Maps of Power



ID 231
System Class Group
Case Study Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 , Ethnonym of the Vlachs


Romanesque speaking people on the Balkans. Maybe descendents of the ancient Latin-speaking population of the Roman provinces on the Balkans.


Sources (45)
Name Class Description
Actes de Chilandar I Source The edition "Actes de Chilandar I" contains charters by the Byzantine Emperors in favour of the Monastery of Chilandar on Mount Athos.
Court Register of Bitola 1622 Source Document No.16 of Sicil 2 of the Bitola Court was composed between 1 and 15 Ramadan 1031 (between 10 and 24 July 1622). In it, it is indicated that Dervish Bay, sipahi of the village Gramos in the region of Argos Orestiko declared: “I ask for a muhzir (court courier) to bring in front of this court Ghin, the ironmonger Kolcio, the priest Hristo, Doke Kuyunci, Nikola Ghin, Fote Lazo and other villagers from Gramos who now reside in Malovishte, kaza Bitola, in order to pay the ispence (land tax levied on non-Muslims)”. In return, the mentioned villagers declared: “We will not go to court. Instead we will kill you with stones and escape to the mountains”.
Court Register of Bitola 1623 Source Page No. 39a/III of Sicil No. 2 of Bitola Court from May 11 and May 20, 1623, is consisted of the statements of 3 Muslims, witnesses in a process. Two of these witnesses were from the village Magarevo, namely Mustafa, son of Hussein, and Osman, son of Mehmed.
Court Register of Bitola 1639 Source Page No.16-b/II of Sicil No. 6 of the Bitola Court was composed between 1 and 10 Jumada al-akhirah 1049 (between 30 August and 8 September 1639). Therein it is stated that three Jews from Bitola accused the residents of the village of Malovište for kidnapping the Jews Haim, Isaak and Haim from Bitola.
Court Register of Bitola 1640 Source Page No. 38a in Document 5 of Sicil No. 6 of Bitola Court was created in 1640. It is consisted of a statement by the villagers from Magarevo, who give their guarantees that the former bandit Loshan from Magarevo will no longer be a robber, because he became a martolos (local security force of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans, active between 15-17 centuries, initially constituted out of the local Christians)
Court Register of Bitola 1641 Source Pages No. 85b and 86a of Sicil 8 of the Bitola Court was composed on 17 February 1641. It includes a list of Christian villages in the region of Bitola from 26 December 1639 to 14 December 1640 as well as the number of houses in the particular village. In the mentioned time span the village of Malovište had 55 houses.
Court Register of Bitola 1641 Source Page No. 85b and 86a of Sicil No. 8 of Bitola Court from February 17, 1641, is consisted of a list of Christian villages in the region of Bitola. In it, Magarevo is listed as a village with 55 houses.
Court Register of Bitola 1658 Source Document 1 on page 62 in Sicil no. 16 is without date, but judging by the dates of the documents preceding and following it in the same Sicil, it was composed in 1658. It includes a verdict from the judge called Ibrahim Aga and the confession of the convict named Mishe, a bandit from the village of Malovište, convicted for banditry. Following the accusation that he is “a bandit who attempted to start a rebellion in the Empire”, Mishe admitted that he was “a bandit who attacked many places and robbed them”. Since Mishe was from the village of Malovište, it is highly probable that he was of Vlach descent.
Court Register of Bitola 1707 Source Document No. 4 (page 48b) of Sicil 32 of the Bitola Court was composed on 14 Safar 1119 (16 May 1707). In it, it is indicated that the Divan of Rumeli orders the kadi of Bitola to catch, arrest, tie and send the villagers Dimo, Nicio and Volkan from Malovište, sons of Niko and Ianciur, to the Divan of Rumeli.
Court Register of Bitola 1709 Source Document No.1, page 6a, of Sicil 33 of the Bitola Court was composed on 18 July 1709. It consists of an accusation by a certain Sora, the daughter of Dimo, a Christian from the village of Malovište. Sora accuses the bandit Ivan for killing and robbing her son Dimo. The court in Bitola convicted Ivan.
