Maps of Power

Rhoby 2010


ID 15226
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Book
Case Study Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 , Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355)


Andreas Rhoby, Byzantinische Epigramme auf Ikonen und Objekten der Kleinkunst nebst Addenda zu Band I "Byzantinischen Epigramme auf Fresken und Mosaiken" (Wien 2010).


Actors (2)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Isaakios Nikephoros Person A short notice of the capture of Berat in 1342/1343 by the sebastokrator of Serbia Isaakios Nikephoros is inserted in the colophon of the manuscript (Dionys. 216/3750) written by the scribe Iakobos, kept in the library of the monastery of Dionysiu (ἐπόνησα πρὸς ταῦτα τῷ ἑξακισχιλιοστῷ αὖθις ὀκτακοσιοστῷ πρὸς τοῖς πεντήκοντα καὶ ἑνὶ ἔτη ἰνδικτηώνος δὲ ἐνδεκάτης. Ἰστέον ὅτι τὸ παρὸν βιβλίον ἐγράφη ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ ἔτω τῆς εἰς τὰ Βελλάγραδα εἰσελεύσεως τοῦ σεβαστοκράτωρος Σερβείας κῦρ Νικηφόρω τὸ Ἰσαακίω, χειρὶ δὲ Ἰακώβῳ ἱεροθύτῳ). Isaakios Nikephoros is with all probability identical with the ambassador Chiersacchio mentioned in a document from 25.05.1344 preserved in the archives of the city Dubrovnik (In consilio rogatorum captum fuit "de mittendo unum ambassiatorem Chiersacchio ad honorandum ipsum et presentandum et recommandandum mereatores in partibus illis conversantes". Item "de mittendo dona eidem Chiersacchio, cuidam alii baroni Suberto de yperferis CC"; et alia fuit de perperis CL que vicit".) The sebastokrator Kerьsakь also appears as a donator of the village of Rodokali with hamlets and all rights to the Church of Holy Mother of God Peribleptos in Ōhrid, which was confirmed by the Serbian king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan. (I kako prihodi vseōsvešteni jepiskopь Děvolьski kirь Gligori i uspomenu mi kako jestь priložilь prěljubovni vlastelinь kraljevstva mi sevastokratorь Kerьsakь selo Rodokali, i sь zaselьci i sь vsěmi pravinami sela toga crьkvi Periblepьtu, monastiru kralevstva mi i kraličinu. I kralevstvo mi zapisa i utvrьdi, jako da jestь tvrьdo i nerazorimo do věka i da jestь otь crьkve neotiemlemo do dni i do věka). The Serbian King names him in the same charter as the brother of his kingdom and as the Sebastokrator of the town Ōhrid. The Serbian king mentions his help in the conquest of the region (i sь Hristovomь pomoštiju i prědanijemь brata kraljevstva mi, sebastokratora grada Ōhrid). He is attested together with the archbishop Nikolaos as donor of the large mid-14th century icons of Christ Pantokrator and the Virgin Psychosostria destined for the templon of the Cathedral of St. Sophia at Ōhrid. An inscription is attached to the lower rim of the revetment of the Icon with Christ Pantokrator, which describes him as the sebastokrator Isaakios Dukas (ΥΜΝΟΝ ΕΠΙΝΙΚΟΝ ΩΣ ΘΕΩ ΦΕΡΕΙ ΑΥΤΟΣ Δ· ΕΝΥΛΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΧΟΙΚΟΣ ΤΥΓΧΑΝΩΝ ΔΟΥΚΑΣ ΙΣΑΑΚΙΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΙΛΑΣΤΗ ΕΙΚΟΝΑ ΗΡΥΣΟΥ ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥ ΤΕ ΤΕΧΝΟΥΡΓΗΜΕΝΗΝ ΗΝ ΚΑΙ ΔΕΧΟΙΟ ΠΑΜΜΕΔΟΝ ΘΕΟΥ [ΚΡΑΤΟΣ...ΕΙΣ] ΕΞΙΛΑΣΜΑ ΤΩΝ ΑΜΑΡΤΗΜΑΤΟΝ). It is not clear whether the sebastocrator Isaakios is the same person as the Caesar Dukas portrayed together with his prematurely deceased son Demetrios in the ruins of St. Panteleimon in Ōhrid, which is dated 1321 or 1331, shortly before the conquest of Ōhrid by the Serbian king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan.
