Bela Crkva, Бела Црква, Бѣла Црьква
Begin 01.09.1334
End 31.08.1345
End 31.08.1345
ID | 753 |
System Class | Place |
Place | Existing Village chorion selo |
Case Study | Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 |
Administrative unit | Region of Pelagonia / Пелагониски регион , North Macedonia |
Historical place | Kingdom of Serbia |

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Tiles style by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team hosted by OpenStreetMap France
The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (reigned 1331-1355) donated the village of Běla Crьkva with a watermill near a church to the Monastery of Treskavec in 1334/35 (Selo Běla Crьkva sь voděničьjemь što je pri crьkvi). In 1343/44 the same King confirmed the donation of the village of Běla Crьkva to the same Monastery (Selo Běla Crьkva sь nivijemь, sь vinogrady sь voděničijemь, sь kupenicami). In the year 1344/45 he once again confirmed the donation of the village of Běla Crьkva to the Monastery (Selo Běla Crьkva s niviemь, s vinogradi, s voděničiemь, s kupenicami i zadušninomь, i sь vsěmi pravinami).