Maps of Power

Donation and Confirmation of Properties by the Bulgarian tsar Ivan Šišman to the the Monastery of St. John (Ivan) of Rila

Begin 21.09.1378
End 21.09.1378


ID 11806
System Class Acquisition
Case Study Ethnonym of the Vlachs , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16
Event Confirmation of Property


The Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Šišman issued his charter (the so-called Rilska gramota) for the Monastery of St. John (Ivan) of Rila on 21 September 1378. Therein, he confirmed existing and donated new possessions as well as privileges to the monastery.


Actors (3)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Ivan Sišman Person Ivan Sišman ruled as tsar of Bulgaria in Veliko Tărnovo from 1371 to 1395.
Monastery of St. John (Ivan) of Rila Group None
Vlachs Group Romanesque speaking people on the Balkans. Maybe descendents of the ancient Latin-speaking population of the Roman provinces on the Balkans.
Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Rila Monastery Rilska gramota Source The Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Šišman issued his charter (the so-called Rilska gramota) for the Monastery of St. John (Ivan) of Rila on 21 September 1378. Therein, he confirmed existing and donated new possessions as well as privileges to the monastery.