Maps of Power

Gligorijević-Maksimović 2005


Mirjana Gligorijević-Maksimović, Slikarstvo XIV veka u manastiru Treskavcu, in: Zbornik radova Vizantološkog instituta 42 (2005) 77-170.


Actors (18)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
(Čihorić [Drugović]) Dabiživь Person He was a member of the noble family of Čihorić in Trebinje. He had three brothers (župan Vratko, župan Nenac and tepčija Stepko). He served as a sluga for the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan 1334–1345. He was the Cupbearer (enohijarь) of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V in 1362. Dabiseus Drugouich bought in 1334 at Brskovo a horse from the inhabitant of Ragusa Miloš Hlapović for 30 perper. He came in 1343 to the župa Žrnovnica with Marcus Maurocenus in order to see the property of Sorento from Ragusa, which was near the boundary between the realm of the Serbian Kingdom and the Republic of Ragusa (ad uidendum confines Rusci de Sorento cum Dabiseo sluga). His name appears from 1343 to 1345 in the Liber omnium reformationum. According to it did the people of him cause frequently harm to the Ragusians in the župa Žrnovnica. The emissaries of the Republic of Ragusa complained before the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan in October 1345 that Dabiživь established a fair in Trebinje and imposed a tax for the goods exported and imported by the Ragusans. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan accepted the complaints of the Ragusans and forbade Dabiživь to collect any taxes from the Ragusans (Piše kraljevstvo mi da jestь bědomo vsakomu, kako pridōše poklisarie, vlasteli dubrovьčьci, kraljevstvu mi pod Serь – Piro Grubešikь Marьtolь Črěvikь i Paske Gučetikь – i govoriše kraljevstvu mi na slugu Dabiživa, kako e učinilь trьgь na Trěbini i uzima ōd tovara dinarь kto grede i u Dubrovьnikь izь Dubrovnika, i ōd dobitka koi grede u Dubrov’nikь. i govorěe Dabiživь prědь kraljevstvomь mi: „uzimano e i prěžde, ōnazi carina ōnьdězii.“ A govorěke poklisarie dubrovьč’ci: „Tazi carina ne uzimana ōd veka, ōdkole světь stalь.“ I kraljevstvo mi iz’nage erě ne uzimana tazi carina i u moihь dědь i pradědь i u rodietelja kraljevstva mi i u kraljevstva mi. I sьtvori milostь kraljevstvo mi vsemь vlastelomь dubrovьč’cimь, vělimь i malimь, da ne ōnogazi trьga na Trěbini, kagō ga i prěžde ne bilo. I po sema sega da ne uzima Dabiživь Dubrovьčanomь ni carine da ni koega dohodьka, ni trьgov’cu dubrovьč’komu, ni vlahu, ni srьbinu, da nikōmu i k’to grede Dubrovьnikь, izь Dubrovьnika. I vsaci vlasteli koi te stagati po Dabiživě da ne uzima carine tezi do veka věk, ni u syna kraljevstva mi da ni u koga nastoeštago kralja u Srьblihь). In October 1349 he received together 10 perper from the Ragusans (In minori consilio, sono campane solito congregatio, captum fuit et firmatum de donando de havere communis Dabisco yppos X). He was probably buried in the Monastery Church of the Holy Mother of God at Treskavec near Prilep. His tombstone with an inscription has been preserved on the northern wall of the monastery church (měseca genara: uspe rabь božiei dabiživь: enohijarь: cara uroša: vьse srьbьskyi zemьle: grьčьskje: i pomorьskje vь leto: ѕ: ō: o: enьdikta).
Arьgiropulь Lej Person Mentioned in the first (1334/1336), second and third charter (1343/1345) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. The sources denote him as a kirь. He sold his manor in Krivogaštani to the Treskavec Monastery. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the transaction in the first, second and third charter for the Treskavec Monastery (Stasь vь Krivogaštenehь, kupenica ōdь kirь Leja Arьgїropula).
