum Protobestiarios erhob, bald darauf aber unter Hausarrest stellte. Er starb verarmt und ohne Würden.
Tornikes, Andronikos Komnenos Dukas Palaiologos Person He died on 3th July of an unknown year before the Typikon of Theodora Synadene for the Convent of the Holy Mother of God Bebaia Elpis in Constantinople was written. It was surely after 1327. He appears as a κῦρ in the sources. He held the position of a Parakoimomenos. He was the son of Maria Tornikina Palaiologina and Isaakios Tornikes. His wife was probably the Parakoimomene Tornikina. He was the son-in-law of the Megas Papias Alexios Tzamplakon. He along with ἐπὶ τοῦ στρατοῦ Jean de Gibelet (Τζουϊὰν ντὲ Ζιπλέτ) was sent in July 1325 by the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos to the House of Savoy. They had the task to seek the hand of Anna of Savoy for Andronikos III Palaiologos. He joined on the 20th March 1326 together with Kasandrenos at Amphipolis the embassy from Constantinople heading to the Serbian king. In 1327 he was decreed by the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos to control the resettlement of the 2000 Cumans from Thrace to the islands of Lemnos, Thasos and Imbros. He donated 500 Hyperpera and a silver lamp to the Convent of the Holy Mother of God Bebaia Elpis in Constantinople for the sake of his commemoration. He died of consumption.
Tzamplakon Arsenios Person Died probably before August 1362. He is mentioned as κῦρ, δοῦλος of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos and Ioannes V. Palaiologos in the sources.He held the position of μέγας παπίας, 1333–1342 and 1352. He is attested as an apographeus (fiscal official) of the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos in 1349 and as archon at Didymoteichon in 1352. He was a monk. Probably the son of μέγας παπίας Alexios Tzamplakon. He was the brother of Asomatianos Tzamplakon, Demetrios Tzamplakon and Tornikina. His sons were Michael Kaballarios Tzamplakon and Alexios Kaballarios Tzamplakon. He was the συμπένθερος of Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos. He accused in the early summer of the year 1333 at Chalkidike Philantropenos Palaiologos Syrgiannes of a high treason before the Emperor Andronikos III. Palaiologos. He came to Constantinople in order to attend the trial with Philantropenos Palaiologos Syrgiannes. He authenticated the deed of sale of the protostrator Theodoros Dukas Palaiologos Komnenos Synadenos in December 1333. He was sent in 1342 together with Konstantinos Palaiologos by Ioannes VI. Kantakuzenos to the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan. He was together with Konstantinos Palaiologos taken into custody by a certain Tzimpanos. Tzimpanos turned Arsenios Tzamplakon in to Alexios Apokaukos in Thessalonike. Arsenios Tzamplakon was insulted by the mob of Thessalonike as the patriarch of Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos. He was arrested and his possession was confiscated. According to the Praktikon issued in January 1342 by Michal Papylas Romanos was Ioannes Margarites the recipient of a confiscated land from Arsenios Tzamplakon located between Serres and Zichna. The possession of Ioannes Margarites at Kato Uska and Rachoba was declared exempt from the 9 nomismata tax and hereditary by the prostagma of the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V. Palaiologos from October 1342. The former estates of Tzako [...], most probably Arsenios Tzamplakos, consisted of arable land and vineyards. The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated in April 1348 the former property of Arsenios Tzamplakon, which was inside the town of Chrysopolis, to the Batopedi Monastery. He drew up before December 1349 the inventory of the property of the Monastery Theotokos Psychosostria in Constantinople, which was used for chrysobull charter of the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos. After 1355 he was residing in the Batopedi Monastery as a monk. He bequeathed in February 1355 his patrimonial estate in Prinarion with als its area and rights, dependent peasants, abandoned land, vineyards, mills, uncultivated land and pasture, a part of land in Vela, winter pasture in Thermopotamos, annual fair of Saint Symeon in Vela and the fortification called Slanesion/Sthlanesion to the Batopedi Monastery. In May 1356 he added houses and the Church of Holy Mother of God Kamariotissa in the Kataphyge quarter at Thessalonike, his part of the patrimonial land in the mouth of the river Galikos including salty soil, some dikaia near the sea till Chenaru and a tower to the endowment, which he donated before to the Batopedi Monastery.
Sources (1)
Name Class Description
George Pachymeres. Paraphrase of Pachymeres’ History (late 14th or early 15th century) Source George Pachymeres made a reference to the monastery of Prisklabetza in Prilep (ἡ ἐν τῷ Πριλάπῳ μονὴ ἡ Πρισκλάβητζα as a monastery founded or renovated by Michael Glabas Tarchaneiotes, one of the most prominent Byzantine military commanders during the reign of the early Palaiologan emperors.