Maps of Power

Orestes, Konstantinos Sguros

Ὀρεστής, Κωνσταντῖνος Σγοῦρος


Mentioned in the act of the apographeus Manuel Manglabites for Ioannes Sguros Orestes from 1319/1320 or from 1304/1305. Manuel Manglabites denotes him as κῦρις.
He was one of the τῶν δυσικῶν ἀρχοντοπούλων. He received a possession from the not named byzantine emperor as his hereditary property.


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Act of the apographeus Manuel Manglabites for Ioannes Sguros Orestes Source In 1319/1320 or perphaps in 1304/1305 Manuel Manglabites, the apographeus of the thema Melenikos, issued an act for the benefit of Ioannes Sguros Orestes.
Actors (3)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Orestes, Ioannes Sguros Person Sibling Addressee of the act of the apographeus Manuel Manglabites from 1319/1320 or from 1304/1305 and of the chrysobull charter of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II from August 1323. The sources denote him as κῦρις and as πανσέβαστος σ̣ε̣βαστὸς. He was the οἰκεῖος of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II. He owned a hereditary posotes in the value of six hyperpyra. The apographeus Manuel Manglabites lists several of his gonikon properties. He held a country residence with court and houses near the village Krusobon, a garden and a vineyard, all in the katepanikion Ano Balabista. He had also possessions in the katepanikion Diakastron. They consisted of the country residence with court and houses near the thicket called τοῦ Σεβαστοῦ, which he bought from Mitas. He possessed a field near the property of Turkaris. He owned a cleared meadow in the vicinity of Melnik, somewhere between the Monastery of Holy Mother of God Spelaiotissa and the Church Hagios Ioannes Prodromos. He acquired also certain fields from Baldubinos. He held a 30 modioi field below Besobitza near a road and the lands of Kokkos. He received a 11 modioi field from Kokkos by exchange near the threshing floor, the property of Amnon and the road. He owned a 10 modioi field from the possessions of Kokkos in the vicinity of the properties of Turkaris, Amnon and Botrydas. He bought a vineyard in Malesta from Karbunares with the nearby wasteland, which was previously owned by Mitas. The Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II confirmed in august 1323 a collection of his 16 properties by the chrysobull charter. These were the houses in the upper town and lower town of Melnik with the inherited serfs, two villeins with proprietary possession in Radovište, the country residence called τοῦ Σεβαστοῦ, 100 modioi field bought from Karbunares, the deceased Litoboes, and others, another 20 modioi field near the country residence, a cleared 10 modioi field, several exchanged and purchased fields from Baldubinos, Kokkos, Marinos, a 100 modioi field from a dowry in the thicket Brimpobos, two mills, a vineyard in Malesta bought from Karbunares, a 5 modioi vineyard from a dowry, the country residence with court and houses near the village Krusobon and two 10 modioi bought vineyards in Selianin.
Orestes, Nikolaos Sguros Person Sibling Mentioned in the act of the apographeus Manuel Manglabites for Ioannes Sguros Orestes from 1319/1320 or from 1304/1305. Manuel Manglabites denotes him as κῦρις. He was one of the τῶν δυσικῶν ἀρχοντοπούλων. He received a possession from the not named byzantine emperor as his hereditary property.
Orestes, Theodoros Sguros Person Sibling Mentioned in the act of the apographeus Manuel Manglabites for Ioannes Sguros Orestes from 1319/1320 or from 1304/1305. Manuel Manglabites denotes him as κῦρις. He was one of the τῶν δυσικῶν ἀρχοντοπούλων. He received a possession from the not named byzantine emperor as his hereditary property.