Maps of Power

Yerasimos 1991


ID 117327
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Book
Case Study Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16


Stephane Yerasimos, Les Voyageurs dans l’Empire Ottoman (XIVe–XVIe siècles). Bibliographie, Itinéraires et Inventaire des lieux habités (Conseil Suprême d’Atatürk pour Culture, Langue et Histoire. Publications de la Société Turque d’Histoire VII/117). Ankara 1991, 129.


Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Stracin Place In January 1531 Benedikt Kuripešič travelled through Stracin (Stratzin). The village of Stracin is not to be confused with the mountain pass of Sracin. The Venetian official Gaspare Erizzo crossed Stracin (Strasino) in 1558 on his journey to Samokov. Stracin is also mentioned in an Italian itinerary from 1558 (Strazin). The village of Stracin is registered in the Defter for the Sanjak Köstendil from 1519, 1530/31 and from the years 1570 to 1572. Stracin appears in a note of a Slavic manuscript from the 17th century among the accommodations on the road to Constantinople (Stracinь).