Maps of Power



Our reasoning is based on the premise that the toponym “Car” (i.e. Tsar, Emperor) and its derivatives are bearing witness to imperial presence at the respective place. The toponym “Careiki” obviously indicates, apart from a possible physical presence of the Serbian Emperor, also a possibility of a causal link with the Byzantine Emperor or the Bulgarian Tsar. The toponym Careiki is attested in the unpublished “Azbučna kartoteka na toponimi od istorisko-geografska Makedonija”, which is kept in the Krste Misirkov Institute of Macedonian Language (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje).


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Azbučna kartoteka na toponimi od Makedonija Source The "Azbučna kartoteka na toponimi od istorisko-geografska Makedonija" is kept in the "Onomastičko oddelenie" of the Krste Misirkov Institute of Macedonian Language (Institutot za makedonski jazik "Krste Misirkov") of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia). It consists of a huge amount of unpublished file cards of toponyms in the historical region of Macedonia.