Maps of Power


Βαλαβίσδαν, Βαλαβίστας, Σιδηρόκαστρον

Begin between 01.01.1246 and 31.12.1246


ID 118752
System Class Place
Case Study Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16
Evidence History
Place Existing Village chorion selo
Historical place Byzantine Empire
Administrative unit Greece


The Emperor of Nicaea Ioannes III Batatzes encamped in the place called Balabista in 1246 (σκηνούμενον περὶ τόπον Βαλαβίσδαν οὕτω πως ἐπονομαζόμενον). The kyris Ioannes Sguros Orestes held a country residence with court and houses near the village Krusobon, a garden and a vineyard all in the katepanikion Ano Balabista according to the charter of Manuel Manglabites (ἐν τῶ κατεπανικίω τῆς Ἄνω Βαλαβίστας, εἰς τὸ χω̣ρίον τὸν Κρούσοβον, καθέδρα μετὰ αὐλῆς καὶ ὀσπητίων ὧν ἀνήγειρεν ὁ τ̣οιοῦτος Ὀρέστης· πλησίον ταύ̣της π̣ε̣ρ̣ιβόλιον μοδίου ἑνὸς ἡμίσ̣εος. Καὶ ἀπὸ τῆς στάσεως τοῦ Καλένου ἀμπέλιον αὐτοῦ [...8.. μοδίων] τριῶν).


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Act of the apographeus Manuel Manglabites for Ioannes Sguros Orestes Source In 1319/1320 or perphaps in 1304/1305 Manuel Manglabites, the apographeus of the thema Melenikos, issued an act for the benefit of Ioannes Sguros Orestes.