Barь Person Mentioned in the first (1334/1336), second and third charter (1343/1345) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. His church is attested in the boundary description of the metochion, which belonged to the Church of Saint Theodoros in Prilep (Metohь u Prilěpě Sveti Theodori sь ljudьmi i sь vinogradi i sь nivijemь zadušnimь, i kupenicami, i vinogradь što je dalь Berivoi vь Husarevьcihь za dva kьbla. Ima si ōttesь tьzi metohь: ōdь Barovu crьkvu ta na Svetu Petku, ta na Svetago Geōrgia, ta na nakovalьnu, ta po hridu, i ōpiratь se u Trěskavьcь, kako pohodi putь isь Trěskavьca u tu že crьkvь Barovu). He owned a property near the 36 kьbьl large field in Vinci, which was given by the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan to the Treskavec Monastery (Niva Kurteseva u Vinьcehь kьblomь lst., blizь popa Mavrike i Bara i Stefa). His possesion is mentioned in the delimitation of a 45 kьbьl large field. This land was bestowed to the Treskavec Monastery by the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (Niva kьblomь me. tužde plisiasь Grьlia i Stari Kladenьcь Dragovь i do Baru i do putě krivogaškego i do Starego Potoka do megju Bělkovu).
Davidovь Dimitrij Person Mentioned in the first charter (1334/1336) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan refers to him as kirь. He sold a 60 kьbьl large manor in Gligorovci near Maly Mramorane to the brother of Theōdorь, the Hegumen of the Treskavec Monastery. The brother of the hegumen bestowed the land to the Treskavec Monastery. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the donation in the first charter for the Treskavec Monastery (Stasь u Gligorovьcehь igumna brata Theōdorova vь Malihь Mramoraněhь, kupenica ōdь kirь Dimitrija Davidova kьblomь .ksi. – mь).
Dimit(a)rь Person Mentioned in the first charter (1334/1336) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. The charter refers to hims as kirь. He bought an estate near the village Dupijačanje. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the property of kirь Dimit(a)rь to the Treskavec Monastery (Selo Dupijačanje sь ljudmi i sь nivijemь i sь vinogrady i sь kupenicami ōtь kirь Dimitra i ōtь kirь Jaka i ōtь kirь Vasilě).
Gradislavь (1) Person Mentioned in the sources from 1333 to 1379/1380. He was the son of Boril (Gradislauo Borilli). Vojvoda Gradislav (or vexillifer Gradislau, son of Boril in the Latin version of the document) signed along with the Metropolitan of Prizren Arsenije, Kaznac Baldovin, Župan Vratko, Knez Grgur Kurjaković, Stavilac Miloš, Vojvoda Dejan Manjak, Gradislav Sušenica, Nikola Buća, and Archdeacon Marin Baranić in Polog the charter issed by Stefan Uroš IV Dušan from the 22. January 1333 regarding the sale of Ston to the city of Dubrovnik (A tu imь milostь učini kraljevstvo mi u Polozie vь lětoь 6833 měseca ženvara 2 i 2 danь. A tui běhu: sveōsvešni jepiskupь prizrěnski Arsenie, kaznacь Balьdovinь, voevoda Gradisavь, županь Vratkō, knezь Grьgurь Kurjakovićь, stavilacь Miloš, vo(e)voda Deganь Manijaakь, Gradisavь Sušenica, Nikola Bučga, arhidjak Marinь Baraninь/ Actum est hoc datum in Pollogo, presentibus uenerabili patris, domino Arsenio, episcopo Prisirenensis, ac nobilibus viris, casneçio Baldouino, Gradislauo Borilli, uexillifero, çuppano Vratcho, comitate Gregorio Curiaçi, staluileçio Milosio Voyni, uoieuoda Deiano Maniiacho, stauileçio Gradislauo Suseniçe, Nicolao Buchia, archidiacono Antibarensis et Marino Miroslai Antibarensis, et aliis quam pluribus currente anno Domini, millesimo, trecentessimo tercio decimo tercio, mensis Januari uigessimo secundio die, indictione prima). Gradislav bearing the title of tepčija donated the settlement site Běla Vodica with all rights to the Monastery of Treskavec. This donation was confirmed by the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan