ID | 123946 |
System Class | Bibliography |
Bibliography | Article |
Case Study | Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |
Ivan Dujčev, Slavica dans les Acta Athoa I., in: Byzantinobulgarica 5 (1978) 289–296.
Actors (1)
Name | Class | Begin | End | Relation Type | Description |
Kardames | Person | Mentioned in the decision of the court summoned by Sabas, the Metropolitan of Serres, from August 1365. The charter refers to him as κῦρ. He was a Megas Tzausios, 1365. He was a member of the senate of Serres. He participated in the decision over a plot of land in the village Zetinon (Zintzu) and a Church of Saint George. He with other members of the court ruled in favor of the Esphigmenu Monastery against the Kastamonitu Monastery (καὶ ἑτέρων τῶν τῆς συγκλήτου, τοῦ τε μεγάλου τζαουσίου κῦρ τοῦ Καρδάμη). |