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Mentioned in the sources from 1343 to 1353. He was the Abbot (igumen) of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo. He was the petitioner, who asked the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan and Uroš, the Young King, to issue the chrysobull charter for the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo (Si hrusovulь uspomenutijemь grěš’nago črnoriz’ca Arsenija, igumena htětovьskaago napisa gospodinь kralь Stepanь sь synom’ si Urošemь). It is obvious that Arsenije was Abbot of the monastery at the time, when the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan, together with his son, granted the chrysobull for the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo. He is probably identical with the Bishop of Zletovo, Arsenij, who is mentioned in the Lesnovo manuscript of Ephrem the Syrianʼs paraenesis from 1353 (poneže ne běh pisьcъ, nja povelěnïemь gospodina mi episkopa Arsenïa načrьtoh sih knigь). Arsenij was portrayed on the painting in the narthex of the Monastery of Archangel Michael in Lesnovo.
Danilь (1)
He was one of the issuers of the charter from 1375/1376. He was Bishop of Vodoča and Strumica (Podočki episkopь Danilь; episkopь Strumički Danilь). He together with Grigorije, the Bishop of Banьska, settled in 1375/1376 at the behest of the Serbian Despots Jovan Dragaš and his brother Konstantin Dragaš several land disputes in the area of Strumica.
Grigorije (1)
He was one of the issuers of the charter from 1375/1376. He was the Bishop of Banьska (Velbužd, Kjustendil) [Banьski episkopь Grigorije]. He together with Danilь, Bishop of Vodoča and Strumica, settled in 1375/1376 at the behest of the Serbian Despots Jovan Dragaš and his brother Konstantin Dragaš several land disputes in the area of Strumica.
The charter for the monastery in Gračanica does not give a strong support for the identification of Ignatije with his namesake, who was Bishop of Lipljan. Mentioned several times in the Inventory of property of the Holy Virgin Monastery in Htětovo from 1342/1343. In Vrěviō mentioned only as bishop. Ignatije held probably the abbotʼs office of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo before his career as bishop. He purchased a field above a furrow on the right side of the emperorʼs road, which was reaching the road called after the village of Lěška near Jablance, from Gjuro, Radunь and the sons of Polelěj for the horse of Budimirь (Niva tu nad brazdom, i do lěška puti u Jablan᾿ce ō desnu stranu careva puti, što kupi piskopь Ignati za Budimirova konja, što běše dalь za dušu ōtь Polelějevěhь synovь i ōd Raduna i ōd Gjuroja). A certain Anʼdrijanь, son-in-law of Pardo, sold the rest of the field called Zlovadnica above Trěboš to Bishop Ignatije for a mare and 2 perper. The field bordered on the old furrow and on the road called after the village Poroj (Niva Zlovadnica, što kupi Sava Surkišь u Parʼda Koste nad Trěbošom a ōstalo dokupi piskopь Ignatije u Anʼdrijana, zeta Pardova, za kobilu, za 2 perper. A mega nivě toi do stare brazde i do poroiska puti). Bishop Ignatije bought the field called Ilovica under Drěnovec and under a road from Pardo Kosta for 18 perper (Niva Ilovica pod Drěnovcemь pod putemь, što kupi Ignatije piskopь u Parda Koste za 18 perper). He acquired a meadow under Velgošt and under a road from Pardo Kosta for a horse and 30 perper (I livadu kupi Ignatie piskopь pod Velьgoštom pod putemь u Parda Koste za konja, za 30 perper). He obtained a 25 zamet field in Zlovadnica under the churchʼs field, which was reaching the boundary of Drьmanь, inexpensively from Manoil(o) Globica and Globicaʼs brother (Niva na Zlovadnici što kupi piskopь Ignatije u Manoila Globice i u bratije mu; malo uze cěne, a vse priloži crьkvi za svoju dušu, nizь crьkvnu nivu i do Drьmanove mege, na 25 zametь). A certain Gōnь, with his wife Theōdora, sold the field called Gumnište to Ignatije for 8 perper and 9 run of wool (Niva Gumnište što kupi piskopь Ignatije u Gōna i u žene mu Theōdore za 8 perper 9 runь vlьnь). Ignatije bought also the rest of a field in Nikiforovec near the churchʼs field, which belonged to Theōdora and her daughter Jelena, for 10 perper. The bishop was also responsible for the written record of this sale transaction. The act was signed in the presence of the witnesses Kalojan 2 from Lěška and the two sons of Radoslavь Drobnjakь, Argirь and Hranь (Niva u Nikiforovci, uzь crьkvnu nivu što kupi igumьnь Theōktistь u Theōdore i u čtere Jelene za 10 perperь, a dokupi piskopь Ignatije i zapisa. A Tomu svědoci: Kalojanь ōd Lěška, Mihovь šugra, i dva syna Radoslava Drobnjaka, Argirь i Hran).
