Maps of Power

Inscription above the Western Entrance of the Katholikon (i.e. on the Eastern Wall of the Narthex), Cyrillic


ID 112048
System Class Source translation
Source translation Original text


+ сьзда се сïи свѣтлыи и чьс(т)ньï.храмь.великаго воѥводе вьïшних силь. Архистратига Mихаïла. Сьзда се и сьврши се. Вь дни Стефан(а) крал(а). Сь трȣдомь. Ï поданиѥмь раба Б(ож)ия Ïѡан(а) великаго воеводе Ѡливера. И подрѹжия его рабȣ Б(о)жию Аннѹ. Марȣ и вьзлюбленнаго емȣ с(ы)на Краика. В(ь) лѣт(о). Ѕ.ѡ.м.θ. се же села и метохïе. Село конь цркве Лѣсново. сь заселкомъ Лȣковȣ и ȣ Баковѣ црквь С(ве)тога Николе сь селомь. Ï на рѣцѣ заселькь Глобица и село Добрьево и ȣ Дрѣвѣнои. С(ве)тьï Елисеи и засельк Пещно и С(ве)ты Прокопие. И катȣнь Влах(а) на Строи и ȣ Щипѣ С(ве)ты Никола поп Сïфиевь. и. к. кȣкеи.


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Lesnovo 1 Source The foundation charter of the Monastery of Lesnovo consists of a donation inscription in three parts on stone, of which two parts are in Slavonic and one part in Greek language. The Slavonic inscription starts on a marble architrave above the Western entrance of the katholikon (i.e. on the Eastern wall of the narthex) and continues outside above the Southern entrance to the naos. This inscription is dated to the years 1340/41 and calls the katholikon a "Church of the High Commander of the Heavenly Armies the Archistratigos Michael" (храмь великаго воѥводе вьїшних силь Aрхистратіга Mихаіла). The donors were the Serbian Great Vojvode (Veliki Vojvoda) Jovan Oliver with his wife Anna Mara (Ana Marija) and his son Kraiko (Krajko) during the reign of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (reigned 1331-1355).