in the second charter for the Monastery in Treskavec (Selište Běla Vodica sь vsěmi pravinami, što priloži tepci Gradislavь). Gradislav figures again in the charter of Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of the Holy Archangels in Prizren issued probably in August 1347. As tepčija he confirmed the boundary mark of the land Trstena during the reign of the Stefan Uroš III Dečanski (i sь zemlomь na Trьstěnoi što si jestь drьžalь u roditelь carьstva mi, i što mu je utesalь tepʼči Gradislav i igumьnь carьstva mi). In 1352 the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan sent to the Byzantine Emperor John V Palaiologos an auxiliary cavalry force under the command of Borilović, who was in charge of the office of kaznac. They fought together against John VI Kantakuzenos and the horsemen of Orhan I in the battle of Didymoteichon. According to Kantakuzenos almost all 7,000 Serbs fell at the battle and the kaznac could escape only with a small number of troops (γενομένου δὲ ἐκεῖ τοῦ βασιλέως ἀδελφοῦ, ἡ στρατιὰ ἐξεπέμφθη παρασκευασθεῖσα ἑπτακισχίλιοι ἱππεῖς, ὧν ἐστρατήγει Κασνιτζὸς ὁ Μποριλοβίκης προσαγορευόμενος, ἐκ τῶν ἐπιφανεστάτων μάλιστα ὢν τῶν παρὰ Τριβαλοῖς… Κασνιτζὸς δὲ ὁ στρατηγὸς μετά τινων εὐαριθμήτων ἠδυνήθη διαδρᾶναι, τῶν ἄλλων ἁπάντων τῶν μὲν πεσόντων, τῶν δ’ ἑαλωκότων). It is not clear, if Borilović is the same person as Gradislav. Naumov suggests, that Borilović was in fact his brother or close relative. He owned the village Jelašnica. The Serbian Despot Lazar donated in 1379/1380 the village Jelašnica, which belonged previously to Gradislav, with church, boundaries, hamlets and all right to the Hilandar Monastery. The Serbian Patriarch Spiridon confirmed in 1380 the wording of the deed of Lazar (selo Elʼšanica Gradisava tepčije i sь crьkviju i s megami i zaselci, s pravinami sela togo). Gradislav was probably buried in the Treskavec monastery. This was proposed by Gligorijević on the grounds of an inscription under the ktetor composition of a man carrying a church model and his wife preserved on the western facade of the parekklesion of the Treskavec monastery (τοῦ τεπέτζηα καὶ κτήτορος τοῦδε τοῦ ναοῦ). On the sheet 436 of the pomenik of the Church of the Holy Virgin Ljeviška in Prizren, the pomen of Peter kaznac Gradislav is mentioned. It might be suggested that Peter was the monk name of Gradislav. Highly questionable is the suggestion of Branka Ivanić, which identifies Gradislav with the bearer of the goldring in the collection of the National Museum in Belgrade. The inscription along the rim of the goldring reads namely Gradislav čelnik.
Kalinïkь Person Mentioned in the third charter (1343/1345) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. He was probably the Hegumen of Treskavec Monastery (igumnь Kalinïkь). He bought an estate, which had its boundaries from the oak under Dupijačanje till Gorkь and Maly Mramorane (Kupenica što kupi igumnь Kalinïkь: hrastь podь Dupьjačani, načьnь ōtь puti podь Radimanovu voděnicu, putemь podь Gorkь do kïr Vasileve megje, i ōtьtudě slazešte na putь dušьnički koi grede u Mramorane, putemь uz brьdo Gligorovcemь do voděnice Radimanove, gde i počelo).
Manoil(o) (2) Person Mentioned in the second charter of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan refers in the charter to him as kirь. He possessed a furrow near Krьpeno in the region of Polog. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the village Krьpeno, the metochion of Saint Nicholas with a field, vineyard, people, watermill, river, furrow of Manoilo, furrow of Desilь and a meadow near Stary Kladenьcь (Selo vь Poloze Krьpeno, metohь Svety Nikola, što priloži svety kralь, sь nivijemь, sь vinogrady, sь ljudmi, sь voděnicijemь i sь rěku; brazda kirь Manoilova; brazda Desilova; livada na Starymь Kladenьci).