Court Register of Bitola 1721 Source Document No. 2, page 124b of Sicil 39 of the Bitola Court was composed on 29 Muharram 1134 (20 November 1721). In it, it is indicated: "The following persons registered in the Court: Dimo Pagor, Tane Simo, Kosta Petko, Cocio Dudu, Neto Kuyunci, Cocio Gogo, Simo son of Pancio, Yoryi Cioshcu, Hristu Papas, Kosta Papu, Edamo Iano and other inhabitants from the village of Malovište. In accordance to the high Firman they guaranteed for each other and they made a commitment to chase and catch bandits as well as to bring them to the Sharia. Written on 29th of honorable Muharram 1134. Witnesses: Haji Ibrahim, Ibrahim (a city notable), Hasan (muhzir)."
Court Register of Bitola 1729 Source Document No. 2, page 80 of Sicil 42 of the Bitola Court was composed on 24 Shawwal 1141 (23 May 1729). It is a plea sent to Sultan Ahmed III by certain Mestan and Shaban to arrest the Christians Ludo Malo and Kudo Ludo from Malovište. In it it is indicated: “To our honorable Sultan – may he be healthy. Your faithful servants are begging you this: Our brother Haji Halil, resident of Shkoder, was on his way back from Istanbul to Shkoder, when the Christians Ludo Malo and Kudo Ludo, residents of Malovište in the kaza Monastir, together with 8 (eight) companions of theirs, told our brother Halil: “Lets travel together”. So they traveled together. On the road, they later killed our brother and one of his servants, they robbed his goods and they disappeared."
Court Register of Bitola 1734 Source Document No. 1, page 29 of Sicil 44 of the Bitola Court was composed on 26 December 1734. It is a plea sent to Sultan Mahmud I. by certain Husein Bacdar to arrest the bandits Cocio Yorgo, Dimo Nano and Papa Kosta, all from Malovište, as well as the bandits Nicio Kiras and Papa Nicio from Gopes, who robbed and killed his brother Bacdar Mustafa,near the town of Prilep.
Court Register of Bitola 1742 Source Document No.1, page 26 of Sicil 48 of the Bitola Court was composed between 5 June and 3 July 1742. It is a list consisting of all the names of villagers from the nahiye Demir Hisar and Gyavato, assigned to chase and to arrest outlaws in the mentioned nahiye.
Court Register of Edirne 1693-1695 Source Three documents from the Court in Bitola: Page 31b of Document 2 from Sicil 28 writen on 9 Jumada al-thani 1106 (January 25, 1695); Page 49b of Document 2 from Sicil 28 writen in the third decade of Rabi al-thani 1105 (between 20-28 December 1693); and Page 49b of Document 3 from Sicil 28 writen in the third decade of Jumada al-awwal (between 18-27 January 1694). All three documents are orders sent to the kadis in Kastoria, Florina, Ostrovo, Bitola, Bihlishte and Prespa, who are informed that 80 bandits attacked the home of Aliya in Yasikoy near Komotini in Western Thrace, and they are ordered to catch the bandits. The bandits, around 80, attacked the house of Aliya in Yesikoy, they killed his father Hasan, his brother Hussein and a female slave, robbing 4,000 golden coins, 33 bags full of silver coins and other stuff. The bandits were led by certain Ioan Karakash Papazoglou from Nymphaio. The others in the band came from Kleisoura, Nymphaio and Pisoder. By January 25, 1695, the authorities arrested 5 of these bandits, while the others were hiding in Nikolitsa, Nymphaio, Kleisoura and Gramatikovo. Considering that a century later all named villages were predominantly Vlach, it is probable that the band that made the above mentioned attack was consisted of Vlach bandits.
Court Register of Edirne 1693-1695 Source Three documents from the Court in Bitola: Page 31b of Document 2 from Sicil 28 writen on 9 Jumada al-thani 1106 (January 25, 1695); Page 49b of Document 2 from Sicil 28 writen in the third decade of Rabi al-thani 1105 (between 20-28 December 1693); and Page 49b of Document 3 from Sicil 28 writen in the third decade of Jumada al-awwal (between 18-27 January 1694). All three documents are orders sent to the kadis in Kastoria, Florina, Ostrovo, Bitola, Bihlishte and Prespa, who are informed that 80 bandits attacked the home of Aliya in Yasikoy near Komotini in Western Thrace, and they are ordered to catch the bandits. The bandits, around 80, attacked the house of Aliya in Yesikoy, they killed his father Hasan, his brother Hussein and a female slave, robbing 4,000 golden coins, 33 bags full of silver coins and other stuff. The bandits were led by certain Ioan Karakash Papazoglou from Nymphaio. The others in the band came from Kleisoura, Nymphaio and Pisoder. By January 25, 1695, the authorities arrested 5 of these bandits, while the others were hiding in Nikolitsa, Nymphaio, Kleisoura and Gramatikovo. Considering that a century later all named villages were predominantly Vlach, it is probable that the band that made the above mentioned attack was consisted of Vlach bandits.