Sguros Progonos Person Mentioned in the painted inscription over the west door of the narthex of the Church of the Virgin Peribleptos in Ōhrid (now Church of Saints Clement and Panteleimon) from 1294/1295. He appears as a κῦρ in the inscription. He held the position of Megas hetaireiarches, 1294–1295. Progonos Sguros was of noble Albanian background. He belonged with all probability to the family of Scura (Sgura). His wife was Eudokia. He was the son-in-law of the Byzantine Emperor (probably Michael VIII Palaiologos). According to the painted inscription over the west door of the narthex from 1294/1295 he commisioned together with his wife Eudokia Komnene the Church of the Virgin Peribleptos in Ōhrid (now Church of Saints Clement and Panteleimon), at that time under Byzantine rule. He was holding the rank of megas hetaireiarches and was through his wife related to the family of Byzantine emperor (Ἀνηγέρθει ὁ θεῖος καὶ πάνσεπτος ναὸς οὗτος τῆς πανυπεράγνου δέσποινης ἡμῶν Θεοτόκου τῆς περιβλέπτου διά τε συνδρομῆς καὶ ἐξόδου κυροῦ Προγόνου τοῦ Σγουροῦ τοῦ μεγάλου ἑταιρειάρχου καὶ τῆς συζύγου αὐτοῦ κυρὰς Εὐδοκίας καὶ γαμβροῦ τοῦ κραταιοῦ καὶ ἁγίου ἡμῶν αὐτοκράτορος καὶ βασιλέως· ἐπὶ τῆς βασιλείας τοῦ εὐσεβεστάτου βασιλέος καὶ αὐτοκράτωρος Ῥωμαίων Ἀνδρονίκου τοῦ Παλαιολόγου· καὶ Εἰρήνης τῆς εὐσεβεστάτης αὐγούστης· ἀρχιερατεύοντος δὲ Μακαρίου τοῦ παναγιωτάτου ἀρχιεπισκόπου τῆς Πρότης Ἰουστινιανῆς καὶ πάσης Βουλγαρίας· ἐπὶ ἔτους· ϛ ω γ ἰνδικτιῶνος η). An epigram embroidered on an altar cloth in the thirteenth or fourteenth century and now kept in the National Historical Museum at Sofia seems to be a gift of the famous megas hetaireiarches and his wife (Δῶρόν σοι κλεινὸς μέγας ἑταιρειάρχης/ τύπον σῆς σταυρώσεως ἀνατυπῶ σοι/ ἐκ τῆς δοκούσης τάχα τιμίας ὕλης/ σὺν Εὐδοκίᾳ τῇ ὁμοζύγῳ, Λόγε,/ οὔσῃ Κομνηνῇ μητροπαπποπατρόθεν/ ἵνα λύσιν λάβωμεν ἀμπλακημάτων).
Places (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Strugai Place The place is mentioned in Anna Komnena as a refuge, where the Byzantine emperor Alexios I. Komnenos sought protection on his journey to Ohrid (καὶ οὕτως ἀμετρήτους καὶ μεγίστους διεκφυγὼν κινδύνους αὖθις σῴζεται διὰ τῶν Στρουγῶν διελθὼν εἰς Ἀχρίδας). Appears in the addition to the narrative about the confirmation of the Bulgarian archbishoprics autocephaly by the Byzantine Emperor Basileios II. in several manuscripts of the Chronicle of John Skylitzes from the 12th century and later (πρὸς δὲ τὸ τέρμα τῆς λίμνης τὰς ἐγχωρίως λεγομένας Στρούγας εὑρηκὼς καὶ ταύταις ἑνωθεὶς μέγιστός τε γίνεται ποταμῶν). According to the inscription probably from 1266/1267 on the icon of the saint George, a certain John the deacon, who held also the position of referendarios, donated the restored icon by the painter John to the Church of saint George in Struga near Ohrid (δῶρον τοῦ σοῦ οἰκέτου εὐτελοῦς Ἰωάννου τοῦ διακόνου ῥαιφερενδαρίου τε ἀξίαν ἔχων· γράψαντι σεπτῶς τὴν σὴν μορφὴν ἀγίαν ἐν χροματουργήμασι ποικιλοτρόποις ταύτην ἀνιστῶν ἐν Στρούγαις τῆς Άχρίδος. Ἰωάννης ἐκ πόθου τὴν δέησιν ποιεῖται. Ἐν ἔτει ͵ςψοεʹ ἰνδικτιῶνος θʹ ἀνιστορήθη δὲ διὰ χειρὸς Ἰωάννου ἱστοριογράφου).The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the donation of the villages Struga Vraniška and Struga Mala, the upper and lower courtyard in Struga and the church of saint Nikola near the lake with all rights and seven fishers to the Church of the Holy Mother of God Peribleptos in Ohrid (Struga Braniška i Struga Mala i vь, i vь gradě gōrni dvorь i dolni dvorь, i na jezerě crьkva sveti Nikola sь vsěmi pravinami, i sedьmь ribarь). The town of Struga is registered in the Defter for the Nahija Ohrid between the years 1536-1539 and under the year 1583.