Mavrikь Person Mentioned in the second and third charter (1343/1345) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. He was a priest (popь). He owned a property near the 36 kьbьl large field in Vinci, which was given by the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan to the Treskavec Monastery (Niva Kurteseva u Vinьcehь kьblomь lst., blizь popa Mavrike i Bara i Stefa).
Nikolaos (1) Person Mentioned in the sources after 1345. He was Archbishop of Ōhrid after 1345, definitely in 1346 and 1347, and probably till 1350. He donated the Church of Saint Nicholas in Ljuboino near Prespa to the Treskavec Monastery. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the gift in the second charter for the Treskavec Monastery after 1345 (Metohь u Prěspě u Ljuboině, Svety Nikola, što Pridade Nikola arhijepiskupь, sь vsěmi pravinami). He attented the sabor in Skopje on 16th April 1346, where he witnessed the coronation of Stefan Uroš IV Dušan as Emperor of the Greeks and the Serbs by the Serbian Patriarch He is mentioned in the chrysobull charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan from 1346/1347 concerning the founding of the Zletovo episcopate. According to the chrysobull charter the Serbian Emperor asked several high-ranking clerics, among them also Nikola, for permission to found the bishopric of Zletovo (i sь arhïepiskopomь ōhridьskymь Nikolomь). He is portrayed on the south wall of the Church of Saint Nikola Bolnički in Ōhrid with the Serbian ruler’s family. He is depicted within another composition in the Church of Saint Sophia in Ōhrid, where he is painted next to Jovan Oliver and his family in the chapel of the despot, which was erected between the years 1347 and 1350.
Pečkopulь Kalojanь Person Mentioned in the second and third charter (1343/1345) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. The sources denote him as a sevastь. He owned a property near a 100 kьbьl large estate of the Treskavec Monastery in Galičane (Město vь Galičanehь kupenica Panaretova kьblomь r. plisiastь sevastь Pečkopulь i Strězo Madarakь). He donated the former field of Topil near the village Běla Crьkva to the Treskavec Monastery for the sake of his salvation. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the gift in the second charter for the Treskavec Monastery (Selo Běla Crьkva sь nivijemь, sь vinogrady sь voděničijemь, sь kupenicami. Niva Unьzereva kon Bělu Crьkvu; i druga Eksefilinova konь crьkve jože tь priloži; i Topila jože dade Kalojanь Pečkopulь za dušu).
Sidrofajevь Person Mentioned in the second and third charter (1343/1345) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. He possessed a manor in Bogomilja at the river Babuna. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated his manor with a field, vineyard, watermill, fruit trees and all rights to the Treskavec Monastery (U Bogomili v Babuně stasь Sidrofaevu s niviemь, s vinogradi, s voděničiemь, i s ōvoštiemь i sь vsomь pravïnomь).
Stefo Person Mentioned in the second and third charter (1343/1345) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. He owned a property near the 36 kьbьl large field in Vinci, which was given by the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan to the Treskavec Monastery (Niva Kurteseva u Vinьcehь kьblomь lst., blizь popa Mavrike i Bara i Stefa).
Theōdorь (2) Person Mentioned in the first charter (1334/1336) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. Apparently hegumen of the Treskavec Monastery (igumna brata Theōdorova). He had a brother. His brother bought a 60 kьbьl large manor in Gligorovci near Maly Mramorane from Dimitrij Davidovь. He donated it to the Treskavec Monastery. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the gift in the first charter for the Treskavec Monastery (Stasь u Gligorovьcehь igumna brata Theōdorova vь Malihь Mramoraněhь, kupenica ōdь kirь Dimitrija Davidova kьblomь .ksi. – mь).