Court Register of Edirne 1693-1695 Source Three documents from the Court in Bitola: Page 31b of Document 2 from Sicil 28 writen on 9 Jumada al-thani 1106 (January 25, 1695); Page 49b of Document 2 from Sicil 28 writen in the third decade of Rabi al-thani 1105 (between 20-28 December 1693); and Page 49b of Document 3 from Sicil 28 writen in the third decade of Jumada al-awwal (between 18-27 January 1694). All three documents are orders sent to the kadis in Kastoria, Florina, Ostrovo, Bitola, Bihlishte and Prespa, who are informed that 80 bandits attacked the home of Aliya in Yasikoy near Komotini in Western Thrace, and they are ordered to catch the bandits. The bandits, around 80, attacked the house of Aliya in Yesikoy, they killed his father Hasan, his brother Hussein and a female slave, robbing 4,000 golden coins, 33 bags full of silver coins and other stuff. The bandits were led by certain Ioan Karakash Papazoglou from Nymphaio. The others in the band came from Kleisoura, Nymphaio and Pisoder. By January 25, 1695, the authorities arrested 5 of these bandits, while the others were hiding in Nikolitsa, Nymphaio, Kleisoura and Gramatikovo. Considering that a century later all named villages were predominantly Vlach, it is probable that the band that made the above mentioned attack was consisted of Vlach bandits.
Court Register of Sanjak 1583 Source Page 58a of the census for Nahie Prespa, Kaza Ohrid in Sanjak Ohrid, is consisted of the names of all male inhabitants in the village Gopeš. According to this document, in 1583 the village Gopeš was inhabited by 19 male inhabitants, 15 of which were married, and 4 were unmarried.
Court Register of Sicil 1607 Source Pageс No.1b to 8a of Sicil No. 1 of the Bitola Court were composed on 26 July 1607. In this document, all the debtors of certain Ahmet Pasha are registered. Among them, the village Kucuk Vlasinci is listed owning 5,900 akce to Ahmet Pasha.
Court Register of Sicil 1622 Source Document No.16 of Sicil 2 of the Bitola Court was composed between 1 and 15 Ramadan 1031 (between 10 and 24 July 1622). In it, it is indicated that Dervish Bay, sipahi of the village Gramos in the region of Argos Orestiko declared: “I ask for a muhzir (court courier) to bring in front of this court Ghin, the ironmonger Kolcio, the priest Hristo, Doke Kuyunci, Nikola Ghin, Fote Lazo and other villagers from Gramos who now reside in Malovishte, kaza Bitola, in order to pay the ispence (land tax levied on non-Muslims)”. In return, the mentioned villagers declared: “We will not go to court. Instead we will kill you with stones and escape to the mountains”
Court Register of Sicil 1633 Source Document No. 5 of Sicil 3 (page 5a), Document No. 6 of Sicil 3 (page 15b) and Document No. 1 of Sicil 3 (page 16a) of the Bitola Court were composed in the third decade of Jumādá al-ākhirah (between 23 and 31 December 1633). In them, it is indicated that Nicio from the village Gopeš in kaza Ohrid, son of Dimko, declared in front of the court in Bitola: „Walking from our village together with my friends Dimo and Velko, we went down to a garden near the village Kutretino, which is in by God protected kaza of Monastir. At midnight, while we were asleep, we were attacked by armed inhabitants of the village Kutretino. They killed my friends, Dimo and Velko and they dangerously wounded me 3 or 4 times, thinking that they killed me too. They left us by the willows near Tsrna Reka. They robbed us, taking 3 mules, 6,000 akçe (silver coins), 3 loads of wheat and other stuff”. The court in Bitola sent investigators in the village Kutretino, where they found the robbed blankets in the house of Goshe. After hearing the accused and the witnesses, the court in Bitola made the following verdict: “It is true that the mentioned Goshe is an old bandit and road raider. His full time job is to kill passengers who pass by his village and rob them. He is making riot in the Empire. It is necessary for him to disappear from the face of the Earth”.
