Maps of Power




Mentioned in the chrysobull charter of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II for the pansebastos sebastos Ioannes Orestes from August 1323. He and Tzykalas were villeins with proprietary possession of the Sebastos Palates in Radovište. He gave them to his son-in-law Ioannes Sguros Orestes as dowry (ἀλλὰ δὴ καὶ εἰς τὸ Ῥαδοβίσδιν ἀνθρώπους δύο ἐνυποστάτους, τόν τε Βρανᾶν καὶ τὸν Τζυκαλᾶν, οὓς εἶχεν ὁ πενθερὸς αὐτοῦ ὁ σεβαστὸς ὁ Παλάτης ἐκεῖνος διὰ χρυσοβούλλου καὶ ἐπροικοδοτήθησαν τούτω παρ’ αὐτοῦ).


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Chrysobull Charter of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II for the pansebastos sebastos Ioannes Orestes from August 1323 Source The Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos confirmed in 1323 the possessions of the pansebastos sebastos Ioannes Orestes.