Maps of Power

Solovjev 1926b


Aleksandar V. Solovjev, Bьci u Dušanovoj povelji g. 1355, in: Prilozi za književnost, jezik, istoriju i folklor 6 (1926) 184-190.


Actors (2)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Kar’ba Person Mentioned in the the so-called „zbirna hrisovulja” of the Serbian Kings Stefan Uroš II Milutin and Stefan Uroš IV Dušan, which has been preserved in four transcripts in the library of the Monastery Hilandar. They are dated between 1303/1304 and 1336/1340-1342/1345. Attested also in the chrysobull charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Hilandar Monastery concerning the village Karbinci from the 8th June 1355. He became a land and a pasture from the Serbian King Stefan Uroš III Dečanski. He built and decorated the Church of Saint Petka near the river Bregalnica with his own hands. He endowed it with vineyard, field and hayfields and gave it to the Hilandar Monastery. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the donation and approved the claims of the Hilandar Monastery on the property. He also exempted the subordinates of Kar’b and all free people, who wished to settle near the church, from all the services for the Serbian king (I pride[a] kraljevьstvo mi crьkvь svetu Petku na Brěgalnici, što jestь zidalь Kar’ba samь svoima rukama i sь trudomь pace i popisьlь i ukrasilь krasotami crьkvnimi, da jestь metohь svete Bogorodice hilan’dar’ske sь vinogradomь i sь nivjemь i sěnokosi, pače i pašišta i zemlja, što mu je dalь gospodinь i roditelь kraljevьstva mi, i tu da si ima crьkvь. I kto si poljubi ōd jegověhь ljudi ili kto svobodьnь člověkь da grede svobodno pod crьkvь svetu Petьku. I kraljevьstvo mi ōsvobodi ōnezi ljudi ōt vsěhь rabotь kraljevьstva mi malihь i velikihь, jakože i više pisano). The villages on his land were subject of dispute between the monks of the Hilandar Monastery and the guards of emperor. The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV sent David Mihojević, the kefalija (governor) of Štip, in order to determine the boundaries of the disputed land. He issued a chrysobull charter on this occasion and confirmed, that Hilandar Monastery has the right over the land with the boundaries determined by David Mihojević (Ima htěnije i povelěva carьstvō mi da je vědomo vsakomu kako pridě igumenь v’sečьstьni světogorski Bogorodice hilandarske Dorothei i sь star’ci i govori carьstvu mi ō selě zem’li Kar’bin’čkoi kao je ima crьkovь u hrisovuli a sьgi je ne drьže. I sьprěše se z bьci carьstva mi predь mnomь što su na toizi zem’li Kar’binьčkoi i carьstvo mi vь to vrěme ne ōbrěte nigde dati bьcemь da se prěselě i poslah kjefaliju štip’skoga Davida Mihojevikja igumena i star’ce i tezi bьce da s kraja ōdtešu crьkvi i utьkme. I prišdь Davidь spovedь carьstvu mi kako jestь megju nimi utьk’milь i ōdtesali zemlju kude mi spoved Davidь).
Mihojević David Person Mentioned in the chrysobull charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Hilandar Monastery concerning the village Karbinci from the 8th June 1355. He was a kefalija (governor) of Štip.He was sent by the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan, in order to determine the boundaries of the land, which belonged to a certain Kar'ba and was subject of a legal dispute between the monks of the Hilandar Monastery and the guards of the Serbian emperor. The rights of the Hilandar Monastery over the land with the boundaries determined by David Mihojević was confirmed in the chrysobull charter (Ima htěnije i povelěva carьstvō mi da je vědomo vsakomu kako pridě igumenь v’sečьstьni světogorski Bogorodice hilandarske Dorothei i sь star’ci i govori carьstvu mi ō selě zem’li Kar’bin’čkoi kao je ima crьkovь u hrisovuli a sьgi je ne drьže. I sьprěše se z bьci carьstva mi predь mnomь što su na toizi zem’li Kar’binьčkoi i carьstvo mi vь to vrěme ne ōbrěte nigde dati bьcemь da se prěselě i poslah kjefaliju štip’skoga Davida Mihojevikja igumena i star’ce i tezi bьce da s kraja ōdtešu crьkvi i utьkme. I prišdь Davidь spovedь carьstvu mi kako jestь megju nimi utьk’milь i ōdtesali zemlju kude mi spoved Davidь).
