Maps of Power

Donation of the chapel of St. Petka in Tmorane

Begin 01.01.1299
End 31.12.1300


The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated the chapel of St. Petka with its posessions to the Hilandar Monastery on Mount Athos.


Events (4)
Name Class Begin End Description
Mentioning of Lipьcь Grьdomanovь Activity The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated a hill to the Monastery of Sveta Petka in Tmorane and afterwards to the Hilandar Monastery. In the boundary description of the hill also the property Lipьcь of Grьdoman is mentioned (I takožde priloži kralevьstvo mi goru da si sěku lazove i čto si su rastʼrěbili crьkovni ljude. A se mege u gorě: na Manotino selište, i prězь dělь na Sušicu, i na Lipьcь Grьdomanovь).
Mentioning of Manotino Activity The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated a hill to the Monastery of Sveta Petka in Tmorane and afterwards to the Hilandar Monastery. In the boundary description of the hill also the settlement site of Manotino is mentioned (I takožde priloži kralevьstvo mi goru da si sěku lazove i čto si su rastʼrěbili crьkovni ljude. A se mege u gorě: na Manotino selište, i prězь dělь na Sušicu, i na Lipьcь Grьdomanovь).
Mentioning of Sušica (2) Activity The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated a hill to the Monastery of Sveta Petka in Tmorane. In the boundary description of the hill also the village of Sušica is mentioned (I takožde priloži kralevьstvo mi goru da si sěku lazove i čto si su rastʼrěbili crьkovni ljude. A se mege u gorě: na Manotino selište, i prězь dělь na Sušicu, i na Lipьcь Grьdomanovь).
Mentioning of Tavorь Activity King Stefan Uroš II Milutin mentioned the village of Tavorь in a boundary description of his donations to the chapel of Saint Petka.
Places (6)
Name Class Begin End Description
Pet᾿kov krstь Place King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated lands around Pet᾿kov krьst, that came in the possession of the Monastery of Sveta Petka in Tmorane as gift for the salvation of the soul, to the monastery of Hilandar (i ōkolь Pet᾿kova krьsta zemьle zadušьne na EI. k᾿b᾿lь). The localisation follows the proposal of Grujić.
Svinovi Place King Stefan Uroš II Milutin mentioned the village of Svinovi in the boundary description of his donation (i ōbrěte se zem’la po ōnoi straně Velike u Svinověhь).
T'morane, Church of Sveta Petka Place The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated several properties to the Chapel of Sveta Petka (u Skopьskoi straně vь městě rekoměmь T’morane keliju svete Pet’ke). The same king donated the village of T᾿morane to the Tower of Hrusija of the Monastery of Hilandar on the Holy Mount Athos (i tugigje u Skop᾿skoi ōblasti drugo selo T᾿morani). The Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the donation of the Church of Sveta Petka together with the village of T᾿morane, with boundaries and all rights to the Monastery of Hilandar (Crьkovь Sveta Petka Tmorjany sь selomь i sь megjami i sь vsěmi pravinami).
T'morane, Church of Sveta Petka, Vineyard Place King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated vineyards near and surounding the Church of Sveta Petka to this same Church (naiprьvo vinogradь ōkolь crьkve čto ïestь crьkvь nasadila, i ljudiïe crьkvnyi čto si imaju vinogradь i čto si hote nasaditi).
Tmorane Place The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin mentioned the Village of Tmorane in the donations to the kellion of Sveta Petka (u Skopьskoi straně vь městě rekoměmь T’morane keliju svete Pet’ke). ). The same king donated the village of T᾿morane to the Tower of Hrusija of the Monastery of Hilandar on the Holy Mount Athos (i tugigje u Skop᾿skoi ōblasti drugo selo T᾿morani). The Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the donation of the Church of Sveta Petka together with the village of T᾿morane, with boundaries and all rights to the Monastery of Hilandar (Crьkovь Sveta Petka Tmorjany sь selomь i sь megjami i sь vsěmi pravinami).
Voraša Place King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated properties in the village of Voraša to the Monastery of Sveta Petka (i u selě u Vorašahь zem’le kuplenice na četiri města na .R. k’b’lь).
Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Tmorane Sveta Petka Source The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated the kellion of St. Petka with its possessions to the Monastery of Hilandar on Mount Athos. According to Srdjan Pirivatrić King Milutin conquered the town of Skopje and its surroundings from the Byzantine Empire in the year 1282, but lost it to the Byzantines at some point between 1282 and 1298 and certainly reconquered it before 1298/99. That is why he issued his charter concerning the kellion of St. Petka after his reconquest, i.e. about 1299/1300.