Maps of Power


Son of Vaso


ID 113376
System Class Person
Case Study Ethnonym of the Vlachs
Sex Male


Petko, son of Vaso, was a villager from Ipsoder (Pisoder), registered in the Census of Nahiye Florina in 1481.


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Defter Nahie Florina 1481 Source Page No. 524 of Defter No. 16 from the year 1481 is part of the Census for Nahie Florina. On this page, all 11 male heads of families, as well as 1 widow from the village Ipsoder (Pisoder) are registered.
Events (3)
Name Class Begin End Description
First appearance of Petko Activity
Last appearance of Petko Activity
Registration of all 11 male heads of families, as well as 1 widow from the village Ipsoder (Pisoder). Activity 01.01.1481 31.12.1481 Page No. 524 of Defter No. 16 from the year 1481 is part of the Census for Nahie Florina. On this page, all 11 male heads of families, as well as 1 widow from the village Ipsoder (Pisoder) are registered.