Maps of Power

Tracing Archaeological Remains and Scholarly Research of the Central Powers in the Region of Prilep-Bitola during WW I (1915-1918)


Our project aims to shed light on the Southern Balkan Peninsula during the First World War (1914-1918) and in particular on the regions of Prilep-Bitola and Mariovo behind the so-called Salonica Front or Macedonian Front in today’s Republic of North Macedonia.

Closely connected to wars and armed conflicts is their devastating impact on the World’s Cultural Heritage. In our project we would like to follow up on the question of Cultural Heritage and research on it during the First World War.

Various historical and ecclesiastical monuments were severely afflicted by the destruction along the Salonica Front. Examples are the church of Saint Christopher in the village of Krstoar and the Church of St. Nicholas in the village of Gradešnica. Thorough scholarly research is still needed to evaluate the relevant sources, especially the pictorial ones, on the particular monuments in the region from Byzantine and Post-Byzantine times in order to receive a comprehensive picture of the respective Cultural Heritage.

Three research questions will be pursued:

  • Where was the Cultural Heritage behind the Salonica Front in the regions of Prilep-Bitola and Mariovo affected by the fighting and how did the Central Powers document the damage?
  • Where did archaeological excavations by the Central Powers take place in the regions of Prilep-Bitola and Mariovo and who were the scholars involved?
  • What kind of military infrastructure of the Central Powers can still be traced in situ in the regions of Prilep-Bitola and Mariovo (i.e. trenches, bunkers, roads, bridges, tunnels, railways, ropeways, cemeteries)?

Funded by:
Project Number:
MK 07/2024
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025
Hosted by:
  • Mihailo Popović (Vienna)
  • Viktor Lilchikj Adams (Skopje)
  • Toni Filiposki (Skopje)
  • Ordanče Petrov (Prilep)
  • Filip Markovski (Bitola)
  • Hristijan Petrovski (Skopje)
  • Guillaume Bidaut (Paris)
  • Lukas Neugebauer (Vienna)


The Road Tunnel in Honour of the German Emperor Wilhelm II from 1916 in the Valley of the River Vardar
Inscription in Honour of the German Emperor Wilhelm II at the Entrance to the Road Tunnel
German Military Cemetery from the First World War near Bitola
War Relics from the First World War in Mariovo



Presenter Title Conference Location Date
Mihailo St. Popović A Monumental Crisis in Times of War: Endangered or Researched Medieval Cultural Heritage in Macedonia during the First World War? International Medieval Congress Leeds 2024/07/02
Mihailo St. Popović Wie die Byzantinistik Denkmalschutz betreibt … (Posterpräsentation/Poster Session) Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024 Vienna 2024/05/24