Maps of Power

Mladjov 2012


ID 123742
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Article
Case Study Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16


Ian S. R. Mladjov, The children of Ivan Asen II and Eirēnē Komnēnē: contribution to the prosopography of medieval Bulgaria, in: Bulgaria Mediaevalis 3 (2012) 485–500.


Actors (1)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Eirene Person She lived before 28 July 1362. Her father was probably Michael Palaiologos Komnenos Asanes. She was buried in the Church of Saint Elijah at Dojran. A marble slab in the narthex of the church dedicated to her bears three inscriptions. The monogram is written in Greek and describes the slab as her tombstone (Τάφος Εἰρῄνης θυγατρός Μιχαήλ Κριβαβατζιτζ?). The slavic inscription contains the details concerning the death of Eirene (měseca julě ki dьnь prěstavi se raba božija erina kьki mahaila krьvavčiikě? ѕ ō o ie). The last Greek inscription in four dodecasyllables gives an account of her old and noble descent (Σὺ δ’ εἰπὲ, λίθε τίνα κρατεὶς νεκρόν κόρην τρίφεραν τοῦ Μιχαὴλ πάλαι γόνῳ τρισευκλεῦ μεγίστῃ ἐκ βασιλέων ἐρρεύσεν εἰς τὴν ἀλλὰ παπαῖ τῆς τύχης).