Maps of Power

Studenica Monastery, Church of St. Nicholas

Crkva Sv. Nikole, Nikoljača, Никољача, Црква Св. Николе

Begin between 01.01.1183 and 31.12.1196
End 31.12.1209


ID 119648
System Class Place
Place Monastery Church katholikon
Case Study Beyond East and West: Sacred Landscapes Duklja and Raška , Tabula Imperii Byzantini , TIB 17
Dedication Saint Nicholas
Denomination Orthodox
Evidence Surface Feature
Ground Plans Single Nave Basilica
Stylistic Classification Romanesque
Administrative unit Raški Okrug , Serbia


The Church of St. Nicholas is situated next to the monastery's katholikon in the Studenica Monastery. It was built at the end of the 12th century (Gsnd XIV 215), probably simultaneously with the Church of the Holy Mother of God or King Radoslav's narthex at the latest. The ground plan shows a single nave edifice with a semicircular apse. It was built with stone and tufa. Some fragments of fresco paintings have survived and are dated to the 1230s (until the middle of the 13th century the latest). It bears certain similarities with frescoes of the Church of the Virgin Ljeviška in Prizren.


The Church of St. Nicholas in the Studenica Monastery
The Church of St. Nicholas in the Studenica Monastery