Mentioned in the document from the 21 May 1351, which was registered in the Ragusan chancery (Diversa cancellariae) and in the chrysobull charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Hilandar Monastery, which was issued on the 10th August 1354. His father was probably the commander Bogoje (Bogoe filius voyuoda). He was the son of Višeslava. His brother was Bogoje. Mihailo Držić bequeathed 280 perper, which deposited the commander Bogoje to his sons. Bogoje, the son of the commander Bogoje, who was empowered by Bogdan, received the sum of money according to the will of Mihailo Držić (Michael de Dersia ordinauit in suo testamento dari debere, ubi sciebat frater Constantinus, prior ordinis fratrum Predicatorum de Ragusio. Et dicti tesaurerii dixerunt mihi Francesscho cancellario, quod dictus frater Constantinus dixerat, quod Bogoe voyuvoda, pater dictorum Bogoe et Bogdani, habere debebat dictos yperpyros ducentos octuaginta, volens et mandans Bogoe, receptor dictorum denariorum nomine...). He together with his mother Višeslava and his brother Bogoje donated the village Lěskovljani with all boundaries and rights to the Hilandar Monastery (ō priloženi što jestь priložila gospožda carьstva mi Višeslava hramu Prěsvetije Bogorodice Hilandarьskije, selo Lěskovlěne s megomь, s periōromь i vsěmi pravinami sela togo po htěniju gospožde Višeslave i sinovь jeje Bogdana i Bogoja, a ni po jednoi silě ni po nevoli). The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan together with wife Jelena and his son King Uroš, confirmed the endowment of Višeslava and her family at the request of Sava, Hegumen of the Hilandar Monastery, in a chrysobull charter.