Court Register of Sicil 1734 Source Document No.1, page 29 of Sicil 44 of the Bitola Court was composed on 26 December 1734. It is a plea sent to Sultan Mahmud I by certain Husein Bacdar to arrest the bandits Cocio Yorgo, Dimo Nano and Papa Kosta, all from Malovište, as well as the bandits Nicio Kiras and Papa Nicio from Gopeš, who robbed and killed his brother Bacdar Mustafa near the town of Prilep.
Defter Nahie Florina 1481 Source Page No. 524 of Defter No. 16 from the year 1481 is part of the Census for Nahie Florina. On this page, all 11 male heads of families, as well as 1 widow from the village Ipsoder (Pisoder) are registered.
Defter Vilayet Keşişlik 1476 Source Page 358 of the Census conducted during the reign of Sultan Mehmed II the Conqueror (1451-1481), most likely in 1476, refers to the village Vlahishta in Vilayet Keşişlik. The village was inhabited by only 3 families, 1 of which was Muslim and the other two Christian. The head of the Muslim family was Yusuf, while the male heads of the Christian families were Dimo, son of Ciokala, and Ayalar Exino.
Defter Vilayet Veles 1421-1439 Source age 60 of the Census conducted during the reign of Sultan Murad II (1411-1451), but before 1440, refers to the village Ivlașin in Vilayet Veles. The village was inhabited by 21 Christian families. The names of the male heads of families were: Ralko, Milan, Dabe, Dapchin, Duyko, Stayko, Radoslav, Bezhan, Radoslav II, Prodan, Rale, Papa Rayo, Dimitri, Dobroslav, Konstantin, Dabizhiv, Stoyko and Rayko. The three widows in the village were: Kruna, Dobra and Denche.
Defter for citizens in nahie Zhupa 1583 Source Pages 176a and 176b of the Defter for nahie Zhupa in Sancak of Ohrid, were writen in 1583. In these pages, it is indicated that the village Vlah, or Iflah, in nahie Zhupa, had 10 male heads of families and 5 unmarried men. All the inhabitants were Christian.
Defter for citizens in nahie Zhupa, Sancak of Ohrid Source Pages 177a and 177b of the Defter for nahie Zhupa in Sancak of Ohrid, were writen in 1583. In these pages, it is indicated that the village Vlasik, or Ivlasik, in nahie Zhupa, had 10 male heads of families and 2 unmarried men. All the inhabitants were Christian.
Defter for citizens in vilayet Gorni Debar Source efter No. 508 from the year 1466/67 for citizens in vilayet Gorni Debar was created in 1466, until March 1467. On page 50 of this Defter, the village Ivlahlar is registered with one single family. The head of the family was Metalec Vidich.
Defter for citizens in vilayet Gorni Debar II. Source Defter No. 508 from the year 1466/67 for citizens in vilayet Gorni Debar was created in 1466, until March 1467. On page 31 of this Defter, the village Ivlasik is registered with one single family. The head of the family was Nikola Vlasik.
Defter of Nahie Florina 1481 Source Page No. 498 of Defter No. 16 from the year 1481 is part of the Census for Nahie Florina. On this page, all 6 male heads of families from the village Nevesca are registered.
Defter of Vilayet Skopje 1452-1455 Source Page 143 of Defter No. 12 from the Census conducted between 1452-1455, refers to village Iflak/Vlae, a village in the Vilayet of Skopje/Uskub. Iflak/Vlae had 13 male heads of families and 8 unmarried men.
Donation of Evdokija Source Donation of possessions of the noblewoman Evdokija and her sons Jovan and Konstantin Dragaš to the Monastery of Hagios Panteleimon. The charter was issued in town of Strumica in 1376/1377.
Ethnography of the Vilayet Adrianople, Monastir and Thessalonica Source
Inscription in the Church of Saint George Source The respective inscription is engraved on a fresco in the Church of Saint George (Sveti Gjorgji) in the vincinity of the village of Dolni Kozjak.
Land Inventory-Brebion (Nomic's Charter) Source The Land Inventory-Brebion is a register of all land holdings of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo. The collection is the work of one scribe, but it contains different acts coming from a wider time span. Until Bubalo's analysis the document was called after the first line Brěvno matere Božije Htětovskije. Bubalo corrected the reading into brebion, which is a loanword reflecting the greek word βρεβίον (inventory in the basic meaning). A copy of a Nomic’s Charter is also preserved in the Land Inventory-Brebion. Nomics were public notaries in Serbia. The Nomic's Charter was created some time before the Brebion (1343-1345 or in the first half of the 1340's).
