Maps of Power


καὶ τὸ χωρίον τοῦ Σρεψόβου

Begin between 01.01.1303 and 31.12.1342
End between 19.05.1343 and 30.04.1348


The Serbian Kings Stefan Uroš II Milutin and Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed in the so-called „zbirna hrisovulja” from the years 1303/1304 and 1336/1340-1342/1345 the donation of the Church of Sveti Georgij with vineyards and fields in the settlement site Srьbšori to the Monastery of Hilandary. The church was founded by Berislav and the charter describes also the boundary limitation of the metochion (I crĭkovĭ Svetago Georgïa što jestĭ zidal Berislavĭ na selišti Srĭbšori sĭ vinogradomĭ i sĭ nivijemĭ i sĭ vseju oblasti crĭkve te: sinorĭ ot Pupavnicu po dělu na Lokvu, i na Gornicu, ta na drumĭ, i na Zubovo Krušije, niz rěku do Trapa srĭbskago da jestĭ metohĭ Svete Bogorodice hilandarskyje). The Byzantine Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos in 1340/1341 confirmed the village Šepšorovo with all boundaries and rights as a property of the Hilandar Monastery (καὶ τὸ χωρίον τοῦ Σρεψόβου μεθ’ ἧς ἔχει περιοχῆς καὶ νομῆς). The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the donation of the settlement site Šepšorovo, a former land of Stefan Hrelja Dragovol, to the Monastery of Hilandar after May 1343. The name of the settlement site is preserved only in the second variant of the charter (I selište Šepʼšorovo sь vsěmi megjami i opravʼdanʼmi sela togo).


Sources (2)
Name Class Description
Collective Charter of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin for the Hilandar Monastery Source Тhe chrysobull charter of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin (reigned 1282-1321) for the Tower of Hrusija of the Monastery of Hilandar on Mount Athos, which confirmed the earlier possessions of the monastery, is dated to the years 1303-1304 (or after 1331). The charter is not preserved in its original form. The text survived in four transcripts, which all contain later interpolations.
Štip St. Archangel Michael 2 Source The present charter is a falsified document of Stefan Uroš IV Dušan, which confirms the donation of the Church of St. Archangel Michael in Štip to the Monastery of Chilandar. The date given in the document is the year 1336, but, based on the king's signature and the changes in the typologies of the mentioned settlements, it seems that it has to be dated in the years before the coronation of Stefan Dušan to emperor (i.e. 1343 to 1345).