ID | 131858 |
System Class | Person |
Case Study | Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |
Sex | Male |

He died probably as an infant before 1368. He was the child of Ioannes Unklesis and Euphemia. He became two icons as a baptismal gift from Theodosios, the Metropolitan of Serres. Despot Ioannes Unklesis (Ioan Uglješa) came to the Hilandar Monastery in order to bid farewell and commemorate his deceased son Uglješa (Prišьdšu že mi vь hramě prěsvetije Bogorodice Hilan’darě, i viděvь grobь gospodina mi i roditelja svetopočiv’šega kesara i sina mojego po plьti Uglješe; vь pomenь carьstva mi i gospodina mi i roditela kjesara i sina mi Ugleše). Euphemia composed a lament over the premature death of her son. Between 1368 and 1371 was the lament over Uglješa (Despotović) inscribed under the patronage of Euphemia on the silver revetment, which connected the two icons of Uglješa (Despotović) and made a diptych. Euphemia donated the diptych icon to the Hilandar Monastery for the salvation of the soul of her son. The tomb of Uglješa (Despotović) is situated in the northern side of the nave in the Hilandar katholikon.