Maps of Power

Drakopulu 1996


ID 130393
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Inbook
Case Study Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16


Eugenia Drakopulu, Η σερβική παρουσία στην Καστοριά τις παραμονές της τουρκικής κατάκτησης, in: Byzantium and Serbia in the 14th Century (Athens 1996) 88-96.


Actors (1)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Musachi, Andrea II Person He died before 1373, probably in 1372. The title Despotus regni Albania was bestowed upon him by Louis, the brother of Charles, the Duke of Durazzo (Durrës) on 30th December 1336. His title was confirmed by the Sicilian King Robert of Anjou on 18th July 1337. Sevastocrator. He appears as marescallus (marshal) in the Papal letter from June 1317. His father was Theodor I Musachi. He was married to Etinia, the daughter of Paolo Matarango. Andrea II Musachi was the father of Theodor II Musachi (Theodoros Muzakes), Ghin I Musachi (Amirales Myrsioannes), Stoja Musachi (Stoias), Anna (Kiranna) and Comita. He was an offspring of the noble family Musachi. He controlled the plain in the western Lowlands of Albania called Myseqe. The Historia della casa Musachia records, that he defeated the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan or Blukasinos (Vukašin) at the Pelister Mountain. The Byzantine Emperor gave him the title Despot of Epirus with a golden seal as a reward for his victory over the Serbian king (il titolo de Despoto d’Epiro con privilegio con lo sigillo d’oro, et anco l’invio una sedia despotale, nella quale era de perle racamata detta insegna dell’aquila). He captured the town Kastoria from the Serbian King Marko (Markos). He was buried in the Church of Saint Anthony located at Rodon Cape near Durrës.