Maps of Power

Isaris Georgios

Ἴσαρις Γεώργιος



Deceased by April 1374. He appears as κῦρ, οἰκεῖος of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan and the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V. Palaiologos in the sources. He was in charge of Megas Drungarios τοῦ στόλου, 1344. Eparchos, 1348–1350. Megas Primikerios, 1366. Megas Konostaulos, 1367–1374. He was married to Xene Isarina. He had two sons (Michael Angelos Isaris and Theodoros Komnenos Isaris). His son-in-law was Georgios Stanisas. He was a wealthy landowner, who possessed several estates around Thessalonica. He was probably the student of Georgios Akindynos. He also corresponded with him. He was a supporter of the anti-Palamite party. When he turned his coat, he was criticized by Georgios Akindynos as a traitor. He was among the witnesses to the charter of protovestiarites Ioannes Dukas from September 1344, who rejected the claim of the revenue office on the part of the place Diabolokampos, a property of the Docheiariu Monastery. He joined in summer 1345 the proponents of the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos. He was nearly killed during the revolt of the Zealots. He met Gregorios Palamas on Moun Athos between September 1347 and September 1348. The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated in April 1348 the dependant peasants in the area of Hermelia, which belonged to Georgios Isaris. The Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V. Palaiologos gave in December 1350 several landed estates to Demetrios Kokalas in addition to his oikonomia. He mandated Georgios Isaris with Manuel Chageres to execute the task. He had a 11 years lasting quarrel with the Hilandar Monastery. He required the sum, which Georgios Stanisas, his son-in-law, paid in order to obtain adelphata. When Stanisas died, Isaris tried to get the money of his son-in-law back. He did not even hesitate to forge documents related to the affair. He was a friend of Makarios Chumnos and probably sponsored his foundation of Nea Moni in Thessalonica.


Actors (4)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Byzantine Empire Group οἰκεῖος
Byzantines Group οἰκεῖος
Greeks Group οἰκεῖος
Serbian Empire Group οἰκεῖος
Sources (4)
Name Class Description
Prostagma charter of the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V Palaiologos for Demetrios Kokalas from December 1350 Source The Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V. Palaiologos gave in December 1350 several landed estates to Demetrios Kokalas in addition to his oikonomia. He mandated Georgios Isaris with Manuel Chageres to execute the task.
The act of the ecclesiastical court in Serres from October 1366 Source The ecclesiastical court at Serres rejected in October 1366 the claims of megas primikerios Georgios Isaris. He required the sum, which Georgios Stanisas, his son-in-law, paid in order to obtain adelphata. When Stanisas died, Isaris tried to get the money of his son-in-law back. He did not even hesitate to forge documents related to the affair.
The charter of protovestiarites Ioannes Dukas from September 1344 Source The protovestiarites Ioannes Dukas arranged in September 1344 the return of an unjustly confiscated landed estates to the Athonite Monastery of Docheiariu.
The chrysobull charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Batopedi Monastery from April 1348 Source The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed in April 1348 the old privileges of the Batopedi Monastery. He also donated new landed estates to the monastery.