Krpeno, Krьpena
End 31.08.1345
ID | 1743 |
System Class | Place |
Place | Village |
Case Study | Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |
Administrative unit | Region of Polog / Полошки регион , North Macedonia |
Historical place | Polog , Kingdom of Serbia |

In the year 1334/35 King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the village of Krpeno to the Treskavec Monastery (U Polozě metohь Krьpenь sь voděničьjemь i sь vinogradi i sь nivijemь i sь planinami i sь vьsěmi pravinami jego, što priloži svetopočivšii kralь za dušu si). King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the village of Krьpeno in the Region of Polog together with the Metochion of Saint Nicholas, meadows, fields, vineyards and all people (Selo vь Poloze Krьpeno, metohь Svety Nikola, što priloži svety kralь, sь nivijemь, sь vinogrady, sь ljudmi, sь voděnicijemь i sь rěku; brazda kirь Manoilova; brazda Desilova; livada na Starymь Kladenьci; niva Nikiforovecь ōdь Carego Kladenьca do togo potoka i do togo i do careva druma ko ide ōdь Polaticь na Bivolь Brodь; Lucinь vinogradь podь Hraštany i sь brьdomь; crьkovь koju sьhtisa popь Mihalicь vь Htětově na Krьpenьscě městě). The exact position is unknown. In the year 1344/45 King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the donation of the village of Krьpeno with the Church of Saint Nicholas, vineyards and watermills to the Treskavec Monastery (Selo u Polozě Krpeno i crьkvь Svetyi Nikolae s niviemь, s vinogradi, s voděničiemь i sь brьdomь). King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated together with his son, the Young King (mlad kralь) Uroš, the village of Krpen with all boundaries and rights to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Htetovo (Selo Krьpena sь vsěmi megami i pravinami). King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan granted together with his son, the young king (mlad kralь) Uroš, the village of Krpen with the domain of Pribec (Pribac), the church of Saint George and the family, retinue, people settled here by Pribec (Pribac), town (place), water-mills, gardens, hay harvests, meadows, hill (mountain), boundaries and all rights to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo (I selo Krьpena, što priloži kraljevьstvo mi S(ve)toi B(ogorodi)ci Htětovьskoi, Pribca sь crьkoviju Svetymь Geōrgyjemь i sь rod(o)m i sь dvorani, s ljudmi što je priselilь Pribcь, sь městom i s vodenicami, sь ōgradijemь, sь sěnokosy, s livadami, sь brьdomь, sь vsěmi megami i pravinami).