Map of Yugoslavia 1967 Source Map of the Department of Defence of the former Republic of Yugoslavia.
Register for citizens in nahie Biglichta 1568/69 Source The Register for citizens in nahie Biglichta, part of the Grand Register of Pasha Sanjak, was composed in 1568/69. Pages 127b and 128a of the Register refer to the male citizens of the village Ulah/Iflah/Vlah. In total, this village had 6 male heads of families and 5 unmarried men, whose names are registered in the Census.
Register of Nahie Florina 1481 Source Page No. 541 of Defter No. 16 from the year 1481 is part of the Census for Nahie Florina. On this page, all 67 male heads of families, as well as 3 widows from the village Kleisoura are registered.
Register of nahie Chroupichta 1568/69 I. Source The Register for citizens in nahie Chroupichta, part of the Grand Register of Pasha Sanjak, was composed in 1568/69. Pages 142a and 142b of the Register refer to the male citizens of Mahalle (the name of this district is unreadable in the original document) in the village of Gramos. In total, this neighbourhood had 106 male heads of families and 42 unmarried men, whose names are registered in the Census.
Register of nahie Chroupichta 1568/69 II. Source The Register for citizens in nahie Chroupichta, part of the Grand Register of Pasha Sanjak, was composed in 1568/69. Pages 142b and 143a of the Register refer to the male citizens of Mahalle (District) Mici in the village of Gramos. In total, this neighbourhood had 63 male heads of families and 44 unmarried men, whose names are registered in the Census.
Register of nahie Chroupichta 1568/69 III Source The Register for citizens in nahie Chroupichta, part of the Grand Register of Pasha Sanjak, was composed in 1568/69. Pages 143a, 143b and 144a of the Register refer to the male citizens of Mahalle (District) Mina in the village of Gramos. In total, this neighbourhood had 112 male heads of families and 84 unmarried men, whose names are registered in the Census.
Rila Monastery Rilska gramota Source The Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Šišman issued his charter (the so-called Rilska gramota) for the Monastery of St. John (Ivan) of Rila on 21 September 1378. Therein, he confirmed existing and donated new possessions as well as privileges to the monastery.
Stefan Uroš IV Dušan's Charter for the Church of the Holy Mother of God Peribleptos in Ohrid Source The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan issued a charter for the Holy Mother of God Peribleptos in the town of Ohrid in the period from 1342 until 1345.
Stefan Uroš IV Dušan's Charter for the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo Source King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan's Charter given to the Polog Monastery of Bogorodica Htětovska (Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Htetovo), well known as the Htětovo`s Charter. The Charter was issued between 24 September 1345 – 15 October 1345 (as terminus ante quem), when Stefan Dušan already started to use title “Master of almost the entire Empire of Romania” and for terminus post quem to be the period after the summer/autumn of 1343 when Stefan Dušan started using for the first time the title “Master and/or King of Greek lands”.
Svetoarhandjelovska hrisovulja Source In or soon after 1347/48 the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (reigned 1331-1355) issued the so-called "Svetoarhandjelovska hrisovulja" in favour of the Monastery of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel near Prizren. This charter mentions several Vlach and Albanian katuns.
Events (58)
Name Class Begin End Description
Boundary Description mentioning the Summer Pasture of Draguljevo Activity In the year 1371 the judge Michalis Ioskules made a boundary description in the valley of the river Strumica for the Monasteries of Chilandar and Hagios Panteleimon on Mount Athos commissioned by the Serbian Despot Jovan Uglješa, wherein the summer pasture of Draguljevo is mentioned (tēn planinēn tēn Draguleban).
Confirmation of Bistrica, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin confirmed the donation of a summer pasture near the village of Barbarasь to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Confirmation of Bistrica, Winter Pasture Acquisition The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin confirmed the donation of a winter pasture near the village of Bistrica to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Confirmation of Brodь, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin confirmed the donation of a summer pasture in or near the village of Brodь to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Confirmation of Drěnovьci, Summer Pasture Acquisition In the year 1344/45 the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV confirmed the donation of the summer pasture near Drěnovci to the Monastery of Treskavec (Selište Drěnovci sь vsěmi pravinami i s planinomь).