Vasilь (1) Person Mentioned in the first (1334/1336), second and third charter (1343/1345) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. The sources denote him as a kirь. He had a son. His son sold a 20 kьbьl large field in Bělevo to the Treskavec Monastery (Niva na Bělevě k. mь kьblomь ōtь kïrь Vasileva syna). He bought a 100 kьbьl large land together with kirь Dimit(a)rь and kirь Vasilь near the village Dupijačanje, which was called megligorevskoe nivie. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the bought fields of kirь Vasilь to the Treskavec Monastery (Selo Dupijačanje sь ljudmi i sь nivijemь i sь vinogrady i sь kupenicami ōtь kirь Dimitra i ōtь kirь Jaka i ōtь kirь Vasilě, megligorevskoe nivie, kьblomь .r.; kupenica ōtь kirь Jaka kьblomь .o.). The boundary of his property is attested in the delimitation of the village Dupijačanje (Selo Dupijačani podь monastïremь s vinogradi, s niviemь, s mlini, sь vsьěmi pravinami; i ovomu selu megje: prěslopь, selište Kostěnče, drumom u Bělevo ōt vo...ïčke uz rěku do crьkvna mlina, do megje dušničke putemь ōbьemljušte Sorunь sь selištemь Arbanasi do Maloradi, ta na Daubnicu, opirajušte u kirь Vasilevo, podь Šutulь) and the bought estate of Hegumen Kalinïkь (Kupenica što kupi igumnь Kalinïkь: hrastь podь Dupьjačani, načьnь ōtь puti podь Radimanovu voděnicu, putemь podь Gorkь do kïr Vasileve megje, i ōtьtudě slazešte na putь dušьnički koi grede u Mramorane, putemь uz brьdo Gligorovcemь do voděnice Radimanove, gde i počelo). He held a manor called Bělevьska near Gorkь with a field, watermill and vineyards. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan bestowed it to the Treskavec Monastery (Stasь Bělevьska z Gorku, sь vinogradi i sь nivijemь i sь vodeničijemь i sь vьseju oblastiju i pravinami, što ihь drьžalь kirь Vasilь). He sold a field in Bělevo to the Treskavec Monastery. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the transaction in the third charter for the Treskavec Monastery (Niva na Bělevě kupenica ōtь kïr Vasilija; mege ōtь puti Vukova Dola u Eleněšce i do Mramora, i uz rěku do crьkvne voděnice, i pak do puti). He owned a patrimonial estate in the village Eleněžьci. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš III Dečanski donated the village Eleněžьci to the Treskavec Monastery. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the donation of his father and endowed the Treskavec Monastery also with the patrimonial properties of Murtinь, Gorgičь and kïrь Vasilь (Selo Eleněšci što priloži gospodinь kralь i potvrьdi kralevьstvo mi, i u nimь baština Murtina i Gōrgičeva i kïrь Vasileva sь vsěmi pravinami).
Zgurь Thōdor Person Mentioned in the first charter (1334/1336) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. He sold together with Ljubinko a 100 kьbьl large manor and a watermill at the river Radušta to the Treskavec Monastery. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the acquisition in the first charter for the Treskavec Monastery (Stasь … kьblomь r. i voděnica kupena ōdь Ljubinku i ōdь Thōdora Zgura na Radušti).
Ïsaakь (Jakь) Person Mentioned in the first charter (1334/1336) of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. The charter refers to him as kirь. He bought a 100 kьbьl large land together with kirь Dimit(a)rь and kirь Vasilь near the village Dupijačanje, which was called megligorevskoe nivie. He acquired a 70 kьbьl large estate probably also near the village Dupijačanje. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the possessions of kirь Ïsaakь (Jakь) to the Treskavec Monastery (Selo Dupijačanje sь ljudmi i sь nivijemь i sь vinogrady i sь kupenicami ōtь kirь Dimitra i ōtь kirь Jaka i ōtь kirь Vasilě, megligorevskoe nivie, kьblomь .r.; kupenica ōtь kirь Jaka kьblomь .o.).
Ōpsikijanь Person Mentioned in the second charter of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec. He donated several fields in Bělevo, which were 200 kьbьl large, to the Treskavec Monastery. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed his gift and endowed the Treskavec Monastery also with the watermill on the river Bělevštica (Nivije u Bělevě, što pridade Ōpsikijanь, kьbьlomь s. i voděnica na Bělevštici).
Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Prilep, Monastery of Treskavac Place Description The monastery of the Holy Virgin known as Treskavac is located at a ten-kilometre distance from Prilep, below a rocky mountain peak. The oldest part of its katholikon, dedicated to the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God, dates back to the end of the twelfth century or the first half of the thirteenth century, whereas considerable construction works in the same church were carried out during the reign of Andronikos II and several decades later, between 1330 and 1350. The katholikon of the Treskavac Monastery is a complex architectural ensemble. The appearance of the church is the result of numerous constructions, alterations, demolitions, and renovations over the centuries. The spatial plan and structure of the church consist of several architectural units: the main church (altar and naos) with a narthex. Along the southern side of the church, the southern nave extends the entire length, while on the northern side, there is a northern side chapel, and on the western side, a two-domed narthex is situated. To this layout of the church, two additional spatial units are added - a southeast chapel and an enclosed porch encompassing the western and southern sides of the church complex. Architecture First phase of construction: The oldest building in the present church complex is the main church with a narthex. It has a compact inscribed cross plan, topped by a dome. Parallels: Church of St. Archangel Michael in Prilep Dating: the end of the 12th century or during the first half of the 13th century Comment: The basis for dating consists of the typological characteristics of architecture and the results of archaeological research. In 1959, six graves were discovered on the southern side of the church, more precisely beneath the foundation of the later-built southern nave and in the southern part of the subsequently constructed porch. These graves date back to the period from the 10th to the 12th century, at the latest until the middle of the 13th century. Second phase of construction: The second phase includes the construction of an elongated and narrow nave along the southern side and an exonarthex on the western side of the church. A distinct feature of this two-sided annex is the dome raised at the intersection of the southern and western naves. The construction of a two-aisled ambulatory nave adjacent to the Treskavac church belongs to the architectural corpus of the Palaiologan era, characterized by intense additions of side chapels, naves, and other annexes to older church building. The façade design also reflects tendencies of late Byzantine architecture towards intricate decoration, resulting in a departure from the principles of form and structure harmony. The technique of using stone and brick in construction is not entirely regular and constitutes a combination of opus listatum and opus cloisonné. The façade decoration consists solely of ceramic plastic ornamentation limited to the tympanum area of the upper row of blind niches (motifs of a chessboard pattern, fishbone, interlace). Parallels: Saint John Kaneo in Ohrid Dating: The last two decades of the 13th century to the first two decades of the 14th century Third phase of construction: the addition of the northern annex, consisting of two chambers - a single-nave chapel on the eastern side and a square bay with a dome on the western side. Dating: between the second decade of the 14th century and 1334-1343. Fourth phase of construction: the construction of the southeastern side chapel adjacent to the southern nave; during this time or later, an open porch on the southern side was also erected. Dating: the middle of the 14th century Reconstruction/Renovation: First Renovation: the upper structure of the main church. Dating: 1480-1490. Second Renovation: the renovation of the sanctuary of the main church, the southern nave, and the southeastern side chapel. Dating: 16th century Third Renovation: renovation of the narthex. Dating: 19th century Painted Decoration: First fresco layer: has not been preserved. Second fresco layer: three frescoes in the vestibule of the main entrance to the monastery, formed on the ground floor of the bell tower constructed to the west of the Church of the Dormition of the Virgin. The frescoes were created in 1898, but there is a strong basis for the claim that they replicate the painting program depicted in the same location at the end of the 13th or the beginning of the 14th century. 1. Theotokos in the center, crowning the Byzantine emperors Andronikos II Palaiologos and Michael IX , 2. remains of the founder's composition: a part of the head of a female figure with a halo, facing to the right, and next to her, the so-called model of the church. This is a representation of the Theotokos, and the model undoubtedly was held by the ktitor (founder), whose figure, now completely destroyed, was located opposite the figure of the Mother of God. The destroyed fresco probably depicted the Byzantine military commander Michael Glabas Tarchaneiotes, 3. the figure of archangel Michael Dating: between 1294 and 1316. Third fresco layer: frescoes in the exonarthex and the northern dome of the exonarthex; remnants of a royal portrait of King Dušan (repainted) on the eastern wall of the central part of the exonarthex. Dating: 1334-1343 Fourth fresco layer: Portrait of the patron of the parekklesion (southeastern side chapel), Tepčija Gradislav, on the western wall of the parekklesion. Dating: the middle of the 14th century Fifth fresco layer: frescoes in the naos. Dating: 1480-1490 Sixth fresco layer: frescoes in the sanctuary Dating: 1570 Seventh fresco layer: Dating: 1847-1849