Places (2)
Name Class Begin End Description
Kozijačka Reka Place In 1355 the monks of the Hilandar Monastery came to the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan and complained about border violations caused by the guards of the emperor in the villages belonging to the land Karьba. Stefan Uroš IV Dušan sent therefore the Serbian kefalija from Štip named David Mihojević to delimit the boundaries of the monastery property in this area. In the course of the border inspection, the Kozijačka Reka is mentioned, which flows into the river Brěgalnica (kako upada Kozijačtica u Brěgalnicu i posredь reke Kozijačke). In 1388/89 (?) The Serbian Despot Konstantinos Dragases (Konstantin Dragaš) confirmed the donation of the Serbian Vojvoda Dmitrь to the Hilandar Monastery. Kozijačka reka is attested in the boundary description of this metochion (prěšьd Kozijašnicu).
Ovče Pole Place The Bulgarian Khan Boris built in the 9th century churches in Ovče Pole according to a Bulgarian chronicle (i na rěcě Brěgalnici, i tu prïemь carьstvo; na Ovči poli sьzda běli crьkvi). The Vita of Saint Prohor Pčinjski (11th century) gives account about Prohor, who came from a village in Ovče Pole (ōt vesї ovčopolskija). The disarmed Pechenegs were, according to Ioannes Skylitzes, settled on the plains of Ovče Pole in the first half of the 11th century (ἀνά τε τὰς πεδιάδας τῆς Σαρδικῆς, τῆς Ναϊσσοῦ καὶ τῆς Εὐτζαπόλεως διασπείρας πάντας καὶ πᾶν ὅπλον ἀφελόμενος διὰ τὸ ἀνεπιβούλευτον). The Nicene Empire conquered in 1246 parts of Macedonia, including Ovče Pole (Νευστάπολίς). Nine years later, in 1255, the Byzantine Emperor Theodoros II. Laskaris led his army through the Ovče Pole (διὰ τῆς Νευσταπόλεως), which was a waterless and houseless area (ἄνυδρος δέ ἐστιν ὁ τόπος καὶ ἄοικος καὶ πλήθει στρατευμάτων δυσβάδιστος). Ephraim (ἅμ’ Εὐτζαπόλει, resp. διὰ Ναυτζαπόλεως ἀνύδρου τόπου) and also Theodoros Skutariotes (Νευστάπολίς, resp. διὰ τῆς Νευσταπόλεως) describe both conquests. Ovče Pole (Ovьče Polje) was incorporated in the Serbian dominion under the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin in 1282/83. A poem in honor of the Byzantine general Michael Dukas Glabas Tarchaneiotes, which is the work of the Byzantine writer Manuel Philes (13th/14th c.), mentions amongst others the Byzantine conquest of Ovče Pole (Εὐτζάπολιν δὲ συλλαβὼν Μοροβίσδου, Σκόπιά τε Σθλάβιτζαν ἐξ εὐανδρίας, Καὶ τὸν Πίαντζον καὶ τὸ περὶ τὸν Στρόμον, Καὶ τὸν περὶ Στρούμμιτζαν ἄφθονον τόπον). The region (strana) of Ovče Pole (i Ōvčepolsku) is attested in the interpolated charter of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin for the Hilandar Monastery from the year 1303/1304 (or after 1331?). The byzantine-serbian border in Macedonia became the central subject of negotiations in 1308 between the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin and Charles de Valois, when the latter sought to conquer the Byzantine Empire. The area of Ovče Pole (et contrata Ouciepoullie) should remain according to the treaty in the Serbian kingdom. The Serbian annals give account about the miraculous epiphany of the Saint Nicholas to the Serbian King Stefan Uroš III Dečanski in the Church of Saint Nicholas in Ovče Pole, where the saint healed the blindness of the king (et cum fuisset in Ovczepolye, in templo S. Nicolai). The same miracle is attested in the Vita of Stefan Dečanski, which was written by Grigorij Camblak (15th century; polje ovčee imenuemo). In 1330 the scribe Stanislav finished a Slavonic manuscript in the domain of Ovče Pole in the region of Zletovo on the mountains of Lěsnovo in the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael (vь ōblasti ōvčepolьskoi vь horě