Confirmation of Krǫpa vlasoï, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin confirmed the donation of a summer pasture in or near the village of Krǫpa vlasoï to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Confirmation of Rěčice, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin confirmed the donation of summer pastures in or near the village of Rěčice to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Confirmation of Zdunę, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin confirmed the donation of summer pastures in or near Zdunę to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Confirmation of Črěševo, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin confirmed the donation of a summer pasture near the village of Črěševo to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation and Confirmation of Properties by the Bulgarian tsar Ivan Šišman to the the Monastery of St. John (Ivan) of Rila Acquisition The Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Šišman issued his charter (the so-called Rilska gramota) for the Monastery of St. John (Ivan) of Rila on 21 September 1378. Therein, he confirmed existing and donated new possessions as well as privileges to the monastery.
Donation of Avazgovō, Summer Pasture (letovište) Acquisition The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated a summer pasture near the village of Avazgovō to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation of Avazgovō, Summer Pasture (planina) Acquisition The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated a summer pasture near the village of Avazgovō to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation of Avazgovō, Winter Pasture (zimovište) Acquisition The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated a winter pasture near the village of Avazgovō to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation of Bistrica, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Bulgarian Tsar Constantine I Asen donated summer pastures in or near the village of Bistrica to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation of Bistrica, Winter Pasture Acquisition The Bulgarian Tsar Constantine I Asen donated winter pastures in or near the village of Bistrica to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation of Bogomilja, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated a summer pasture near Bogomilja to the Monastery of Treskavec (Stasь u Bogomilěhь Sidrofajeva sь vinogrady, sь voděnicu, s perivolemь i sь planinu).
Donation of Borisovo, Summer Pasture Acquisition The noblewoman Evdokija donated the village of Mokrievo and its summer pasture to the Monastery of Saint Panteleimon.
Donation of Brodь, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Bulgarian Tsar Constantine I Asen donated a summer pasture near the village of Brodь to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation of Brodь, Winter Pasture Acquisition The Bulgarian Tsar Constantine I Asen donated winter pastures near the village of Brodь to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation of Dlьga Vьsi, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated a summer pasture near Dlьga Vьsi to the Monastery of Treskavec (Sselište (!) Dlьga Vьsi sь nivijem, sь vinogrady, sь voděniciemь, sь planinu, sь zimovištemь, sь ōvoštijemь, sь livadu, sь vsěmi pravinami).
Donation of Dlьga Vьsi, Winter Pasture Acquisition The Serbian king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated a winter pasture near Dlьga Vьsi to the Monastery of Treskavec (Sselište (!) Dlьga Vьsi sь nivijem, sь vinogrady, sь voděniciemь, sь planinu, sь zimovištemь, sь ōvoštijemь, sь livadu, sь vsěmi pravinami).
Donation of Drěnovьci, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the summer pasture of Drěnovьci to the Monastery of Treskavec (Selište pusto Drěnovьci, ōdь nego polovinu, i ōdь polja i ōdь planine i ōdь Arbanasь polovinu).
Donation of Eleněžьci, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the village of Eleněžьci together with fields, vineyards, watermills, meadows and summer pastures to the Monastery of Treskavec (Selo Eleněžьci, što priloži gospodinь kralь za dušu si, sь nivijemь i sь vinogradi i sь vodeničijemь i sь planinami i sь livadami i sь vьseju pravinoju, čije libo se nahodi).
Donation of Gabrovo, Summer Pasture Acquisition The noblewoman Evdokija donated the village of Gabrovo and its summer pasture to the Monastery of Saint Panteleimon.
Donation of Kalugerьcь, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the summer pasture of the village of Kalugerьcь to the Monastery of Treskavec (Selište pusto Kalugerьcь, što je kupenica Pasarelova, sь nivijemь i sь dubravomь i sь planinomь).
Donation of Kozarevō, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian king Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated a summer pasture in or near the village of Kozarevō to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorge.
