Maps of Power

Životi kraljeva i arhiepiskopa srpskih


The archbishop Danilo II. (ca. 1270/1275 - 19.12. 1337) wrote the hagiographies of the Serbian king Dragutin and Stefan Uroš II Milutin, their mother Jelena and of the first three successors of the St. Sava and created thereby the core of the collection which bears the title “The Lives of the Serbian Kings and Archbishops” (Danilov zbornik). The already existing hagiographies of the founders of the dynasty and the autocephalous church (Nemanja and Sava) were considered as a model. Later, other biographies, including those of Danilo, the king Stefan Uroš III. Dečanski and the king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan, were added by continuators.


Daničić 1866


Places (2)
Name Class Begin End Description
Kraište Place Based on the medieval written sources and the toponymy, we are able to identify the border zone between the Serbian and Bulgarian realms in the first half of the 14th century. According to the Serbian Archbishop Danilo II (ca. 1270-1337) the Bulgarian Tsar Michael III Šišman (reigned 1323-1330) invaded Serbian territory before the Battle of Velbužd on 28 July 1330, i.e. the area of the Upper Valley of the River Struma and the town of Zemen, which both belonged to the Serbian realm. In the Defter for the Sanjak Köstendil from the years 1570 to 1572 the region of Kraište is named "Gorno Kraište". Based on the toponymy, we are able to discern the respective area as a border zone between the two aforesaid realms. The renowned historian Konstantin Jireček (1854-1918) maps a toponym called "Kraište" to the North-West of Velbužd (today Kjustendil in Bulgaria), which as a term in itself denotes a border zone.
Porěčie Place Most likely in the period between 1282 and 1284 the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin captured in his huge offensive against Byzantine Macedonia also the land of Porěčie (porečьskuju zemlju takožde sь gradovy i oblastiju ihь). In the charter of the same King for the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg near Skopje from 1300 the "oblast Porěčka" is mentioned (vь ōblasti Porěčkoi). In a document (forgery?), allegedly issued by Stefan Uroš II Milutin in the year 1318 (?) or compiled in the 15th century, Porěčie is called "zemlja Porečka". Porěčie appears in the charter of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Monastery of Treskavec in 1334/35 (u Porěči). The same ruler also mentions Porěčie in his second charter for the Monastery of Treskavac from the years 1343/44 (u Porěči) and in the third charter for the same monastery from the year 1344/45 (u Porěči).
Events (2)
Name Class Begin End Description
Mentioning of Border Zone Kraište Activity
Mentioning of Porěčie Activity The archbishop Danilo II. (ca. 1270/1275 - 19.12. 1337) wrote the hagiographies of the Serbian king Dragutin and Stefan Uroš II Milutin, their mother Jelena and of the first three successors of the St. Sava and created thereby the core of the collection which bears the title “The Lives of the Serbian Kings and Archbishops” (Danilov zbornik). The already existing hagiographies of the founders of the dynasty and the autocephalous church (Nemanja and Sava) were considered as a model. Later, other biographies, including those of Danilo, the king Stefan Uroš III. Dečanski and the king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan, were added by continuators.