zletovstěi, vь gorě lěsnovьstěi, vь monastiri stgo arhistratiga Mihaila). The same notice in the manuscript mentions that the Serbian King Stefan Uroš III Dečanski took control over Ovče Pole (i ōvčepolьsko). In the charter of Stefan Dečanski for the Monastery of Saint Nikola Mrački (Pešterski manastir) from the year 1330 appears the term zemli Ovčepolьskoi. From the slavic colophon of the scribe Stanislav in the Menaion of the Serbian Despot Jovan Oliver for the Monastery of the Saint Archangel Michael in Lesnovo from the 1342 results, that Jovan Oliver ruled at that time over the entire area of Ovče Pole (ōblastiju vseju ōvčepolьskoju). The Serbian Emperor mentions Ovče Pole (na Ovči Poli) in his charter for the Monastery of the Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel near Prizren. The monks of the Hilandar Monastery complained in 1355 to the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan about the border violations by the people, who lived in the villages, which belonged to Karьba (selě zem'li Kar'bin'čkoi), whereupon the governor (kefalija) of Štip named David Mihojević (poslach kjefaliju Štip'skoga Davida Michojevikja) was sent out to determine the boundaries of the monastery in this area. In the boundary description of the Hilandar Monastery near the land of Karьba also Ovče Pole is mentioned (po ōnoi straně odь Ovča Polja). The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan issued on the 2th Mai 1355 the charter for the Hilandar Monastery in Ovče Pole (na Ovči Poli). The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed on the 17th Mai 1355 at the state council (sabor) in Krupište the tenure of the Monastery of Saint Petar Koriški as metochion for the Hilandar Monastery. The charters in question were written by the Serbian Logothet Gjurg in Ovče Pole (na Ovči Poli, resp. na Ovči Polii). The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan issued on the 2th July at the state council in Krupište the third charter for the Hilandar Monastery, which was again written by the same Serbian Logothet in Ovče Pole (na Ovči Poli). In the forged charter from the 15th century, previously referred as a document issued by the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin for the settlement Ulijare around 1318, amongst other places also Ovče Pole is mentioned (Ōvče polje). The Serbian Despot Stefan Lazarević granted in 1408/1409 a safe conduct to the ottoman troops from the area of Toplica via Kosovo to Ovče Pole (prohode kь Ovčju polju). In spring and summer of 1413 the two Ottoman pretenders to the throne Mehmed and Musa fought for supremacy on the Balkan Peninsula. Mehmed was supported by the Serbian Despot Stefan Lazarević. In the course of the military operations, Musa initially stayed in the Ovče Pole (in the Ragusan sources called Ovcepogle). Then Mehmed and Stefan Lazarević together with their troops crossed the Črьna Gora (Prěšьdьše že Črьmnu Goru) and reached the Ovče Pole (kь Ovьčju polju), where Djuradj Branković, Stefan's nephew, took command over the Serbian contingents. The Ottoman troops plundered the region of Žegligovo and Ovče Pole in 1512 (to lěto plěniše Turci Žegligovo, Ovče Polě). Ovče Pole is registered in the Defters for the Sanjak Köstendil between the years 1570 and 1572 as a summer pasture. Ovče Pole (Ovče polje is mentioned in the Pomenik from 15th–18th century. The Serbian scribe and copyist Jerotej Račanin travelled through the Ovče Pole on his pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1704. He describes the area of Ovče Pole as beautiful, rich in fields, grain, vineyards and all kinds of fruit, with beautiful rivers and cold, pure sources, with cities and villages.