Donation of Krǫpa vlasoï, Summer Pasture (letovište) Acquisition The Bulgarian tsar Constantine I Asen donated a summer pasture in or near the village of Krǫpa vlasoï to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation of Krǫpa vlasoï, Summer Pasture (planina) Acquisition The Bulgarian tsar Constantine I Asen donated a summer pasture in or near the village of Krǫpa vlasoï to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation of Krǫpa vlasoï, Winter Pasture Acquisition The Bulgarian tsar Constantine I Asen donated winter pastures in or near the village of Krǫpa vlasoï to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation of Manastiric, Summer Pastures Acquisition The Serbian king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed the donation of the Metochion of Manastiric with vineyards and summer pastures to the Monastery of Treskavec (Metohь u Porěči Manastiricь, Sveta Bogorodica, s ljudmi, sь nivijemь, sь vinogrady i sь planinami, i sь Vidušemь i sь Mělomь, i sь vsěmi pravinami).
Donation of Margaritь, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the summer pasture of Margaritь to the Monastery of Treskavec (Selište divьje Margaritь sь ōblastiju i sь pravinami i sь planinomь).
Donation of Mogilica, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the summer pasture of Mogilica to the Monastery of Treskavec (I Mogilica zajedno sь planinom i sь nivijemь).
Donation of Mokrievo, Summer Pasture Acquisition The noblewoman Evdokija donated the village of Mokrievo and its summer pasture to the Monastery of Saint Panteleimon.
Donation of Mokrino, Summer Pasture Acquisition The noblewoman Evdokija donated the village of Mokrino and its summer pasture to the Monastery of Saint Panteleimon.
Donation of Mountain Nanov Dol Acquisition King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan and his son, the Young King (mladi kral) Uroš, donated the Mountain Nanov Dol to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Htetovo. From the time of the issuance of the Htetovo's Charter the Mountain Nanov Dol was prohibitet for Vlachs, Albanians and travničar (state pasture tax collector).
Donation of Pitičь, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Serbian king Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated a summer pasture near Pitičь to the Monastery of Treskavec (Selište Ptici sь planinami i sь vsěmi pravinami).
Donation of Rěčice, Summer Pastures Acquisition The Bulgarian Tsar Constantine I Asen donated summer pastures in or near the village of Rěčice to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation of Sušica, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Bulgarian Tsar Constantine I Asen donated a summer pasture near the village of Sušica to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorge.
Donation of Sušica, Winter Pasture Acquisition The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated a winter pasture in or near the village of Sušica to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation of possesions in the Strumica Valley by Andronikos III to the Monastery of Chilandar, Summer Pasture Ogražden Acquisition The Byzantine Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos donated the village of Staro Konjarevo with a planina called Ogražden to the Monastery of Chilandar.
Donation of summer pastures in the Strumica Valley to the monastery of Chilandar Acquisition Donation of summer pastures in the area of the valley of the river Strumica, probably in the vincinity of the modern town of Strumica.
Donation of the Vlachs of Blatce Acquisition 01.01.1347 31.12.1348 Tsar Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated around 90 Vlachs living in the village of Blatce to the Monastery of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel near Prizren.
Donation of the summer pasture, called Belasica, in the Strumica Valley to the monastery of Chilandar Acquisition Donation of the summer pasture of Belasica to the Monastery of Chilandar on Mount Athos.
Donation of the summer pasture, called Draguljevo, in the Strumica Valley to the monastery of Chilandar Acquisition Donation of the summer pasture of Draguljevo to the Monastery of Chilandar on Mount Athos.
Donation of the summer pasture, called Hagioi Theodoroi, in the Strumica Valley by Ioannes V Palaiologos to the monastery of Iberon Acquisition The Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V Palaiologos donated the Metochion of Theotokos Eleusa with the summer pasture of Hagioi Theodoroi to the Monastery of Iberon on Mount Athos.
Donation of the summer pasture, called Hagioi Theodoroi, in the Strumica Valley by Stefan Uroš IV Dušan to the monastery of Iberon Acquisition The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan donated the Metochion Theotokos Eleusa with the summer pasture Hagioi Theodori to the Monastery of Iberon on Mount Athos.
Donation of Črěševo, Summer Pasture Acquisition The Bulgarian tsar Constantine I Asen donated summer pastures in or near the village of Črěševo to the Monastery of Saint George-Gorg.
Donation/Confirmation of Ljubotěnь, Summer Pasture Acquisition In 1299/1300 or May 1308 (?) the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos - at the instigation of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin - donated and confirmed the donation of a summer pasture called Ljubotěnь to the Monastery of Chilandar.
Donation/Confirmation of Ljubotěnь, Summer Pasture (Michael IX) Acquisition In 1299/1300 or May 1308 (?) the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos - at the instigation of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin - donated a summer pasture near the village of Ljubotěnь to the Monastery of Chilandar.
