Maps of Power

Andonovski 2009a


ID 121480
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Inbook
Case Study Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16


Tome Andonovski, Skopska Crna Gora, in: Makedonska Enciklopedija 2. M-Š (Skopje 2009), 1370.


Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Črьna Gora Place The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (reigned 1331-1355) issued charters for the Church of the Presentation of the Holy Mother of God in the village of Arhiljevica in the years 1349 and 1354/55 respectively. The location of the village of Arhiljevica is unclear. It might be located in Preševo (now Serbia) or in the Črьna Gora in the triangle of the places Belanovce, Domanovci and Izvor. Črьna Gora (vь Črьnoi Gori) is mentioned in the Vita of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V (reigned 1355-1371) written by the Serbian Patriarch Pajsije. It reports that Stefan Uroš V and his mother Jelena completed the Church of Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska after the death of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Dušan. A Church of the Holy Mother of God in Črьna Gora above Žegligovo is attested in the Serbian genealogies (rodoslovi) and annals (u Črьmьnyje Gory, vyše Žegligova; eius vero mater aedificavit Ecclesiam in Nigro Monte, supra Segligovo). This church is probably identical with the aforesaid Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska. The Ottoman Sultan Murad I (reigned 1360-1389) might have crossed the Črьna Gora on his march against the Serbian Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović before the battle on the Kosovo Polje (Kosovo Field) in 1389. In 1409 Evdokija Balšić commissioned the monk Gerasim in the Monastery of Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska in Črьna Gora near Skopje to write the manuscript of the Dialogues (Paterik) by Gregory the Great. In the spring and summer of 1413 the two Ottoman pretenders to the throne Mehmed and Musa fought for supremacy on the Balkan Peninsula. Mehmed was supported by the Serbian Despot Stefan Lazarević (reigned 1389-1427). In the course of the military operations, Musa initially stayed in the Ovče Pole (in the Ragusan sources called Ovcepogle). Then, Mehmed and Stefan Lazarević crossed together with their troops the Črьna Gora (Prěšьdьše že Črьmnu Goru) and reached the Ovče Pole (kь Ovьčju polju), where Djuradj Branković (reigned 1427-1456), Stefan's nephew, took command over the Serbian forces. The scribe Vladislav Gramatik resided between 1457 and 1497 in the Monastery of Sveta Bogorodica Črьnogorska. In 1479 he compiled a liturgical book (panegyrikon) in the Monastery at the foot of the Črьna Gora in the region of Žegligovo (vъ podkrilii Črъnye gory). The Črьna Gora is mentioned in the colophones of Vladislav Gramatik and Dimitrij Kantakuzin from the years 1469 (vь vьsečьstněmь monastiri prěsvetьje bogorodice suštee iže vь podkrilii Črьnьje Gory) and 1473 (vь vьsečьstněmь monastiri prěsvetьje vladičice naše bogorodice i prisnoděvi Marie, suštee iže vь podkrilii Črьnьje Gory, v prědělě Žegligovcěm). In 1519 a hierodeacon named Mina wrote a triodion for the Church of the Presentation of the Holy Mother of God in Klustobista in the solitude of Vunešь at the foot of the Črьna Gora (poduvesie Črъnie Gory vъ pustynju naricemuju Vunešъ). The Vuneški pomenik (15th century or 16-17th centuries) was kept in the small Church of Sveti Nikola in Vunešь at the foot of the Črьna Gora above the village of Ljubanci (pomenikъ hramu stgō i slavnaagō arhierea i čjudtvorca hva Nikōli gljemii Vunešь vь pōdkrili Črьmnie gōry vyše sela Ljubancii).