Ioannes (8)
Mentioned in several charters of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan. He appears as kir in the chrysobull charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan from 1346/1347 concerning the founding of the Zletovo episcopate. He was the Bishop of Skopje before 1346 and Metropolitan (Archbishop) of Skopje between 1346–1350. He attented the sabor in Skopje on 16th April 1346, where he witnessed the coronation of Stefan Uroš IV Dušan as Emperor of the Greeks and the Serbs by the Serbian Patriarch. He is mentioned in the chrysobull charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan from 1346/1347 concerning the founding of the Zletovo episcopate. According to the chrysobull charter the Serbian Emperor asked several high-ranking clerics, among them also Ioannes (Jovanь), for permission to found the Bishopric of Zletovo (i sь arhïepiskopomь skopskymь rek’še mitropolitomь kirь Ïōanomь). He is attested in the charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery Xeropotamu from April/May 1346 (διὰ τοῦ πρωτοθρόνου Σκοπίων μητροπολίτου ὑπερτίμου Ἰωάννου), the charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery Esphigmenu from April/May 1346 (διὰ τοῦ πρωτοθρόνου Σκοπείων μητροπολίτου καὶ ὑπερτίμου Ἰωάννου), charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery Batopedi from May 1346 (διὰ τοῦ πρωτοθρόνου Σκοπίων μητροπολίτου καὶ ὑπερτίμου Ἰωάννου). He donated the epitaphion worn during the Holy Liturgy of the Great Entrance to the Hilandar Monastery (ΜΝΗΣΘΙΤΗ ΚΕ ΤΗΝ ΨΥΗΗΝ ΤΟΥ ΔΟΥΛΟΥ ΣΟΥ ΙΩ ΑΡΗΙΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΟΥ ΣΚΟΠΙΩΝ).
Mentioned in the inscription on his own tomb, which was kept in the Church of Saint Athanasius in Lešok. He was a priestmonk (Anthonije/Anьtonije), then Bishop of the region Lower Polog (Iōanikie). After the year 1308 the Church of Saint Athanasius in Lešok was found by the Priestmonk Antonije (Izvoleniemь ōca i vьplьšteniemь sina i pospěšeniemь svetago duha azь eriomonaahь Anthonie pridohъ vь sie město i rastiždahь i raskopahь gabryi i uravnihь bregove i načehь si hramь zidati svetago athanasija vь dni kralja milutina i vtorago kralja sina mu stefana i tretiego kralja sina mu dušane). Between the years 1346 and 1355 Antonije was appointed Bishop of Lower Polog by the Serbian Patriarch Joanikije II, who has given him the name Iōanikie (i prizva patriarha blьgarskago i arhiepiskupa srьbskago iōanikija i stvori zborь u skopi i blagosloviše ego na carьski sanь i bystь prvonastolny carь srbskoi zemli i grčkoi i pomorskoi arhiepiskupa iōanikija blagosloviše na patriarhiju srbskoi zemli vь to carstvo blagosloviše anьtonija na episkupstvo dolnemu pologu prvonastolna po izvoleniju božiju prětvoriše ime jemu iōanikie poneže něe bilo prěge episkupь polozě).
Iōanь (2)
Deceased probably before 1349. He was the Bishop of Zletovo, 1347–1349. He is portrayed on the southern wall of the narthex of the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lěsnovo with the accompaying inscription, which identifies him (vseōsveštenni episkupь zletovьski iōanь). According to Gabelić Iōanь perhaps donated the epitaphion with the scene Lamentation over the dead Christ to the Hilandar Monastery (gospodi bože našь prijemi dary abelovy i nojevy i jaronovy i zahariny i samoilovy i vsěhь svetihь tvoihь tako i otь ruku mene grěšnago iōanь primi se prinoštenije vь čьstь i slavu i vonju blagouhanьnu arhistratiga ... i ōca našego gavrila pustinožitelě. ruka grěšnago siropula). It is also supposed that he was buried in the north-western corner of the naos of the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lěsnovo.
Nikola (3)
Mentioned in the collective charter of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin and Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Tower of Hrusija at the Monastery of Hilandar on Mount Athos. The chrysobull charter is a diplomatic forgery with an authentic content. It consists of four transcripts. The compilation of charters was created in the Hilandar monastery for the needs of the monastic community between 1336 and the second half of the 14th century. He was the Bishop of Skopje. His name appears only in the collective charter of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin for the Tower of Hrusija at the Monastery of Hilandar on Mount Athos. The collective charter drew its information probably from the older Assembly chrysobull, which was composed around 1303 (jepiskupomь skopskymь Nikolomь).