Donation/Confirmation of the Summer Pasture Plasь Acquisition In 1299/1300 or May 1308 (?) the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos - at the instigation of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin - donated and confirmed the donation of the summer pasture called Plasь to the Monastery of Chilandar.
Donation/Confirmation of the Summer Pasture Plasь Acquisition In 1299/1300 or May 1308 (?) the Byzantine Co-Emperor Michael IX Palaiologos - at the instigation of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin - donated and confirmed the donation of the summer pasture called Plasь to the Monastery of Chilandar.
Donation/Confirmation of the Summer Pasture Soštně Acquisition In 1299/1300 or May 1308 (?) the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos - at the instigation of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin - donated and confirmed the donation of the summer pasture called Soštně to the Monastery of Chilandar.
Donation/Confirmation of the Summer Pasture Soštně Acquisition In 1299/1300 or May 1308 (?) the Byzantine Co-Emperor Michael IX Palaiologos - at the instigation of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin - donated and confirmed the donation of the summer pasture called Soštně to the Monastery of Chilandar.
Flight of Several Villagers to Malovište Activity 10.07.1622 24.07.1622 Between 10 and 24 July 1622 Dervish Bay, sipahi of the village Gramos in the region of Argos Orestiko, declared: “I ask for a muhzir (court courier) to bring in front of this court Ghin, the ironmonger Kolcio, the priest Hristo, Doke Kuyunci, Nikola Ghin, Fote Lazo and other villagers from Gramos who now reside in Malovište, kaza Bitola, in order to pay the ispence (land tax levied on non-Muslims)”. In return, the mentioned villagers declared: “We will not go to court. Instead, we will kill you with stones and escape to the mountains.”
Kidnapping of Jews by the residents of Malovište Activity 30.08.1639 08.09.1639 Between 30 August and 8 September 1639 it is stated in the Court Registers of Bitola that three Jews from Bitola accused the residents of Malovište for kidnapping the Jews Haim, Isaak and Haim from Bitola.
Mentioning of the Village of Malovište in an Ottoman list of Christian villages in the region of Bitola Activity 17.02.1641 17.02.1641 Malovište is mentioned in a list of Christian villages in the region of Bitola from 26 December 1639 to 14 December 1640 with its number of houses (namely 55).
Nicio declared that he and his friends were attacked by armed inhabitants of the village of Kutretino Activity Nicio from the village of Gopeš in kaza Ohrid, son of Dimko, declared in front of the court in Bitola: „Walking from our village together with my friends Dimo and Velko, we went down to a garden near the village of Kutretino, which is in the by God protected kaza of Monastir. At midnight, while we were asleep, we were attacked by armed inhabitants of the village of Kutretino. They killed my friends, Dimo and Velko, and they dangerously wounded me three or four times, thinking that they killed me, too. They left us by the willows near Crna Reka. They robbed us, taking three mules, 6,000 akçe (silver coins), three loads of wheat and other stuff”. The court in Bitola sent investigators to the village of Kutretino, where they found the robbed blankets in the house of Goshe. After hearing the accused and the witnesses, the court in Bitola made the following verdict: “It is true that the mentioned Goshe is an old bandit and road raider. His full time job is to kill passengers, who pass by his village, and to rob them. He is causing riots in the Empire. It is necessary for him to disappear from the face of the Earth”.
The vineyard of Dimo Vlah from Magarevo Activity Certain Dimo Vlah from Magarevo, who possessed a vineyard near the village Dobromiri, in kaza Monastir is mentioned in a document of the Register.
Actors (1)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Něgoslavь Vlahь Person Mentioned in the chrysobull charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for Iakobos (Iakovь), the Metropolitan of Serres, concerning the Church of Saint Nicholas on the river Pčinja beneath the fortress of Kožle from 1352/1353. The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan together with his son and his wife donated the Church of Saint Nicholas on the river Pčinja under the fortress Kožle, which was founded by his grandfather Stefan Uroš II Milutin, for life to the metropolitan of Serres. They granted him all rights of the church together with the land, the people, the vineyards, watermills, bought estates, estates given for the sake of soul and hunting grounds. After the death of Jakob, the metropolitan of Serres, the rights should devolve on the Monastery of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel near Prizren. Among the donated people of the church was Vlahь Něgoslavь.